After a 600 SR Losing Streak I Quit the Game

My friend, you have experienced what everyone has been talking about for years, the rigged forced loss streak. You can try to understand that this matchmaker is completely broken


Except your system lets people smurf without having to actively throw to get their ranks down, and disables low level account rank boost intended to push smurfs to higher rank quickly. Your system lets anyone smurf without effort and stay smurfing for much much much longer.

Well, then I guess I made the right choice of switching to Apex then.

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Man, you’re preaching to the choir.

I started playing again months ago, placed back where I used to be, waffled a bit while learning the new maps, climbed to a career high of 2300, then duo-queued with a buddy and freaking TANKED. Landed around 1300, got tilted, crept towards 1200, and now I’m pretty much hardstuck down there. Sometimes I could carry, but honestly, I’m not much of a DPS and carrying with Baptiste or Moira was proving pretty hard and I just sorta realized that getting uber-frustrated at the fact that I have to play a hard carry role because my teammate is running Bastion against Sombra, Mei, AND Winston (all of which were actively working to counter him) isn’t fun. Or, when everyone asks a Sym to switch because she’s just feeding, the answer comes back “I’m trying to learn her, don’t take it so seriously” at the same time as I’m trying my bag off to get a W.

So I uninstalled a few days ago, and to be honest, it’s been great. I’m self employed so sometimes I miss playing a couple games quickly while I take a break from work, but beyond that it’s actually pretty impressive how much OW negatively impacted my mood throughout the day by virtue of how much it doesn’t now. I guess I took comp too seriously… but I thought that’s what it was for, so who knows.

TL;DR Game isn’t fun in comp mode, uninstalled, quality of life improved. I still miss the idea of what Overwatch should be like to play but I do not miss what Overwatch is actually like to play these days.


I’m sorry, he’s right. Like the SR system if you want but don’t claim it works when 1000 point SR swings happen.

That’s broke, period.


Very Very well said, 100% agree

If Apex had a competitive system, it would be either same as Blizzard, your proposed system, or some area in between, with the exact same problems. There will be either low level accounts that have larger rank swings or longer lasting smurfs, there is no alternative.

This isn’t the competitive system being broken; it’s an unavoidable limitation of competitive rankings.

You obviously prefer slow climb that has the side effect of longer lasting smurfs. That’s fine, it just means you won’t like games that chooses the other ranking style like OW.

This. And it makes me kind of sad. Because the heroes in this game feel so good to play, so polished the team aspect of comboing Ultimates etc. could be so much fun. But the reality unfortunately looks very different from what this game COULD be…


Literally no FPS game I’ve played ever had as many problems with a ranking system than overwatch. Overwatch made a ranking system/matchmaking way more complicated than it needed to be to try to be a different game, which they succeeded in doing.

Quite frankly I don’t care how or what Apex ranking system would be like if they had one. The Apex they have out now for me is more fun, and less stressful than what overwatch provides.

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I think that’s probably because most other games do not motivate the players to purchase new accounts… on the contrary, most other games actively dissuade the playerbase from creating alternate accounts!


Most games you just don’t need to buy/create alternate accounts…I wonder why…


If you’re losing that much SR in one session, you need to take a break. More likely than not you were tilted well before you lost half of that.

How is it anymore complicated than other systems? It puts people of similar rank together; when you win your rank goes up and vice versa. This is the same as any ranked game.

That is a genre preference, not a competitive rank issue.

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its a game issue. The whole game of Apex to me is more appealing and more fun than the whole game of Overwatch.

Wins for me gain around 19-22 SR but losses take 25-30, because PBSR so you never truly know how much you can gain or lose in one game, I really believe any other game doing this would have just made a set amount for win/lose. They mix ranks. Diamond players can que up with a gold friend and get put into a low gold game. Regardless of what MMR says about being even, a diamond player should not be able to effect a low gold game under any circumstance. One team can be all solo que, and go up against a 4,5,6 stack. What other game has all of these instances happen?


I mean… realistically we have no idea how complicated or simple the matchmaker is because Blizzard is anything but transparent on its operation. The fact that we don’t even know our MMR at any given point is proof of how little we know.

One thing we do know is that there are players manipulating the matchmaker with alt/smurf accounts, so that’s not helping. And the whole PBSR thing is strange. Like it makes sense, but at the same time, if Blizzard is going to reward (or punish) us for not meeting some metrics in each match, it’d be cool to know what those metrics are and where the goalposts sit.

Regardless of your feelings about it, you gotta admit that a secret matchmaking system by a developer that’s openly invited players to create numerous alternate accounts is a pretty unique setup in the land of competitive gaming.

Just imagine such a system anywhere else. “Hey Sidney Crosby, you didn’t perform as well last game as you could have (we won’t tell you any specifics) so we’re going to kick you down to the farm team. Oh wait, what’s that? You’ve changed your jersey and now are going under the name “Crisby Sonsby?” Oh well that changes everything! Come on in, welcome to the NHL, kid!”

It’s literally comical.


I’m from pittsburgh so I love this example lol. But your whole post is very accurate and well worded.

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This is what I have experienced on console as well. I’ve since switched to Mystery Heros all the time, & the games i’ve been in on there have been very competitive. I’m having much more fun in arcade than I ever did in Comp or QP.

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Apex and OW are different in genres. This is a genre issue.

Again, this is Blizzard’s choice in an attempt to quickly push people towards their proper ranks. Taking out PBSR ends up with your proposed system, which has the side effect of longer lasting smurfs. You prefering your version doesn’t mean Blizzard’s system is broken. It’s working as intended.

OW averages the team rank. 3000 SR + 2000 SR averages to 2500 SR players. You will not have Diamond + gold being paired against average low gold players, they will be paired against high gold/low plat players.


And your scenario is a rare exception, not a common occurrence.

I literally played against one a week ago, im 2100ish.

I don’t feel like arguing with you. We perceive Overwatch differently and what you like in a game is different from what I like in a game, flaws for me aren’t flaws for you either way i’m happy with my decision of moving on.

I really don’t understand these people worshipping Blizz and defending every one of their actions or decisions trying to speak in their name of things nobody outside of Blizz itself even knows. I’m perfectly fine with people disagreeing with my view of the game. But this constant denial of everything while portraying the game as flawless is something else…