A wild genji buff thread appeared!

Then buff? Why rework a hero?

For dive.

I don’t see anyone complaining that he isn’t fun. Or that they think “deflect is broken” anymore.

Genji had wayyyy more tweaks done to him than symm or torn and preserved his kit.

Just take some.of those tweaks back

if you read the thread, you would see why i said just buffing him didnt seem like a good option to me

if he isnt beeing played in dive…where are you gonna play him realistically?

playing a hero “for the sakes of it” sounds good in casual play, but in highly competitive enviroments, he isnt very viable,

frankly, i dont think a lot of those tweaks would fix his core issue,

unerfing deflectdoesnt fix his kit issues, and giving 8s dragonblade only makes him even more of a ult spam tool

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I did…I’m saying that in the context of this logic, the only focus seems on dive. Which shouldn’t be the case.

Lucio isn’t dive bound.

Neither should we see genji as such

When people figure out other things. Meta grows and changes.

Note, we physically cannot do two of the major ones anymore- goats and triple tank.

Imo…he has no core issue. Balance comes and goes.

Core issues…imo are weaknesses. And those should not be amended.

Well…thats kind of what i did, really,

i tried to take him off of dive and give hima different niche as a flanker

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I don’t think niches can be forced. Moreover, not through reworks.

Genji has a hyper mobile kit with a strong threat of will you won’t you work.

This still works for zarya. Things can pan out for genji without needing to change the kit he works with

And this is going to change with time.

Live soldier is at a point where for a while he was “broken” and “a better McCree” with his dmg…things change.

But it doesn’t have to be kits

but this isnt an example of good balance, its just making a character more broken than another to force his usage


I’m not arguing balance here. I’m saying, balance is restricted to the concepts and play we have at a given moment.

Soldier was meta at one point with his current dmg.

He is not at this time

Zen was meta with a lesser kit than live.

He is not at this time.

Things like meta and strategies come with time when people explore and change. The balance comes and interacts accordingly

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yeah the thing is that he hasnt been properly “meta” or even more widely used since original dive where he wasnt even that popular

Never thought I’d see the day In which someone finally said sombra does damage

SOMBRA :clap: DOES :clap: DAMAGE


i mean 160dps isnt anything to scoff at tbh


It’s hard to explain that to forums and I’m glad I saw it for the first time since her release

Popularity is not the same as bad.

A revert on Baptiste to launch imo, would make him broken. He wasn’t seen as broken because nobody used him

Not because he was bad.

“Meta” is a thing for “a.gm or pro figured out this hero isn’t trash” imo.

Genji isn’t great. But he isn’t bad . And a core kit change shouldn’t happen just because he isn’t a solid go to in a meta

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There’s nothing to improve and if he gets way too strong they’ll have to nerf him or worse buff brig, plus an evasive character like genji sjouldn’t have shields and especially not 100 shield hp. He does chip damage and he’s fine.

yeah but it took bap like what…a few months after his release?

we are talking a few years for genji here,

plus, i know pickrate alone doesnt mean anything, thats why i tried to bring multiple examples,

generally, the higher ranks will use something that is good, thats why i brought up OWL

…isnt it better to make him a more solid pick though?

the point im trying to make is,

could you fix his kkit maybe with a few number changes? …ehhhh…maybe? i dont know really…

maybe you could increase shuriken to 32, maybe throw in the deflect change, and uh…idk, call it a day?

but that wouldnt fix the fact that he is simply overshadowed by all the other cast of flankers in every single aspect so im aiming for a more long term fix to his kit by simply giving him his own kit

where are you getting your conclusion from that he is fine?

a lot of people keep saying “he is just fineee” but like, ive shown my numbers and my soruces…what are all of you seeing in that he is fine?

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…no it took a year for him to find a “meta” and he was significantly buffed to that state

I disagree. I think they will use what they “think” is good and moreover, the most reliable.

Which imo, hero bans showcased exactly how much they rely on certain heroes

No. Go to and pick are not the same.

Imo, mercy is a good example of solid go to for ladder…using her and asking that she be used anywhere because that’s what they want.

Not using her as needed.

I don’t think he is.

Imo, ladder is a better indication that he is fairly okay. Because the average person does fine.

Force gm to not use a “meta” and they might find one he can work in.

Although, with dmg as it is, I personally feel a deflect or dmg buff is entirely warranted

A charater that is the second most played dps hero and also has a 50% winrate isn’t bad. Tracer is in a much worst state, just like sombra, symmetra and bastion (aka the 3 worst heroes in the game).

Where is he the second most played hero

tracer is literally the 3rd most picked hero on OWL

yes, i have prposed fixes for them as wwell


Unfortunate that u posted into a forum with low play support mains


i expected this type of response frankly, but i wanted to suggest it anyways

a lot of people seem to simply like they…i dont know, i just dont know where they are getting this from, ive based all my conclucions on sources, so im not sure what to say

some people like what N7Warrior are saying are understandeable, he recognizes he needs something maybe (atleast thats what i understood), but like, doesnt like my approach,


You forgot the “dps” word.

OWL shouldn’t have a word in what balance is really like in game, thanks to them they overbuffed ashe, they create metas that destroy the game etc… We shouldn’t balance the game around 1% of the community.

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