After all that time, genji is still a bad pick

even heros like ana have good fighting potential. We dont want uneven matchups but we dont want to have bap brig moira matchups. IDC is 100% your role is the role that hates flanker dps.

Honestly Moira doesn’t really do much to you. She just tickles you a bit, makes you scream “YAMETE” whenever she touches you but that’s about it.


Bap is the single best character in the game by a large margin

its Rein rush and double bubble meta…

3700 peak across multiple accounts and have played organized play much higher, any smart or high ranked DPS player will tell you the same things i am


why are supports not allowed to counter genji? he’s high mobility, has 2 second deflect, good damage, an escape/damage ability… he already has an advantage over ana and zen who cant escape, have harder to land shots on a highly mobile hero vs them with no mobility, ana’s best bet is to sleep him but its a skill shot and he can double jump or deflect it… he definitely has an advantage and the ana and zen have to outplay the genji to survive or get peel from their team


I’m fine with moira being a soft counter to genji which was her design was meant to be. I just dont like the idea of hard counters such as brig day 1 which was my issue with brig. Ive only found moira annoying at best, but she was not op to me.

Such as the case of McCree, I imagine. Before his 2 microbuffs, he was like Genji, but then, with the power of reload speed and 25 hp, he became genuinely broken, huh? Mada mada.

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Genji has some of the lowest damage in the game and the least consistent

he has an advantage over Zen but Ana is even

Ana only needs to land 2 shots, while also having a self heal and is basically never alone

which is the way it should be…

instead of brig countering Genji by existing, not actually making a play


Honestly heroes should start laughing whenever Moira uses purple beam on them. It’s nothing more than a tickle anyway.

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They Need to either put time on him or GET GUUD

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Honestly, McCree’s case right now needs a nerf or two then he’ll be fine. He just got overbuffed. Genji before his megabuffs in June was in fact that he was still not good. But was still fun to a lot of folks. The thing is people need to stop doing this:

  • Hero gets picked a lot, stops right there and calls it OP.

There needs to be more insight before making such an absurd judgement like that. With McCree for instance in this game right now, sure he gets picked a lot but you have to also look deeper into it before you make the judgement.

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how much damage do you think ana does??? she needs to land 3 lol

and no I don’t think this is the way it should be. It’s fine if some heroes are easier pickings for genji but its also fine if others are not. It’s clear you’re not very good at genji if anyone countering him in the slightest is such a big issue for you…

oh and it’s pretty easy to dash on zen and just right click him to death if he’s not getting any peeling


What you sound like is an incredibly bias dps player. Probably a skill elitist to boot. In all but the highest levels, in which coordination fills the gaps, tanks and supports suck booty.


so just get coordinated lol

you know? get gud?

because devs shouldnt be changing the game to make it easier for bad players to climb, because that just lowers quality of play


the secret to balancing the hitscan (and ghostbuffing genji in several ways) is to buff dva, and im saying that as someone who is one tricking pharah atm… dva is pharahs truest hard counter but she needs to be stronger even if she will be slightly overtuned, its better for the health of the game


he said hard to land shots my friend they have some fat hitboxes and u rarley ever get the deul

He isn’t even near the bottom. There are literal stats that show you where he is. He’s middle of the pack at worst and above it in most ranks.

He could use some love but come on, these exaggerations don’t help make a case for it.


because he is a popular character, not because he is any good

because in low ranks people arent good enough to punish people for playing bad characters which is why no matter how much characters get changed there pickrates stay relatively the same, its was Rein was still one of the most picked heroes during hard Ball meta

Yes… I agree, and not at all because I am a Dva one trick. But surely she is related to the health of the game because winky face.

honestly im not sure what you mean by this


um…no it isnt a problem

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