After all that time, genji is still a bad pick

They arent meant to be free kills

it should be a skill matchup, which works well with Ana and Zen and even Lucio

but once Support get an ADVANTAGE over DPS in those duels is when it gets to be a problem

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“Tell me how this feels....”

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Why does he need to? Why can’t he be the hitscan dps counter? Nerf them, and he would be.

no because we have nerfed hitscan over and over and over

It does nothing, hitscans still dominant and its because supports are the ones shutting down the dps that you say are just outclassed


Hitscan are dominate because we gutted barriers, their only natural counter. If you recall, during OG double barrier, it was mei/reaper/doomfist that was the meta dps.

Yall complained and you reap what you sow.


you do realise Mei/Reaper/Doom instantly got nerfed before barriers did…

barriers stayed dominant and if you can remember hitscan was still run over and over especially Ashe and Widow INTO THE DOUBLE SHIELD THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO COUNTER THEM just because running anything else into Brig/Bap was throwing

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So ummm… yeah umm… 29dmg shurikens and bug fixes and we’re gucci Blizz. B-Tier status, A-tier/S-Tier ONLY when dive is meta :sunglasses:.

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You think I asked for that?

This came about after the first batches of nerfs, btw. They would have never been run if we had old Sig and Orisa. Its all the more reason the hitscan needs nerfed and barriers buffed.

I’m sorry but no. This is illegal.

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hey, im fine with Genji being meta in a meta that favors him to be S-Tier. >:(

Genji in dive should be the same tier as Moira is during rush.



Problem is, sadly, Genji is probably the most controversial hero in Overwatch. On top of that, when he was buffed last time out he was meta-defining.
Of course he needs buffs, but other DPS heroes like DF, Reaper, and Sombra are in need of buffs more.

Push off Genji hater


Also thats so sad how moira is not even meta right now in her OWN meta. quite stupid.

Sir, thats Brig lmao.

Push me off a cliff? Oh please. Do it. I’m begging you.

Even my 2 stack who I regularly play with hates him.

no heres what happened

Barriers didnt get touched after role queue got introduced and in world cup it was Doom/Reaper/Mei because they were actually GOOD they werent outclassed by stupid supports who could shut them down by looking at them, but the second that happens blizzard made doom unplayable.

Then OWL started and Ashe got introduced, and Ashe Tracer becomes a perma pick into double shield!!! thats right! double hitscan into double shield! it was only after May Melee that double shield got any real nerfs

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Ahahahahaha, “Moira is fine”.

Eh, I’ll be jailed for 20 years if I did that

Sorry, but even as a fellow Genji Main, Moira is in desperate need of buffs.