Ableism and accessibility

I mean objectively if the hero is carrying you, and you just hold down a button while eating a tuna fish sandwich, you should not get the same results as a hero that requires practice to use effectively.

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That’s kind of my point… good players had no issue with it. They could have converted it to a Moira-style large targeting area, but no they went entirely out of bounds with it for a move to appease.

All heroes require practice to use effectively.

You just think some kinds of skill are better than others, so you disregard the skills required to play those other heroes well.

I played old Sym and new Sym. Auto aim needed to go.


look, no one is saying that you having a disability is a bad thing, however and this applies to everyone in this forum and everyone who chooses to play this game, you have to accept that your limitations will determine your place in the game, they determine my place as well and even though I’m not disabled I do have a job that takes a lot of my free time and as such I don’t expect to be GM, ever.

Your disability isn’t stopping you from playing the game, however what you want is to win against people who maybe don’t have such disabilities and that is sadly not possible, for your own mental health I think you should just enjoy the game the way I do, casually


I’m not saying you need a special version. I’m saying it’s important for you to understand why people not might be a fan of certain hero mechanics and that arguing that accessibility should be a consideration in keeping them should be secondary to arguing whether the the mechanics make sense for the game. I’m not one of these “aim is the only skill” people but I’m not going to pretend I don’t understand where they’re coming from.

Labeling me doesn’t strengthen your position.

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I’ve been arguing about the removal of accessibility since Sym 3.0 kit was revealed. Symmetra accessibility went far and beyond “lol autolock”: You was able to precisely place your turrets with a phantom visual on screen, neither of her ultimates required precise placement, Photon Barrier was large enough that you could just throw it “close enough” for it to block what you wanted, and her whole pacing was more forgiving for people without quick reflexes in exchange for demanding better planning and preparation.

It’s weird that you jump 6 years in the future, and Jeff position basically contradicts himself back when Overwatch was on pre-release state:

Something that we focused a lot on and I hope you guys experience today or tomorrow is– these non-twitch options that we have. It’s funny we were rehearsing this earlier for the team and we have a very diverse team of developers that are working on this game. (…) What we talk about when we are discussing things like non-twitch options is giving you other things to do besides put crosshairs over targets. We know not everybody is great at that, and that’s what drives people out of a lot of the other shooters.

Playing Torbjörn is not about how skilled are you with a rifle and you know, can you take somebody out at 100 meters across the battlefield. Torbjörn is really about: “I know the map really well, and I know that I want to lock down a certain area and I’m making very strategic decisions that are going to help my team without me having to be the best, you know like… maybe I’m not in the WoW arena finals right now today.”

It’s really sad to see Overwatch moving away from this vision.

I don’t play Fortnite. But I know they have a tournament. That, by definition, make it a competitive game.

Can’t really compare a job to a disability…but I agree with the message here overall.


It was 5m5m… let me say this again… 5m… the entire point in this discussion was it was a very deft way of allowing people with control issues to have a reliable character. You should be grateful you have the ability to practice and use a character that way. Could it have used tuning? Sure. Did it need to be removed? No.

Sometimes, the fight is already lost when you choose poorly to engage, I find players on highly mechanical focused kits seem to think it all comes down to that moment after they engage…

Honestly, if we are honest about this- it was one target, whereas even now we have Moira who hardly aims at 20m (and has killed far, far more Genjis), and Rein who hits everything at 5m, and Brig everything at 6m. But hold the phone, we had one character with a 5m lockon ability :roll_eyes:

We still have turrets that fire on things at ranges up to 40m (Torb) without control, but we could not tolerate a 5m auto-lock on ability.

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Reread the tone in your original comment. The best comparison you could draw was “special Olympics”. You literally implied that anyone with a disability does not belong in the same place as everyone else, but needs their own “special” version that is inclusive. You literally implied that OW1 isn’t “for me”, but that OW2 is.

That’s called exclusionism. The idea that a game cannot compensate for physical impairment and still be fair in a competitive sense is ableism.

I am more than capable of playing this game competitively, but the same arguments that I cannot expect everything to go my way 100% of the time for it also applies to the arguments against it.

So what if the support on the other team is a strong pick? They’re not uncountable. Buck up and switch.


Fun fact, ramps also help non-disabled people in various situations, like baby carriages, delivery carts, and minor/temporary injuries that just make taking the stairs annoying.

Someone made a comparison between those ramps and Symmetra some years ago, and it’s one of the best analogies I have ever read.

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It’s not exclusionism. It is a logical comparison.
People in the special olympics have disabilities, so it is an event created where they can compete with others with similar disabilities.

You are complaining about disabilities when it comes to playing the game.

I don’t think it was said in a negative way.

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So you’re saying I either just dont get to play games like Overwatch and enjoy it, or I should be okay with a “Special Overwatch” where everyone who buys it goes through stringent medical verification and is comfortable giving a for-profit company access to their medical records just to play a 5 minute FPS game?

Or is this game based on an honor system and heavily monitored for harassment?

I didn’t imply that. I was talking about the nature of competition. There’s plenty of things a disabled person can do in this game.

No I didn’t say anything of the sort, I said I don’t believe he was trying to “exclude” you or anyone with his post.

New Sym requires zero skill.

I really hate how I feel like my game is watered down when my disability acts up. I have arthritis and most days I can play “high skill” heroes like Zen, Hanzo, and Ana, but in the winter especially i need heroes like Sombra (to a point), Mercy and Moira, but feeling like my game is watered down or “brain-dead easy mode” because my hands are literally not working for me is annoying.

Video games generally have low physical demands and OG overwatch i felt just as powerful or useful to my team playing Mercy as I did Ana. The difference was Mercy relied a lot more on big brain plays. She needed ult tracking knowing where the enemy was positioned at any moment because she’d die at an inopportune time. Ana, though had to worry about it, had to at a lesser degree at the cost of having to aim a lot.

Im not saying low mechanics should be easy rank-up mode, it should be just as possible to rank up, but focus on other skills that make ranking up just as difficult as mechanics based heroes but with big brain plays.


While a competitive rollercoaster is an interesting idea, QP and arcade are not meant to be particularly competitive. They’re aimed at casual players not looking to sweat.

Having options for everyone is important, and its possible to make those options fair. Removing a concept because it bores you or isnt up to your standards isn’t fair, its exclusionary.


Thing is you cant exclude Competitive from the equation as QP/Arcade share the same heroes as Competitive.

Make an “easy” option for QP and it’s still there in Comp

Being able to hear vs someone who cannot hear is an unfair advantage in this game.
Captions even out the playing field.

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