Admit Role Queue was wrong move

I’m not gonna lie, Dodo has a pretty good tactic.

i am not the topic of this thread

can we return to the topic?

Depends if you want to stop derailing it by baiting people

two clarifications

  1. I have not derailed this topic, but non topical posts like these last three will tend to derail any topic. as such, they should be removed. If you remove yours, I will follow suit and remove mine

  2. I have not baited anyone

again, this thread is not about me, and I ask that we return to topic

Ya. That’s an utter lie.

i ask that the personal attacks cease

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Unfortunately for you, that’s not a personal attack. What you’re doing is very clear, and it is causing problems, which I’m sure is the intent.

i ask once again that the personal attacks cease

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Yeah, that’s not gonna work with me. I’m calling you out. I think by now it’s very obvious to several people.

I have tried to get the personal attacks to cease

I have tried to get us returned to topic

ah well

I won’t be responding further to this side conversation

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Fine, I’ll stop :stop_sign: dont need any of that.

He’s clearly a crybaby who thinks anyone who disagrees is attacking him, typical biden voter

Are the targets guaranteed hits?
Are the 5 spry youngsters and the 4 elderly gents with canes?
Parents the 5 and their kids the 4?
About half a family as the 5 and half on the other as the 4?
What about 5 old ladies and 4 kids?
Are the people 5 corpses and the 4 still alive?
Are the 5 anime degenerates and the 4 geniuses who just solved world hunger?
Are the 5 the literal embodiment of evil and 4 god warriors?
Are the 5 sociopaths trying to kill the 4 normies?
Perhaps 5 sociopathic murderers are up against 4 sociopathic murderers…

I reject the folly of this scenario and return to enlightenment!

Joking aside, I get what the trolley problem is saying…but it ironically doesnt solve any problems. It’s just arguing that less **** is arguably better than more **** if everything is else is ignored. The options are so unrealistically stripped down that it’s ridiculous. Like why the hell is screaming for people to move not the way not an option? Are we assuming they’re all blind, mute, and crippled now? Even if those were literally the only options, can we even guarantee that the repercussions would actually be less? Does how one got into the scenario in the first place matter? Like if my family is the 5 and they’re the cause of the deadly scenario, is it really better to take out the 4?

So many scenarios and questions (many of which are realistic and/or ascertainable) are ignored by the trolley scenario just to make the argument.

Yes, prioritization is a real thing, but the trolley problem, to me, is simplified to the point of not being useful. It feels like it’s mostly used as a trap to get people’s minds off of solvable problems.

“Well of these two options which are obviously the only solutions that exist, we’ll go with the ‘lesser of two evils’”

‘Lesser of two evils’ means jack**** when there’s more that two options available :rofl:

Man, your schtick is tiring.

We get it, technically 0/0/6, 0/0/5, 0/1/5, 0/1/4, 0/2/4, 0/2/3, etc, etc, etc works, the game will still function and be playable. Like either version before or after, there are fans for or against. Pre RQ had all sorts of negatives. Post RQ has all sorts of negatives. Changes were warranted - you didn’t like those changes and your opinion were that they weren’t “neccessary/needed/required” which is great, but status quo wasn’t working.


If anything, bringing classic back showed in raw stats that almost nobody plays that mode. It’s just not popular. Players want to join a match with a functional composition. You now have the freedom to play classic all day and you can ignore role queue. There is no need to demand one of the modes getting removed.

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He’s going to ask you for the data. I believe, however, he’s already been shown data in previous discussions and dismissed it.

The post I’m quoting is in reference to someone pulling up Role queue numbers:

Perhaps the numbers after years of neglect are a bit different (and I’ve already stated issues with the data in the quote), but saying no one plays anything outside of RQ quickplay/ranked is likely very off.

Having to queue twice is a problem (one to find a group, and then one for a game).

Lack of saving your preferences.

If you wanted it to be a replacement for RQ, then it has to be as easy and as fast as RQ to use.

Otherwise people won’t go for it.

If it had these things, you may have avoided getting RQ in the first place.

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So I assume the remaining playtime is all of arcade and classic is just one part of that. Also custom games where a lot of players spend a good amount of time on aim maps. Yeah then it comes to the number of players play classic.
And everyone can play their prefered mode, we have that freedom now. Just coming here and saying remove the mode someone personally dislikes makes no sense.

Yes. With the exception of North American PC and Switch console all regions and consoles had at least 20% of play time in either QPC or ranked Open Queue.
For NA it was 14.5% of playtime.
Switch was a 16.7%
[China was almost 30%…that’s 60% the size of RQ playtime]

Again, this was a single days’ worth of data, but it came from Papa Jeff.