According to my research....[Brigitte discussion]

Yes viewcounts drop over time, but sudden spikes or big drops have different reasons. The clearest sign for that is when big drops happen during a certain meta. Which is exactly what happened to OW.

Yes because that’s totally a legit comparison. lol

Free to play and runs on potatoes was your argument. Minesweeper fills both criteria. But if you want a larger scale then try rift. It is basically WoW but f2p. Why is WoW so much more popular?

So if 2 streamers that gets i dunno 20-30k views per stream ups and leaves the game because they don’t like the meta. (or at least they say they don’t because they want that sweet Fortnite $$$)

That will cause a drop of 50-60k views

Does that mean that meta should be changed? even though the remainder of the player base has no issue with it?

And just a reminder most of these streamers are not pro’s they simply play the game and are popular for the entertainment most of the time over the gameplay.

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:rofl: My post isn’t directed towards you at all. Get yourself some reading glasses please.

Fun has no relevance to balance, it’s subjective. What I find fun or not has no bearing to how strong a character is.

And there’s plenty of people that don’t complain about her. She is fine in OWL as well where they play her completely un-nerfed version by the way. The majority of people complaining are Tracer mains which now actually have a counter in the game and Genji mains. Or low SR players that don’t know how to play against her similar to Symmetra. Does that mean Brig is OP? Nah. Just like Symmetra was never OP, was just strong in low SR tiers.

:rofl: Calling me scum for a post not even addressed to you. I didn’t say that, the original poster did. Learn to read man.

My hero? She is not my hero specifically. I play everything (well, mind you).

5 nerfs not enough for you? Who is delusional? :rofl:

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You can’t compare Minesweeper a freely installed game with no more mechanics than clicking on a box to that of a full environment designed around actually skilled gameplay lol

And rift was not F2P in the beginning it was a sub model the same as WoW was but WoW still pulled in more players then they went P2W which is the death of any game outside of the mobile markets and they allowed you to put an entire raid viable rotation into 1 button macro’s which i found hilarious.

Why does every hero need a hardcounter? This just limits what people can and will pick up and play. Why waste hundreds of hours on Genji knowing that you’ll get hard countered anyway? People will just pick up 3 easy heroes instead.
Some heroes require 10 times more effort and practice than others.
A plat Brigitte can take down GM Genji and Tracer’s.
Actually, let me rephrase this…

A plat Brigitte, can shut down an entire GM dive comp.

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No issue? How about you take a poll and go into dm as brig and ask players how they feel about her. Or go into a regular qp or comp game and ask players how they feel. No one likes her but the people who play her.

You posted in a public forum. Tough luck pal, I’m going to respond to BS when I see it, whether it’s directed to me or not. DM him if you don’t want responses.

Mercy has received countless nerfs and she is still getting them because she is too powerful. And the nerfs brig has recieved are pitiful. 3 of those nerfs are 1 second added to her bash. 1 is reducing the potential of her ult (needed af) and it doesn’t need anymore tampering to be fair now, and a “nerf” to make her shield bash more accurate.

And I can win a WoW raid with my druid healer by spamming regrowth, what’s the difference? Also you said

But fortnite is f2p, why would fortnite die and LoL live on?

I never said Fortnite will die i said it’s viewercount will drop.

LoL had the same viewer counts Fortnite has now 2 years ago but it’s now only about half (A third at the very least) of what it used to bring in.

And i honestly don’t care what some people in DM, Arcade or QP thinks of Brig it’s not a competitive environment they are all fun modes.

And in comp? sure if it climb to Master/GM i will be sure to ask what they thing of her in there because balancing around Golds would be a disaster.

So even tho all of these streamers said they drop the game because of its state you straight up deny that and simply claim them to be sellouts and liars. Man, sorry, but your profile is hidden and your avatar shows Brigitte. At least I can see you play in 2500, implying you don’t really feel the impact of a bad meta like this at all, and even tho I’m not a pro and only low diamond I can at least deal with the fact that the meta is crap and still enjoy the game. There’s no reason to be a white knight just because you like to play Brigitte and she helped you to escape silver. But calling people liars and sellouts because they compromise your success that’s based on a thing that others cannot enjoy is a bit weak.

No i deny what they think and present a counter argument/debate because they are players no different from me except the concept of money is involved and they are human.

Pro players are people in the OWL or players that play inside tournament teams.

People that stream for fun and money whether they play competitive or not like Tim, Summit1G, DrDisrespect you name it their opinion on the state of the game is no different from that of any other player.

That is the biggest joke ever. :rofl: This is one of the most ridiculous statements I’ve ever read. I can shutdown a Plat Brig with Tracer solo and I don’t even normally play Tracer by just being smart and keeping my distance/baiting shield bash. Please don’t write nonsense like this mate :rofl:

Sure, make one and come back with the data. DM is not relevant game mode to discuss balance on.

:rofl: You do realize you can reply to specific people? You might want to check a tutorial on the forum. Oh, I don’t mind your response - your rhetoric is very funny.

Mercy was guaranteed OP as evidenced by the OWL 100% pickrate. Those are not even remotely comparable. Nice try.

All in all, your points are weak. You are barely even a gold player (this is not calling you out on your SR or an insult, just to make it clear before the PC police decides to arrest me for stating facts) - which means in your tier there are no good hitscans. Which means you can run Pharmercy and absolutely destroy Brig. Problem solved and much easier than crying on the forums about a hero that’s objectively, statistically proven to be not OP.

Okay, they are no pros then. Yet they are all very high in SR and therefor they have a better understanding of this subject than me or you. Devalueing the opinion of others based on an idea of equality is a fallacy, you will know that when reaching higher SR.

By this token, why is she not a problem in OWL? Why is her pickrate not broken like Mercy was? Why when the pros are actually playing a completely vanilla un-nerfed Brigitte? Nice try mate. Streamers are gonna play whatever’s popular and therefore their opinion is subject to bias. They get payed by being entertainers. OWL is the real litmus test.

Can someone pls explain to me why this person keeps talking down to the "lower elos " and yet is defending the character that requires literally no aim to play in a FPS game? And I bet you don’t even have to ask the master/gm players because they probably already say so in chat. But go ahead, ask them, though I have to warn you, it won’t be a positive reaction from them either.

Don’t reply to this guy he is trolling.

What are you going to do when the dive tanks are too scared to dive in?
What do you think will happen when your peeling disappears?
Brigitte herself might not be killing you directly all the time, but a dive comp won’t work without the dive tanks. As for Brigitte killing Genji and Tracer, yes you can work around her. But she can just hold her ground on the objective without anything you can really do about it as Tracer or Genji.

Masters+ is swarming with Brigitte one tricks that used to be silver and gold players. Really, it’s not so far fetched to say that a plat Brigitte player can shut down GM dive comps. I’ve seen it happen plenty of times.


Hahahahahah so facts are now trolling. :rofl: You can’t beat my points so you call me a troll. :rofl:

Maybe because she is designed to help beat dive? That’s literally her function?

Show me proof. I see that statement a lot, show me proof please.

This is the way I communicate. I like emoticons. I don’t tell people to mind their business :rofl: It’s a debate. Yes, Tracer can beat Brig if played properly. Yes, Mercy was downright OP, there’s empirical proof to support this. Not talking down to lower elos - providing examples how to overcome Brigitte in low elo. Pharmercy beats Brigitte easy, in low elo you don’t have good hitscan to counter Pharah. This isn’t an insult, it’s an observation.

If you want examples of troll behaviour, then how about your copious use of ROFL and telling people to mind their business on a public forum. Or saying that tracer can easily beat the hero made to hard counter her. Or saying that mercy getting multiple nerfs is not comparable to brigitte getting 5 nerfs. or trying to talk down to lower elos. That is considered trolling.

Swarming at a pickrate of 3.37%?

Could you show me any profile of someone that has done this i am curious?

I belong to a number of discord groups, and if there is one thing they all have in common is that there is no lockstep agreement on anything from the color of one’s shoes to game play preferences. As the numbers increase, so does the diversity.

Once you hit 20 people, it’s chaos. 130 and it is pandemonium.