According to my research....[Brigitte discussion]

The pros are pressured in their position. So even tho Widow clearly dominates the game she’s not considered OP. Take McCree; for the longest time people didnt want his range dropoff to be buffed, because omg op broken. Now they finally did it, and… is he broken? No. Can I as a McCree main climb with this buff? Maybe 100-200 SR, but not more. Now look at Brigitte. There has been a bronze or silver player (I dont remember correctly) who went straight up to master with her. Now I would love to see that player use another heroe in that SR, because I assure you he’d get destroyed very hard.

Proof please. Anectodal evidence is just anecdotal. One player is not statistically relevant.

Or how about the dallas fuel suddenly going from bottom tier to top tier conveniently right after brigitte was released.

Or yknow, can be for more reasons then that right? They got a new coach, finally got their inner problems taken care of, and yes, a meta that benefits them more than dive did.

Yet his profile is hidden? how do we know this wasn’t a complete troll?

It could be completely true of course it’s not impossible with the right player but without any proof it’s just words.

Razer RGB Mouse Pad!

I don’t think private profiles were out yet when he posted this. But you are right, we can’t know for sure (psst blizzard please let profiles be open again, it would fix so many issues but that’s for another thread).

Brigitte is not overpowered, just unfun to fight against, i really wish people would stop getting those confused. She has a high winrate but is losing pickrate massively and is only picked when theres dive, so she isnt exactly op if shes barely being played in diamond+

A hidden profile with only 1 post on forum with a brown border (so highly likely a smurf) who exploited the game by being a smurf to begin with. Nice try.

A single character shutting down an entire team comp doesn’t exactly scream ‘‘good design’’ to me.

Ah, yes. Let me just play 500 games of competitive Overwatch just to prove this biased random forum user that this is an actual thing.


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the game being based around dive for over a year doesnt exactly scream good game balancing to me

Not accurate. She shutdowns specific parts of the meta - the flankers.

So no evidence to support your points. Okay, thank you. :grinning:

Brig was made to counter dive, but whats really sad is, due to the hanzo nerf, it probably wasnt ever needed in ranked, hanzo rework was so op on release over brig that he wouldve made deathball come back just because he screws reins counters and combos with zarya

But dive didn’t force characters into being a throw pick. And dive required hella coordination. All the coordination currently needed is “hey hanzo im gonna grav”.

the problem with dive wasnt really the meta itself(besides tracer for me), what i disliked about dive meta is that it lasted for over an eternity, and yes, a lot of characters were throw picks. Most characters werent better in s5-s9 then they were in s10.

Dive was only a problem at the top 3%.
Why is every single forum scrub complaining about dive and how it made the game unplayable for them?

Dive had the biggest variety of viable heroes up until high masters.

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same goes for s10, the fact tracer/genji were and still are more picked than brig in higher tiers, says a lot. The only characters really screwed by the new meta were mccree/soldier/winston/reaper. and mccree and soldier were awful in dive so it didnt really change anything.

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I distinctly remember a graph showing Diva being top choice in literally every single elo with high winrates in relatively every single elo. :grinning:

I admit I don’t remember and one player statistically isn’t relevant, I agree. However that wasnt my main point anyway. How the pro’s opinions is compromised by their status and position was.

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the pros opinions would rather have the snipers nerfed, tracer nerfed, mercy and zen nerfed. I dont think anyone can claim brigs really op if she barely had 50% pickrate in pro play.