Admit Role Queue was wrong move

If they changed everything they did prior to rq then rq would have never happened? Lol

Yeah, if the game was made by idk fromsoft instead of blizzard role que prob wouldn’t be a thing either.

Playing the grand “what if” game is fun. Lol

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Fix? Theres no issues with LFG mate. People were not using it because somehow it exposes blame deflection and how people dont care about working together lol.

All LFG issues are player related.

Which is what got us RQ. It’s basically LFG forced upon the whole game mode with group leaders replaced with a team building algorithm.

LFG had a couple large pitfalls:

  1. Expected OW playerbase to organize themselves in groups. Community lacks self awareness, maturity and the average player possesses far too much ego for this to work. The severe lack of self awareness being probably the biggest hurdle to overcome.
  2. Your competition is harder because you’re a “group” but you’re not really. You’re 6 people who just came together and you’re really only there because you’re looking for a specific team composition. You’re no more a group than those created via RQ now. After a day or so of playing together you might be able to consider these 6 people a “group” but lets be honest the group won’t last past it’s first loss.
  3. Group building took way too long mostly because of factors in number 1.

People would rather point fingers and scream than actually work together and problem solve.

I’d go further to say LFG issues are human nature related and it was a bad system if you take the players tendencies into account.

Admit constantly having 5 dps and a roadhog tank is garbage…
Role queue was necessary.

Dont like it dont play it.

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Yall want open Q with the OW2 tanks that have all the CC and are harder to kill than OW1 tanks?

I can tell you exactly how that will go without even seeing it.

They can have what they didn’t even try.

Role limits.

So for OW2… only 1 tank per team.

Otherwise let it be a free for all.

Literally just watched that episode last night lmfao great show

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Not change “everything”. The amount of problems with launch OW were minuscule compared to the mountain of broken designs, powercreep, and forced structure added to the game since. The original issues with the game all could have been fixed within a year, by tweaking cheese abilities and keeping sustain low. Hence why the game exploded with tens of millions of players in the beginning but ended up driving away more players than it brought in towards the last half. Because OW was still good back then.

Now not even many of the sunk-cost players stuck around. And before you tell me it’s because there was no content, the reason the devs stopped adding new heroes or reworking busted ones was because the balance team did such an awful job during the first four years they deliberately stopped adding content so they wouldn’t ruin the game or OWL further. That’s the reason, because they were bad at their jobs and didn’t understand their game enough to risk fanning the flames further. Not that doing so stopped them from adding nerfs and buffs to shake up meta that kept destroying the game anyway. (See soldier’s primary change, 200 dmg shatter, non-stop mccree buffs, etc)

Role Queue was never a necessary addition needed to fix the game, and it didn’t even accomplish that goal. It created twenty other problems for OW. All it could ever accomplish was kill multi-role stacking comps and satisfy low skill players who complained about getting lot’s of dps on their teams. It’s not a “what if”, everybody with a brain understands why OW failed and continues to fail. Everyone knows they did an awful job and killed off a global phenomenon of a game and replaced it with something worse. OW1 now is a completely different game from launch OW, just as “OW2” is another different game compared to both of them.

RQ was a bandaid for GOATS. People that think it was implemented for any other reason are factually wrong. They did it because GOATS was killing the OWL which they had millions of dollars pumped into. Not because some support main was crying about having 4 DPS on their team. People weren’t even playing DPS at all because of GOATS. That was the issue.

no. they just should have done 5v5 years ago, as soon as it became clear that doubleshield was gonna be forever.

OR, you know, simply rework Reinhardt’s shield and stop adding more bloated barrier tanks that trivialize the game. The issue was always bad hero design and players abusing it.

with this new item, I will reply just this once:

I ask that personal attacks cease

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on the contrary

the game was intended to be played role-less queue from the beginning, as evidenced by the fact that this is how the game was played many years before 222 was inflicted on us all

I know of many severe problems that 222 added to the game, but I dont know of any actual problems 222 solved

222/122 has never been necessary, isnt necessary now, and never will be necessary



So you’re ok with 1/4/0 or 0/5/0 every single game? You’re weak.

first, I made no such statement

second, I ask that the personal attacks cease

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Sorry, i forgot this forum is filled with snowflakes.

I ask again that personal attacks cease

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Unfortunately the truth mist hurt.

Fortnite is a good place for your kind.

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I ask one final time that personal attacks cease

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