Y’all screaming about any non-super high skill character being remotely viable forget that not everyone has the ability to “git gud”.
I deal with a symptom of Narcolepsy called cataplexy. Its varying degrees of triggered paralysis. For me, this can show up as poor hand-eye coordination, shaking or trembling, limb-specific paralysis, or full-bodied paralysis.
I have other friends with various medical disabilities, such as Deafness, early onset rrthritis, and another friend that also shakes considerably.
You’d be surprised to find out that Overwatch is one of a few FPS games that are actually accessible for disabled people. Being able to track vs specifically aim can help average out shaking. Heroes with forgiving kits help me when I’m dealing with sleep attacks midgame.
For me, heroes like Moira and Symmetra are a perfect match. I’m able to engage and disengage from the enemy as long as I’m not too stupid, and both allow me to actually accomplish my job without bursting into tears.
I wasnt always Narcoleptic, and Overwatch gives me a sense of normalcy. Being narcoleptic shouldn’t mean I dont get to have fun or enjoy things anymore. What’s the point of living if I dont get to play games with other people, too?
But sometimes I feel like I’m not entitled to enjoy the game, too. The heroes I enjoy are “braindead”, so I must be braindead for enjoying them.
I’d love to play Ashe, but I have a ~13% scoped accuracy and enough hours on her that I should be able to at least hit something. For the life of me, I can’t, and getting so frustrated about it that my whole body plexies isn’t where it’s at.
I think you shouldn’t expect to be able to play the game competitively at a high level if you lack fundamental skills due to disabilities
It is of course unfortunate when life hands you such a card but no doubt you can expect to be skilled in other areas. Perhaps your communication skills are exceptional and really shine in leadership
Did I even once ask to play competitively or at a high level? You’re putting words into my mouth here.
The heroes in quick play are the same heroes in competitive.
I am asking for Blizzard and other overwatch players to remember that low-skill heroes with forgiving kits are a necessity.
Are you not asking for low skill characters to be viable at a high level? That is the understanding I took from your post
I agree that such characters are a necessity but they should not be expected to be viable at a high level or give you a higher reward then heroes that do take a lot of skill and dedication
Where did I say “at a high level”?
Or are you saying, “because you’re disabled, the only thing you should be able to functionally do in-game is feed or be useless”?
Furthermore, are you implying that I somehow lack dedication?
I don’t believe that you lack dedication. But I do believe that your disabilities affect your skill and this is something certainly I can relate to you or someone with had problems including repetitive strain injury alongside other problems but I know that I can excel in other areas.
Now that I have re-read your post I must acknowledge that I mistakenly read it has high skill well that is how I interpreted what you said. But now I do understand you are asking for characters to be viable at a lower level. But you must understand that all characters are indeed viable at low-level. It doesn’t really matter. The question of viability only comes into question at high-level hence why I assumed you were speaking about high-level play
Dude, I don’t even know what you’re on about.
Yeah. Any character with even 1 HP is “viable”, but why am I going to play a game where I’m literally useless because I mechanically cannot access the hero.
Accessibility. Look it up.
The argument for accessibility doesn’t make sense for skill-based games.
Yes you are going to have options like colourblind and so on but those options do not give you an advantage over normal colour options
You simply have to accept that a game if it wishes to be taken seriously cannot simply say that because some people are disabled we need to make the game super easy or give them a super easy option
Accessibility includes making reasonable changes or inclusions to the game.
You’re arguing that, for example, tracking is an unfair advantage.
Closed captions are an unfair advantage.
the options of colorblind are so bad that i rather play with standard
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I don’t believe that tracking is an unfair advantage. I actually find tracking to be more difficult than Flickshots myself as someone with hand and wrist problems
Closed captions are borderline an unfair advantage but I wouldn’t really say that they are provided you use headphones. But I do notice things like seeing the enemy voice lines and knowing what composition they run simply by having captions on that I would have had almost no hope of hearing on my speaker set up
I rate -3 out of 8 for bait.
Try harder next time mate.
Thanks bye.
As for OP, you’re not the only one who had friends who enjoyed OW because it had heroes with kits that weren’t 100% aim and tracking reliant. OW was originally promoted as a game for all audiences, and it showed.
However with the push to be more like other FPS it seems they’re just dropping a decent chunk of their player base.
You’re making a lot of assumptions on what I “want” or how I think things should be. I do not expect the world catered to me, but a low-skill, forgiving-kit hero isnt an “unfair advantage”.
I’m not asking for other characters to be nerfed. I’m not asking for characters to be buffed. I’m literally asking for certain basic kits to not just be entirely obliterated.
Sure I think you make some fair points and I do agree that for example the Symmetra should have probably stayed the way she was in order to allow people to play in that way provided that they are balanced with that in mind which I think she was
Having said that I find the new Symmetra to be far more engaging and fitting for a skill based game
Jeff already stated this game is meant for people at all skill levels and that is precisely why there’s such a variety of heroes in game with varying levels of difficulty.
If you want such a hardcore game, you’re playing the wrong game and you should stop trying to force YOUR ideal of a game into an already existing one that you have zero control over.
This world lacks empathy and compassion for others. Too many people are ME ME ME.
Don’t forget that he also said he would like to see the game trend in more of the FPS direction
The game is already made for all skill levels which is why we have the ranked system. If your example your aim is extremely bad but you compensate for that with good communication or whatever other skills you possess then the system will appropriately sort you into a rank such as Silver or bronze
You know being able to out think your opponent is a skill that can be put on a hero’s kit. Setting up traps and taking away the usual advantages they have. That was the basis of sym 2.0 and she was able to preform at a very high level.
It can definitely be done again
It’s wierd people thinking the one of the only skills necessary is to just click head
Then why do you play DF and Rein more than anything else? 
Cause of my aforementioned hand problems I find them to be the easiest. However I fully acknowledge and understand people who find fist to be frustrating to play against
Fist is a very controversial hero and it is largely due to his abilities being so easy to land and that you really need to balance around that and people today complain about how he is not viable which is totally not true
Many people simply expect to get higher value out of fist for free which is simply not how a skill-based game should work hence why I fully support every nerf he has received
I have cerebral palsy and play the game with one hand on pc and came to accept the fact that not all games can reasonably be adjusted to suit my needs. I’ve played plenty of video games ranging from 6 button fighting games to rhythm games and to fpses. I’ve even gotten world records in games like Sonic Rush Adventure and Sonic Mania and have beaten multiple pro players in Smash Ultimate. After gaming for 23+ years I have only really seen two or three games that are too physically demanding for me to play. It sucks that I’m always at a disadvantage compared to a majority of players, but I use that as a drive to improve.
I play this game a lot and my favorite heroes are Zenyatta, Rein, D.Va, Torb, and Symmetra. Outside of meming around and stacking shields and armor I greatly prefer new Symmetra even if my aim isn’t very good. I sometimes play other heroes when bored. I’ve gotten past 3k with game sense, awareness, and communication and I’m reasonably able to fend for myself all things considered. I think handicaps can be overcome with determination and practice as there are disabled gms out there.
It sucks that there is ableism out there and it’s definitely terrible. But one time I got potg by getting a 4k as Zenyatta and someone asked me why I use a controller. When telling them why they said I was pretty cool and moments like that make me feel really good inside. The community is filled with bad eggs but there’s definitely some good in it. Don’t let terrible people dictate how you’re suppose to have fun.
I want to be clear that this is personally my experience and your experience is different and equally valid, but I just wanted to express my thoughts. I’m fine with Blizzard adding mechanical heroes because that’s what the majority wants.