A wild genji buff thread appeared!

yeah i did, my bad…

i know, that is why i also brought up ladder stats in my thread

in OWL he is bottom 0.7%

in ladder, in the lower ranks he averages arround the 4th ish most picked DPS (hard drop in bronze)

in the midle ranks arround plat/diamond he goes up to 3rd most used DPS,

and in the highest of the ranks, he drops arround 7th most used DPS, in GM, while in masters he remains as 3rd

in GM he seems to get overtaken by tracer, same for OWL

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I think that just shows that he’s balanced, he doesn’t have to always be the 3rd most played dps her, or hero in general to be balanced. I always find that he’s ok.
But the game he’s in isn’t ok, too much healing, the same reason why winston is garbage (much worse than genji). Doesn’t mean they have to nerf healing, but they have to rework how healing works, the place of supports in game etc… Maybe these changes will come out with ow2.
Too much healing doesn’t mean that genji is bad, or garbage, he’s ok, just like every hero should be.

healing is very high that is true, and genjis LOW dps doesnt exactly make him any favors

thats why i opted to make him the answer for the high healing by giving him antiheal possibilities and DoT, adding counterplay

that was my end goal and i was focusing on a more long term solution,

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The best Genji buff is allow him to keep calling i need healing more time

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I really like the DoT and deflect ideas specially. His ult dmg tho…90dmg per swing sounds super harsh in perspective with other heroes. Keep in mind his ult is melee and there are heroes like Junk that can do 120dmg with only a shot from primary. I think if you are gonna reduce the rate at wich his ult is available he kinda needs it to be bursty.

Id still love to test these changes on experimental someday. Id suggest posting this on the subreddit to see what you get there. Forums are usually an eco-chamber for support players that generally despise the character.


Bringing dot back on his dash could actually be great. I can agree on that, it should allow him to secure some kills instead of having mercy or ana helping and immediately nullifying your entire work.

But I’m sorry about the other buffs cause I can’t agree with the 100 hp 100 shield hp, that is way to good for a hero with genii’s mobility, that’s the reason why echo doesn’t have shields despite her looking like a hero that should have shield hp.

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I argue that Genji could use a slight buff. The issue becomes however is Genji is slippery and possibly has one of the highest burst potential out of a non-sniper (169 in a single burst). That can make good Genjis a freakin’ nightmare.

He’s simply fallen out of favor because of how previlent CC is now and shields are

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For dash, I’d argue and say it’s not a tool you should use to engage unless you are certain you’re gonna get a kill

You should opt to use it as a finisher tool and escape tool primarily, that way you always have it ready to bounce with

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Which reddit are we talking about here? there are like 50 million OW reddits

im not sure, i feel like the reddit will have an even worse response personally, but i can try

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Then that makes you super reliant on your team because the little damage he can do can be easily healed.

Though to the OP

The changes sound interesting, to say the least.
The biggest issue I see is the base swing damage for blade. I have a feeling it would not fair well against a team with healers that can focus heal their teammates.

How would using dash as an engagement tool make his damage any more difficult to heal through?

Using it in the middle of an engagement would be way more effective since you can alt fire, melee, dash into a target. That’s Genji’s best way to deal damage, not just dashing into them from the get-go

The extra 50 burst damage helps. It ain’t a lot, that’s why you need to do the 180 combo in most cases though this is still very hard to pull of and requires you to take the enemy by surprise.

That’s bad for multiple reasons.

  1. Not enough damage so it takes too long
  2. If you try to dash at the end, there is a decent chance you will waste dash by either killing them too soon or not doing enough damage.

The best way is to alt fire (sometimes primary) +dash animation cancel then (depending on the distance you dashed from) 180 alt fire+melee into their crit box.

Well, if using it in the middle of the fight is a risky maneuver, then using it to engage is even riskier.

To engage with it is committing fully to the fight, you won’t have an escape tool and no guarentee you’re gonna get the kill

To finish with it means you are either gonna have it to leave with should things start to head south in that engagement, or you do get the kill and have another one to get out with

Obviously neither strategy is gonna guarentee a kill, but one is way less of a commitment than the other. Considering that and the fact that Genji has the wall climb, he can find plenty of angles to engage an opponent from without committing his dash to it or taking a bunch of damage on the way.

That’s how I see it anyways, I don’t play Genji so I don’t have experience on how engagements actually go with him. This just seems like the most logical way to approach it is all.

i always thought that being an assassin character he should have a sort of bleed debuff, so i whole agree with you there, and 8 seconds is def wayy too long of a cooldown for his deflect, theres legit times ive died at 1 sec cooldown its retarded

Please no. Even as a Genji-lover, no.

the damage part is necessary, the deflect part isnt, also all of the other changes he suggested are terrible except the damage per shuriken

Yeah, that’s one of the several reasons he is bad. He relies on getting dash to escape but his DPS is not often not high enough to get it.

But how do you engage? You can’t exactly walk up to someone because they will most likely see you coming.

They will see you coming almost every time and that means they will try to kill you meaning you will need to dash to escape.

I would recommend playing him then if you want to gain a better grasp on how he works.

The mess that is WoW’s Assassination spec notwithstanding, why would killing your enemy’s slowly, i.e. via a Bleed, be the mark of an assassin?

That’s like asking to be discovered, your target to be saved, and for the kill to be untimely. There’s a reason more reliable, timely burst rules over the nominally higher-DPS sustained heroes.

well it would be similar to ashe’s dynamite, you’re lit on fire and contantly burning, same thing no matter how you look at, i dont know anything about WoW im just going based off of what would suit his type of play style. its not really about killing them slowly, sometimes people legit escape with 20 or 25 hp and run back to their healers before you could finishes them off, ive had several moments where im engulfed in flames from ashes dynamite and literally die before i could get any help from healers or reach a medpack.

if you looked at it like that im pretty sure half your team would be complaining at you to “get in there” or to switch to a more viable character, genji CAN lurk but thats not efficient to his kit, look at it like how you normally see genji players play, hes supposed to get in and get out of the back line to take a healer down and help your team push, he could proc someone and in the midst of so much crap happening around, none of the healers are paying attention to the guys that bleeding out. sometimes just a couple small ticks of DMG come a long way.


How could you forget his other escape tools?

Dash and Wall climb. Both are ways to escape.

He does not have to engage with dash. In fact I save mine for a finisher or to escape.

At close range his alternate fire is very damaging. Combine that with melee’s and using dash as a finisher and you have yourself some great chaining and combo effects.