After a 600 SR Losing Streak I Quit the Game

There are always cult members.

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I just give up. 95% of the people on the forums believe opinions are wrong, and they are right. Its toxic, I truly don’t understand why I keep coming on the forums because every time I do, It makes me want to fully quit that much more. The community is almost more to blame than blizzard for any downfall this game is having or may have.

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Everything Blizzard has ever said about matchmaking and Competitive is compiled into the References section of the opening post.

There is a TON of information there. They were much more active back then, but you can probably guess why they stopped interacting with the Competitive forum.

I gained 400 sr last monday,decide to comp again tonight,and lose back 400 sr.It just a circle.keep playing it and you will gain back your 600sr.

This is laughable. Overwatch has a HUGE rank issue. If you ranked in early on in the game, like me, it was very easy to not be garbage which in turn more or less locked your SR for rank ins every season. I got back from not playing for 8 seasons, played an off meta char and got high diamond with a 8 loss 2 win ratio, just because I was diamond in like season 4.


Team averages. If you were 2100, then there is someone higher on your team to balance the rank.

This is what I’ve been saying. You prefer a different genre of game. OW is two teams competing over an objective. Apex is open world multi-team deathmatch. They don’t compete for the same audience. One isn’t flawed because it doesn’t play like the other, they’re not suppose to be the same.

OP literally proved you wrong. He got placed high early and had no trouble falling back down to where he belonged.

If you got placed early into diamond and still got and stayed in diamond after a break, you’re still a diamond worthy player. It’s not luck.

Im not doin the comp bs anymore but i see all my friends dropping down a good bit in SR
Even friends who been in diamond and up seem to drop like crazy
Dunno but never seen it this bad…

You’re probably right and I could. It’s always an up and down. But I quit… My statement might have been misleading but I don’t only care about SR. It mostly was the experience of losing over and over and over, a series of uncompetetive games full of throwers, toxicity and other uncontrollable parameters. The feeling that you don’t have any power over the outcome. The feeling that no matter what you do the game can’t be fun.
I care about SR in the sense that I want competetive games which should be more likely at a higher SR (at least in theory).
You’re completely right at some point there would be a winning streak… but so would be another losing streak… But winning or losing skill points in a MMR system doesn’t really mean anything if the games you play are actually neither fun nor competetive.

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Yeah during on losing streaks it’s so pain.I’m understand your frustration,take a break man.

Ok you’re actually Jesse Lee Peterson on a Troll account there’s just no way…


I think you missed my point. I don’t deserve diamond. I got it because I had gotten diamond 8 seasons earlier, when I actually played the game. I lost 8 and won 2 of my placements and only got diamond because i

  1. Ranked in high early in the game, where the meta and the entire gameplay was completely different. There was no character limit, SR capped at 100 and there was one new character, that character was Ana and her ult was considered so OP at the time you had to have it.
  2. I played an off meta character. Lucio was viable in S1 and S2 then dropped in usefulness (except for dive) when people realized how good Mercy was but I was a Lucio main. When I came back 8 seasons after Season 4, nobody was playing Lucio because dive had just died, so it was very easy for me to preform well. Snipermeta was here and Lucio just wasn’t played.

Another important point to add is that I didnt know anything about the game at the time. I was 1 game from masters and didn’t know the meta, had never played the new characters and Mercy could all of the sudden only rez one person, and it wasn’t her ult. I was in way above my head and clearly wasnt cut out for it. The ranking system doesn’t work, and it’s very apparent.

People can play well and still derank very easily because the team aspect and the SR lock from your first rank in is too strong.

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I literally told you that, I know why it happened, doesn’t change that I feel under any circumstance that a diamond should be able to be in a gold game.


Keep that ratio up and I guarantee you’ll start dropping bigger and bigger chunks of SR with each loss. Yes, previous season endings have major effects on your current placement. No, you’re not “locked” into any rank.

OW is a team based game. Your rank in OW isn’t about how well you play as an individual or your knowledge of the game. Your rank in OW reflects your ability to get a win for your team. It doesn’t matter if you know the meta or not, it doesn’t matter if you play meta or not, it doesn’t matter if you feel comfortable at your rank or not. All rank cares about is, at the end of the game, did you win?

If you came back after a long break and still manage to create enough wins for the your team maintain X rank, then you are an X rank player. It doesn’t matter how you create the win, as long as in the end, it says “Victory”. No one ever gains SR from a loss.

SR is not locked, but it is more certain the more you play. The more certain the system is of your skill, the better it will be at finding players of equal skill. If two truly equal teams meet, theoretically their match should naturally avery close match. If you barely beat someone of your equal, your SR shouldn’t move much (I’d argue it should only move a tiny bit) because it means you are performing at the rank you should be.

When you take a long break, your ranking becomes more uncertain and you will see bigger changes in SR for the early returning games. This is the same as new accounts, but new accounts see bigger jumps because they don’t even previous seasons as foundations. Those jumps works both ways, for wins and losses.

Expect everyone to start taking more SR hits by the way.

As the player base diminishes, who’s left will be winning and losing games on a relative basis. So if you think you’re awesome at a high rank, and care about your SR, for most people, the pain will keep on coming.

Yes, but you also said

Meaning that maybe I don’t drop chunks at all. If not knowing the meta is unimportant, if not knowing the state of the game is unimportant, if not having played the game in 8 months is unimportant and if all that matters is teamplay then maybe i’ll gain SR! This is a team game remember? If my team does well, I still win.

Im not arguing the way the system works with you. I’m saying it’s a very bad one. If I jump into CS:GO right now, a game I have been Global Elite in, but have not even touched in YEARS I wouldn’t even be close to the rank I had once I rank in. I would at most be Gold Nova 2, because the game doesn’t automatically put me close to the last rank I had, it puts me in a rank where I’m most probable to be competitive.

Don’t get me wrong, CSGO’s system might not be the best either, but atleast it doesn’t put me in a rank that’s LEAGUES higher than where I end up at the end of the season, just to do it all again in 2 months.

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it’s long been a “known” community thing that “new” or “alt” accounts are usually tried to be placed around 2500 on a first competitive run

you got carried a bit during placements and you placed higher
your mmr is coming down to your normal one now

the real thing is this

stop filling, stop caring as much,
play with the chat off, focus on you yourself and what you can do
if you get hard countered or shut down or your team is getting rekt by 1 enemy player trying just hard countering that 1 player

you will be surprised with how much more you win

if you do the following

1 stop caring as much about the win or loss
2 turn off all chats as under diamond there a waste of time and nothing but a source of toxicity and tilt so do my trick, set team chat to auto join then vol to zero and send vol to zero aswell, hide the text chat and now PROFIT
3 focus on you yourself and only you yourself and what you could do differently

good luck

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Why are you playing competitive if you’re uninterested in winning? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be a GM either but you better believe im trying as hard as I can whenever you see me in competitive. Not just for me, but for the other 5 players in my team, spending their time in the same game as me.

I think those that are here defending the matchmaker need to understand that people like myself aren’t complaining about my SR; I really don’t care too much what that arbitrary number is.

We’re complaining because the game’s matchmaker seems to be making crappy games that are more-often-than-not complete blowouts one way or another, it’s been that way for a dozen seasons or more, and Blizzard seems to have zero appetite to rectify that… nor do they seem to have any desire to prevent the toxic behaviours we all see. In fact, I’d argue Blizzard’s acceptance of alt accounts amounts to tacit approval of griefing behaviour, since acceptance of alt accounts means Blizzard is fine with significantly limiting their own ability to enforce the rules of fair play.

In a team-based game that’s incredibly complex, and one that they expected to see rise into the canon of long-lived e-sports titles, Blizzard has really pooped the bed by not distinguishing their competitive mode better. It should not be possible to hop onto a character you’ve never played before and roll that educational experience right into what amounts to league play… not when Blizz has to know doing so is both handicapping that player’s team, and boosting the opponent since feeding is a very real thing in this game.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. If the games were fair more or less every time and we had good fights, good communication etc, I could be bronze and be happy.

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