According to my research....[Brigitte discussion]

Gonna leave this here so I don’t have to repeat myself.

Those are not arguments. Those are feelings and are subjective. I love playing Brig and I don’t mind playing against her either.

I hate playing against Tracer and before Brigitte, Tracer had absolutely no legitimate counter whatsoever.

What’s fun to you is not fun for another player and vice-versa. It’s not an argument and it’s subjective.

If you don’t find the game fun anymore, don’t play it. It’s very simple, either leave or adapt. Nobody is holding you hostage.

Well I never had a problem with hook 1.0 , did it matter? F no and the same applies to Brigitte it doesn’t matter how you feel. If +50% of the players find it cheap to get stunned so easily 24/7 and hate playing against her then its ruining the game.

Here we go again making it about my SR … you’re the 126th person who did this to me and this is another big reason why my friends and I quit the game.

“Ohh you’re a silver player that explains everything! because silver players just plain suck at the game” give me a break.

You aren’t getting the point so just going to put it plainly to you, and I don’t think I am alone here, She is not fun to play against and she isn’t easy to counter. And I’m going to repeat myself here yet again. I am not talking about comp games forget comp games for a second. Most of my time is played in QP/ Casual. When I see a Brid on my team or the other team I just give up because nobody wants to play counters and if they do they don’t focus her she has free reign to dominate the playing field and ruins the game for other players.

OR this happens

One team starts getting the edge on the other team and then they switch to Brid and then an instant reversal and the winning team starts to fall apart and get steamrolled. Sorry but that doesn’t sound like balance to me.

Should have gone with TF2. They actually got rid of all stuns and stun locks months ago.

Let rein hold his shield up while charging!

I’d say the game reached what can be called a “critical mass” of powerful CCs/Stuns, sure the game had those things when it came out, but ever since those effects became stronger and stronger.
Ana: Sleep Dart (very strong stun, requires decent aim and prediction most of the time).
Sombra: Hack (a few heroes become useless, and others lose their defensive stuff i.e.: Rein’s shield).
Orisa: Halt (can be use both for offense and defense, and it’s one of the strongest AoE CCs in the game)
Doomfist: well crap, prepare to die, that’s about it.
Brigitte: Shield Bash (counters flankers, sure, but also stun locks tanks into near certain death, and that’s not good), Rocket Flail (also can be used for offense and defense, and has damage on hit, but isn’t AoE, and that makes it better than Orisa’s Halt in a few spots. i.e.: Distuption LoS of a few ults, like Rein’s, killing a low hp target trying to run away or throwing a melee range tank/dps away to avoid some damage).
And there’s also the buffed or reworked old CCs, like Symmetra’s turrets, that have both a high damage output and a stacking slow effect (wich btw makes Rein unable to walk if he gets hit by 2 or 3)

That is the silliest strawman I’ve ever seen, just get off the forums if you wanna be rediculous man. No one is impressed by a Bridgitte killing anyone except for you. Everyone knows that she takes no mechanical skill, stop lying to yourself.

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It was in response to the guy who made the thread saying he used to be able to 6v1 with tracer.

Jesus, people sure love exagerating. My group of friends still play the game daily with me. We range from low silver to mid masters players. I have yet to see a Brig in comp this season. I have seen bastion and attack torb more times than Brig. Also, all those people claiming that she counters Rein have no idea what they are saying… i challenge anyone who thinks so to load up a custom game with a friend go tlwards a Brig with the shield up and fight her after she stuns you. Yeah this game isnt about 1 vs 1, if the 5 other team members dont capitalize on the stun its worthless, if your team doesnt supprt you after getting stunned then you’re not playing as a team or not with them. Inb4 dirty no skill Brig main, ive played her for only 12 hours when she came out and I find her the most boring support yet, i dont enjoy playing her but the cries on the forums make it sound like she van 1 vs 6 a team by herself. Reminds me of a certain someome who was said to be able to do the same…hmmm


Anecdotal evidence. You not having an issue with Hook 1.0 doesn’t mean it wasn’t broken and in need of fixing. Also please don’t pull some imaginary numbers out of nowhere. Brigitte is fine, she is not OP, she had 6 nerfs by now on top of everything. Fun is subjective and not relevant to the discussion.

So if you quit the game, what are you doing crying on the very same forums :rofl:

Actually quite the opposite - the fact that you are silver means that in your tier there are no reliable hitscans so you can easily play Pharmercy and hardcounter Brigitte. Playing Pharmercy is much harder in higher SR tiers because you have reliable Soldiers, Mcrees and Widows. So you really got no excuse.

Again, fun is subjective and it has no relevance. I find her fun and I have no problem playing against her, she is also not OP.

The rest of your anecdotal story only tells me that you and your team are not capable of running any sort of counter whatsoever. Symmetra reigns supreme low SR tiers and was a pubstomper - that didn’t stop her from being garbage tier hero for 10 seasons. Game shouldn’t be balanced for players in the bottom spectrum. The fact that you don’t want to adapt and counter appropriately is no fault of the hero. Brig has some of the lowest skill floor counters like Junkrat and Pharah so the issue is with you, not with the hero.

Never saw anywhere that I am not able to still be active in the forums and not play the game. I am simply explaining my experience with the game on the forums which is what I thought forums were used for.

Not really sure you took a good look at my hero list. Pharah is nowhere near the top. And you proved my point when I said the game now forces me, and some of my friends, to play heroes we simply don’t want to play. A game shouldn’t force you to do that at all. It should have a fluid balance and not FORCE you to play it a certain way when you’ve been practicing another way. Why should a hero have that much power to have to FORCE you to play a certain playstyle?

I have no problem adapting and countering on a 1v1 hero scale. For instance, switching to 76 adapting to counter Pharah. The problem has is having to switch half a team to adapt and counter to 1 hero which that magical word comes in the game now FORCES you to do with Brid on the lower tier scale.

If you do pay attention to the forums on a daily basis you’ll see multiple posts about Brid. So either 1 of 2 things has happened.

  1. It’s giant conspiracy that almost half the player base has conspired to do against Blizz
  2. Every player has that 1 thing in common which is they don’t like Brid and she is just unfun to play against.

You decide.

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I saw the title of this post and all i could thick of was:

h ttps://

:rofl: Why are you playing OW then? That’s literally the core design of the game, I mean have you been in cryo sleep somewhere? No one is forcing you to play anything, just don’t expect to have an easy win. I mean I feel I need to explain to you common knowledge things or common sense. It’s no wonder you are silver. When the enemy has a dominating Winston you pick a Reaper. Brigitte is no different than any other hero. This ain’t rocket science. What kind of nonsense did I just read. Nobody forces you to do anything - don’t come and cry when you clearly don’t want to adapt. Brigitte is no different than any other hero. When the enemy has Pharmercy you get hitscans. What kind of game have you been playing? :rofl:

This isn’t 1vs1. It’s a team 6vs6 game. Second part is blatantly wrong. Junkrat destroys Brig. Pharah destroys Brig.

:rofl: Way to magically pull numbers just like the other dude. The forums are a tiny fraction out of OW population, and within there’s just a loud vocal minority of Brig haters usually Tracer/Genji mains or low SR tier like yourself that just don’t understand what basic composition is. Brig is fine.

Lol u don’t like to play against a tracer ? Talking about new player experience your argument is invalid, the only decent tracer u can find are from rank plat or over while Brigitte can be mastered at lower levels and u need a decent group to cut out her from the game during all the match, not an easy thing to find in low lev or low rank.
And of course u didn’t even read my post, u re just a Brigitte main obviously triggered by anything which touch her argument.
If u would have read my post u would have known that I don’t care how much op or not she is neither I want to quit the game so do yourself a favour and stop being so passive-aggressive like your beloved main XD

A ton of my friends quit due to Brigitte as well. And the thing is, most of them don’t even hate Brigitte that much, but this meta is HORRIBLE in so many ways. Double sniper is unengaging and boring to play against, grav-dragon has little counterplay, I don’t even think I need to explain why Overstun is a problem (and with Doomfist becoming meta, it’s worse), and all of it is very low-skill compared to previous metas. This might all be tolerable if metas didn’t drag on for seasons and seasons lately.

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“Brigitte makes game unfun”
Brigitte main triggered-
“ALLAH TIH MEH (or whatever thing is that xD ) !! why don’t u quit if u don’t love the game anymore? “ -stuns - “leave Brigitte alone !”

Well, I’m done with you and this post because I haven’t been insulting to you or anything you say. Your insults are unnecessary and toxic. Thank you for proving why this game is on the decline for many players.

It’s obvious I am not alone on this topic but you seem to think that it’s somehow personal.

I’m glad you’re having fun with the game and continue to do so. I pray that one day you’re not put in the same dilemma as me and my tight-net group of friends.

Have fun.

You may feel that way but actual stats contradict what you just said.

also when she ults she is impossible to kill.