According to my research....[Brigitte discussion]

Alright quick and simple -

Statistically speaking Brigitte has caused all 130 of my discord members to quit.

Why? It’s not really brigitte, it’s the meta she created.
The game is boring now, I don’t find it fun, I dont find it entertaining like it was in season 4 or 9.
Getting booped and stunned every second is just annoying… (EDIT:) It’s made me unmotivated to play the game. Im not here to start an argument on it, I just want to know if I’m not the only one that feels like she’s ruined the game for us. Not just by her hero, but her meta.
The gist of what Im saying


“I’m a support!”
shield bash
“I’m a support!”
shield bash
“I’m a support!”
shield bash

I think I’ve figured out how she’s broken.


Her shield bash isnt even that bad. It’s more so what it can do. And why cant rein shield bash? sure he has charge but no shield bash? #GiveReinAShieldBash


Yay let’s give a shield bash to another character so the game will be more fun than ever right ? …right?


yeah YEAH! and lets make it so he can charge twice AND make his ult also a flamethrower! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: OMG


Putting more shield bashes in the game wont solve the problem of too much shield bash.

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Ah my friend it was just a lil bit of sarcasm but yes I agree :slight_smile:


Well at least your friends have shown their true colours now. Guess they just weren’t cut out for OW.


I was planning to play first person shooter, not first person ping-pong simulator. Since when has Overwatch become Overstun?


Really can’t understand the motivations that cause that so poorly designed hero:
U can’t be serious when u create a game that has rules and precise counters mechanics and then, from nowhere, u design a brain dead hero that alone can counter an entire Comp of heroes who needs hours and hours of practice, game sense and coordination. U really want to step your game into the grave then.
I won’t lie, I liked her concept when she was revealed, I liked her.
But her gameplay is so boring and powerfull that I find no minimal satisfaction in picking her and get her job done into the match.
I really really hope the devs will nerf her to increase her skill ceiling a bit and maybe make her more fun and fair to play


The shield bash is an easily exploitable and avoidable move and if you find it broken that a support has an offensive ability instead if just floating around asking to be shot then you aren’t really fit for class based games.


My friends and I have played since Beta. I even got the opportunity to play alpha at a convention…We’re veterans of the game.

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To be fair, the fact that they’re all members of your discord probably means they’re like minded in the first place. So out the gate you sorta expect almost an all or nothing outcome when it comes to how they’ll react to a change.


So am I. I didn’t get bullied out the game by a sweet little Nordic girl tho.


LOL the classic “But supports should defend themselves” argument

Ignoring the question of wtf are the purposes of other classes if supports are equipped to defend themselves, heroes like Ana and Zenyatta are both offensive-ish supports but are popular picks among both dps players and support players.

Guess why?

Because they represent SKILL.

Brigitte asks you to press RMB and then LMB. No aim, no gamesense, no timing, nothing. You can make a 1 second stun while fully protected.

No, I find that extremely broken and it baffles me that people think this is in any way balanced.


You also don’t have 5,000 hours accumulated in the game…

EDIT : Roughly ^

So? 5000 hours and they can’t even learn to adapt?


No one gets bullied of course XD, he just admitted that play against a hero like Brigitte is so unfair and frustrating as playing her properly

It’s 0.5s and maybe you should try playing her, you will see she takes gamesense and timing. If you play so braindead as you think, you will melt every time.


Adapt to what? Change?

bahaha that has to be the most overused and abused counter-argument.
Brigitte has made the meta absolutely trash for the following heroes at higher elo’s
Genji, Tracer, Reinhardt, Mercy, Zen, Ana.

Bare this in mind, statistically speaking since season 2 THESE ARE THE MOST PLAYED HEROES OF THEIR ROLES.

If I remove your favorite hero from the game, how would you feel?