Adding a Role Q wouldn't solve any issues

Play to counter is a MECH used on low ranks silver, gold and low platinum. The reason is because everyone is spreaded around of map in this ranks, there are zero coordination and swaping to hard-counters will help you until hit diamond.

Diamond + you barely play to counter anymore everything is META team vs META team with a few variations like Phamercy in certain maps, Super Dive winston, Dva, Hammond etc

You can SWAP TO COUNTER even into a 2/2/2. Convering the tank role you have access TO orisa, rein, zarya, hog, winston, hammond, dva. Nobody is ENFORCING you on a single character.

Also if you are covering TANK role and you swap to counter into a DPS everyone in your team will GO crazy.

Go and and play LFG matches so you can FEEL what feels lose with honor and zero rage cuz at least your “MATCH” was playable and not a instant lose before even LEAVE the safe-room cuz is a 5 DPS team-comp

Strange that you say these things, when many of the ‘enforcers’ are looking to lock down low-mid ranks, but keep a free for all in Diamond and above.

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Role Queue would fix people having to play roles that they are unfamiliar with for the sake of having a workable team comp. (Which, despite their noble effort to flex, usually leads to a loss that isn’t even fun.)

Role Queue would fix the matchmaker grouping up entire teams that are all mains of the same role. (Which, despite their noble efforts to flex, usually leads to a loss that isn’t even fun.)

Role Queue would provide a base level of predictability and structure to the currently chaotic Solo Q matches.

There are problems that will be fixed. Toxicity will still exist at the same rate and, yes, DPS players will see longer queues but as an optional separate mode I think role queue could see some real success.


That’d be stupid. Balancing around 2-2-2 would mean free for all would be unbalanced.

Exactly. Everyone is complaining how long the queue times would be but the thing is if you chose multiple roles the queue times would be the same if not faster. Just once you get in the game or maybe even before I could tell you what role you would be playing and then lock you to that role.

Queue times are not an issue if you stop only playing the damage category. It encourages flexing.

How does having 3 separate SRs encourage flexing? You want to boost your DPS SR, you’re playing DPS.

The whole concept is anti-flexing and anti-switching.

it encourages you to play other roles if you want to get games faster. It’s not like they can’t make it so you can queue up as multiple roles.

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That is the only place that has a 3/3 meta which is the whole reason people want it

Exactly, and i don’t see why they couldn’t keep your old place in the other role queues while you’re in a game so you get in faster once you’re done.

No, people want it because of Schroedinger’s DPS. There are both five, and zero in every match.

So you’re saying people want better quality, more balanced games. I’m down with that.

Of course they do, but 2-2-2 isn’t going to give you that, because those are issues of player behaviour, not composition.

It’s not anti switching. You play your role and switch between the characters in said role. If you’re playing dps you’re not gonna switch to a tank or a healer anyway. Get real.

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I’ve often switched from DPS to Tank or Support. It’s the same DPS mains who won’t switch when they’re not being effective anyway who will continue to not switch, and 2-2-2 isn’t going to make them any more likely to. If anything, it’ll reinforce “I queued DPS, this is who I DPS with” attitudes.

So it literally encourages one tricks to remain one tricks and people who don’t switch from switching. And again, 222 will eliminate quad dps and quad tank compositions as well as bunker comps. It will create the most stagnant meta this game has ever seen.

You’re oversimplifying. It is a matchmaker problem when you get multiples of same role on your team that can’t play other roles at the SR they’ve climbed to playing their main role. If I play reinhardt/winston 99% of the time and hit 3.5k, there’s no way I can flex to mccree and be as effective on him to justify my 3.5k sr.


Switching to him and doing well enough to win the match in doing so justifies it. You lose, you’re not good enough at them.

If you’re not good enough to be flexible enough, do you still deserve that 3.5k?

Where does this stop? Hero based SR? Imagine, you’re a 3.5k Reaper, you’re getting dumped on by a 3.5k Pharah, you’re not good enough to go McCree…

Except , often you lose and even worse it can easily result in a one sided stomp if the other team gets all the prerequisite mains at the hero select screens.

It is easier to flex within your role, than it is to flex to another role. Hence the disparity in effectiveness across heroes is far lesser, unless you’re a one trick.

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Rubbish. It’s much easier to flex from Ashe/Widow to Ana/Baptiste than it is to Genji/Tracer.

I have no problem flexing to tracer as Ashe/Widow main. Furthermore, switching between ana/widowmaker will mess up your aim because widowmaker warms up for the headshots, and not the bodyshots like ana does.

I lack the proper knowledge of how and where to place myself as ana to play her at the same level as my widowmaker. So no, it’s not rubbish - especially at higher elos.