Ableism and accessibility

That video is from MKX. MK11 expanded on this, as did other Netherealms games, like Injustice 2.

It definitely was designed with this kind of accessibility in mind, which benefits more than only blind players. Audio cues helps everyone.

You really need to watch the video series I linked and see that it’s not that hard to design your game with accessibility in mind, but given the scope of how game development works, you need to be aware of it from the start, or you can’t add it later without a lot of effort to rewrite large portions of your code.

Also, that’s not the real argument here. Overwatch was an accessible game at launch regarding hero design. As time went by, Blizzard is removing accessible parts out of the game. They added a good colorblind option and sound effect subtitles, but Mercy, Symmetra, Brigitte and Moira are always one inch away from being reworked because someone says they are “no-skill heroes”.

Not having a specific accessibility option is sad, but it happens. Having those options removed in a post-launch patch is an entirely different issue.

Also, it’s worthy saying you didn’t argued against Fortnite’s visual sound effect option. Which is doing fine with it there, despite being a “high competitive game”.


Balanced =/= borderline cheating.

Yeah, 144hz and super high grade positional sound are borderline cheating

Thank you for articulating how I feel a lot better than I did.

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Why?? Anyone can obtain these.
Just because you label something “cheating” doesn’t mean it is cheating.


They give a massive advantage

I mean in competitive games, no 2 sides are ever equal. that is why there is always a winner and a loser. The point of actually competing is to prove who can be better through working harder or smarter.

Or just… being born more wealthy and able to afford 144hz :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it though? isn’t Fortnite pretty much rng, luck based on getting good “drops”?

Nah, they are standard for any generic gaming setup, and can therefore be considered a fair price for entry.


I don’t know why yours is such a seemingly unpopular notion. This is a competitive game and a competitive game can’t be designed under the assumption that some players can’t use all of the available tools. That’s not discriminatory or unempathetic; That’s how competition works. That’s why there’s a separate special Olympics instead of lowering the requirements in the regular Olympics for disabled people.

I understand people that need extra accessibility wanting to participate and feel valuable in game, though. I’m hoping the PvE content in OW2 is a better fit for them so they don’t have to worry about competing directly against other players.


Some athletes are born taller, doesn’t mean the guy who is 6’ on a good day can’t be one of the best to ever play the game, look at Allen Iverson.

Competition is about working to win against whatever odds, not being entitled.


They truly do not care. I mean that.

Yes, this is why it was so ridiculous that Sym lost her original primary which helped these folks out because 15 year old Genji mains lost their minds over a 5m lock-on ability from a character with an oversized hit box and no mobility.

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No. Most good players in any BR will wreck you with whatever they find.

I don’t think anyone thinks Fortnite is a competitive game. It’s popular because it’s so easily accessible (free, on all platforms, full cross play), not because it’s competitive.

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Investors with deep pockets. They shouldn’t matter, but they absolutely do.

TIL games cant be accessible and competitive, and that i also am not allowed to play the same games as everyone else and need my own “special Olympics”.

You were upset about other people putting words in your mouth but here you are doing the same thing to me.

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You’re the one comparing a game I paid for which had more accessible heroes when I bought it, to a multinational sports event with stringent entry requirements and policies.

So unless you’re implying I need a special Olympics version of a game I paid out of pocket for, I have no idea why you felt the need to compare apples to oranges there.

Video games arent national sports competitions. They’re video games. Quick play and arcade are casual game modes.


This is the equivalent of adding ramps along side stairs, not asking to make all Olympics “special olympics”.

But your ableism would lead you to draw that conclusion.


She lost her old primary because the lock-on made her an unstoppable monster at lower ranks. It’s actually a pretty good example of the devs considering more than just high-ranked play when it comes to balance.