After a 600 SR Losing Streak I Quit the Game

If you are lucky enough to consistently get teams that can pull out wins in 5v6 situation, then yes, you too can be boosted to T500. But if you are not playing purely in the same premade 6-stack, you’re not going to get carried forever. What you’re point?

OW has rank decay too. OW is just more generous in your returning placements, but your MMR will be very uncertain after an extended break and you’ll drop rank a lot faster. You’re never “locked” into any rank.

There’s a difference between being uninterested in winning and not worrying about winning or losing during the match. Just focus on doing your best and you’ll actually increase your chances of winning because you’re not worrying about the outcome before you get to the end.

yeah but op is obviously caring too much about weather or not it says victory or defeat on his screen and continues to keep soft throwing by playing titled off the planet hoping his next pull on the rng that is competitive throw-ver-watch
hoping for a teammates that perform there duty’s well

wich we all know most don’t
or most are throwing

the only way to fix this game would be to add transparency and add official ruleset none of this play nice play far bs with no rules just get along and be nice to each other approach hasn’t worked, and neither has the medal system as it’s the source of most of the toxicity in this game
as it hides all information from your teammates

so many games lost because someone has gold this and won’t swap

Did you just admit that getting a good team and gaining SR is a luck based experience, not a skillbased one? Wow, we’re getting somewhere. Also I play Mercy, there is only leftclick.

Thats interesting, then please explain why I have one main, this one, where I consistently play in plat and diamond, solo q and with friends.
One account that ranks in high diamond and masters every season that i only soloq on.
And one account where I consistantly rank in as mid/high silver, after ranking in and playing with my IRL friends on that rank. Should seem that all the accounts would be silver or masters, or somewhere in between and not rank in as consistently in each tier, no?


This is not what he said though, he said stop caring. Caring about my rank is why I play ranked, to keep my rank. It’s not about life or death, I just think ranked and the competition is fun. I agree that you probably shouldn’t be too emotionally invested into ranked.

I see what you mean now, it’s about worry. In that case i misunderstood what you said, and I agree.

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Every top coach will tell you the same thing - fixating on your rank makes you play worse. Work on improving yourself and your rank will climb as a side effect.


I don’t think caring is fixation. I’m not fixated on the rank i’m currently on or the number i’m currently at, I’m trying as hard as i can BECAUSE it is ranked. I would do this on any rank simply because I’m a competitive player.

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That’s good, in an ideal world all of my teammates would have the same attitude. :+1:


nothing wrong with being competitive

but when u border on self-titling the moment u see a teammate do something you wouldn’t have done it’s the end of the earth and that person is a thrower
and you yourself are becoming toxic and titled at that point

I think that’s more so what others here are talking about

there’s an extent to take it seriously because u are playing in a try hard mode

but don’t try hard to the extent that u tilt your teammates


100% agreed, thats how healthy competition works.

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No, I said your SR is a reflection of your ability to create wins for your team. There will be few games that your team will carry 5v6, but those are luck of the draw. No one’s luck lasts long enough (without a 6-stack) to have significant effects on their gain/losses. But theoretically, if you were that lucky to always get a team capable of winning 5v6, then yes you can end up in T500 without ever having to leave spawn, because as I said, your SR is based on if your team won or loss.

Let me know if you’re going to go full retard sarcastic so I can stop wasting my time.

There are so many variables in each of your accounts that can have significant effects on those ranks. Maybe you’re solo queue account you only play certain characters and those characters you’re playing at higher level. Maybe your friends are dead weight and you can only carry them so far. Maybe you play each account at different times of the day and face different “types” of opponents.

If you play all 3 accounts as exactly the same way, I guarantee all 3 accounts will eventually merge +/- a few streaks worth of SR.

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Gonna tell you a weird thing, even though I think the matchmaking system is hot trash, I don’t think the roll or be rolled nature stems so much from that as it does from the core mechanics of the game.

People screaming and crying for role queu 2/2/2 are addressing the real problem, though in the completely wrong way. The real problem is this is a team game, played on the internet with anonymous people, where no one character can really carry anyone. Not unless they are so above the skill level that they absolutely do not belong in the match.

Being a team game, where mostly no one character makes a difference, it lends itself to big problems if there are character imbalances like in Overwatch. Not just because one team takes tanks and another doesn’t, but because even amongst roles, it’s just clear to anyone that some characters are far, far better than the others. Go look at pro-streamers and the OWL for a check on that.

That’s why I abhor ever rising in SR. You play with less and less characters, with often less interesting people, in far far less interesting ways. Who in their right mind wants a high, or even average rank anymore? You’re going to still get rolled, and you’ll have a more miserable time.

Low ranks are where it’s at. You’re going to get rolled either way, but at least you can not have someone fit themselves and misreport you because you picked a character they didn’t like. Sure, there are smurfs, but you know what? No smurfs, with the thin population at the lowest ranks, one team was just going to be way better than the other anyway.

But it’s fun along the way. Blizzard’s mismatchmaking and imbalanced characters withstanding, because that’s on them, and they aren’t going to change any of that nearly soon enough. So you just have to accept the poor system that is and like the game for having a flying gorilla murder electrocute a Mercy running behind the lines. Or watch the bad genji get flattened, either on your team or the other team. Or watch torbjorn wreck the enemy 5 DPS team because they can’t deal with the turret.

Anyway, yeah, the matchmaking is atrocious. But the meta is more atrocious, and I think until the core of the game changes, it will always be roll or be rolled for most people who play, and most games.

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Thanks for the well-thought out reply! I sort of agree with the sentiment that OW is it’s own biggest enemy right now; I think the complexity is basically too much, especially at the lower ranks where they don’t even know enough to pick synergistic heroes, pick counters, or, alternatively, they don’t know not to pick heroes that are too similar, like a Widow/Hanzo comp, or rolling a Sombra/Tracer DPS combo.

Most of my comments have come from the perspective that there is no solution to this particular problem that can be rolled out now. They could have used an unlock system, a decent tutorial, a better matchmaker, etc… but they needed all those options on the table 16 seasons ago. You can’t suddenly force the playerbase to unlock their mains now.

One thing I’ve wondered about though is introducing a rolling blackout on hero availability throughout the season, after placements. Maybe bronze has no more than 10 available heroes, and every week some or all of those 10 heroes are switched out for 10 different ones. Maybe silver has 14, and gold has all of them (since it’s the meat of the bell curve), etc. That way they could essentially force a tutorial mode, provide incentive for climbing, remove one of the incentives to derank, and give their matchmaker yet another tool to balance matches with (for example, such a system could easily ID a smurf based on their performance with a single hero and bar them from playing that hero in a given rank). Plus, it’d give Blizzard a sort of “soft role queue” of sorts, as well.

Heck they could even mix and match them to a player’s preferred role by analyzing who they played during their placements, and that way there could actually be some teamwork during the hero select stage, since you wouldn’t be able to just tell Genji to go play Junkrat since that Genji might not have Junkrat in this cycle.

It’s probably a terrible idea though, so I eagerly anticipate being told what I overlooked!

Except due to Mmr matchmaking smurfs get crap team mates to weigh them down. I’ve seen this first hand multiple times.

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I’m sensing strong confirmation bias. I can post links where Blizz says that’s not a thing, but I’m sure you already made up your mind and don’t care what they say.

Doesn’t it get exhausting wearing that white armor all day ?


If you have objective data supporting your findings then post it.

You’re a pretty dedicated troll gotta give you that…


Yea someone who isn’t part of your echo chamber must be a troll.

How long until you start calling me a shill or undercover Blizz employee?

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As I said before I don’t have a problem with people having different opinions or experiences. But you’re someone talking about other people having confirmation bias and echo chambers while interpreting things as they suit you. Fittingly you’re in complete denial of everything slightly not aligning with your opinion of Blizz and the state of the game while calling your opinions facts and calling other people out for not showing evidence, digging in peoples history to make peoples different statements out as contradictions while contradicting yourself in every second post and having a private profile to prevent that from happening to you. Excuse me if I find it very hard to believe you’re not trolling.
If you like the game as it is good for you then enjoy it. On the flipside that doesn’t mean everything is actually perfect for everyone else and people who are complaining are simply wrong and doing so without any valid reasoning.