According to my research....[Brigitte discussion]

Don’t respond to this guy

Yes, Dva was overpowered.
But they nerfed her accordingly, didn’t they?

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i mean, dva until the meta change was still op. She still is insanely good, given that she was the most picked off tank in pro play, and one of the highest in higher tiers. The reason the meta is stale in ranked is because people dont have the coordination or innovation that pros do.

look at the pro play, pro play is the most varied its ever been, the only thing really stale are the snipers. The problem with ranked is ranked players dont have the capability to play something not easy. A reason most of the population are mercy mains

To which I say:

Why is she not a problem in OWL? Why is her pickrate not broken like Mercy was? Why when the pros are actually playing a completely vanilla un-nerfed Brigitte? Streamers are gonna play whatever’s popular and therefore their opinion is subject to bias. They get payed by being entertainers. OWL is the real litmus test.

Facts and statistics are helluva thing mate.

Ranked is stale because people refuse to be innovative unless theyre one tricks, they pick whats the easiest and go from there. Pro play is the most varied its ever been.

Brig has 5 nerfs since she came out, no?

I’m not sure how many she’s got so far.
What i do know is that she still has the highest winrate among the supports.
I don’t think her pending nerf will do much about that, but we’ll see.

For those complaining about her shield…in a game with hitscan and projectiles for 90% of the heroes, melee-based heroes HAVE to have have some type of shield (whether its personal shield like brig or party shield like rein or armor gain on damage like doom)

The shield is peachy, I like the idea of a support with a shield, it’s the stunning while the shield is still up with the 5, 6, 7 second cooldown that irks me.:slight_smile:

4 nerfs, 5 with the current one. Winrate doesn’t mean anything. Symmetra has the highest winrate across the board for 10 seasons now and she is still an F tier hero even after her second rework. Winrate alone does not provide statistical evidence and empirical causality. Even if providing statistical relevance, it’s not enough of a factor alone to provide sufficient evidence for causation.

  1. keep out of bash range
  2. focus everyone else on Bri’s team first, since her healing sustain is the worst
  3. see her die in 1 sec when your not alone against her.

Stopped playing her cause I have bigger impact on Moira, Lucio and even Ana then Bri. And less times watching my team die around me when playing another healer

Great idea, but she’s on the objective and I need to contest to not lose, but still kill her, now what.

That’s why she is used as a dps slot most often or at most an off healer.

nah, give rein a shield slap.

where he does 50 damage and slaps whoever is walking infront of his shield like 5 or so feet away, not a stun, but forced momentum.

As a brig player I wouldnt mind if they removed shieldbash. They’d have to give her a new damage output or healing mechanic though. There’s no fun to her kit in sitting with shield up at back of team and pressing e to heal every 5 seconds, not engaging at all

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The very first post I have ever liked that was composed by someone playing brig or defending brig. Well done sir/madame/?.

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Maybe a rein charge would be a good replacement for it.

What if rather than stunning the shield bash has the knockback and the flail deals just damage with 0 knockback?

Considering her LC is only 6 yards the shield bash would be for defensive purposes or finishing people off as you wouldn’t want to knock them out of the way too early.

Or option 2.

The whipshot and shield bash are reversed so the stun is on the skillshot and like whip shot now does not work through barriers :thinking:

She’s squishier than a tank but tankier than a support. But that’s because her primary role is support with tank aspects.

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3 nerfs, not much considering how op she was deemed. Frankly im proud of blizzard for not gutting brigitte the moment she was deemed op by golds/plats the same way they gutted doomfist 5 times and left him buggy af for 6 months.