Hi Jeff, i appreciate what you and the dev team do. Thank you!
Can we have a “spy” voice line like the one in TF2 to notify our team of a hidden enemy or flanker, pretty please with sugar on top papa Jeff
Oooh. A customizable communication wheel, perhaps? That would be pretty cool.
I can’t wait to see what this is. Should be interesting
Thanks Jeff! Wanted to say thanks for the awesome update today. The fact that you guys removed map pools, are gonna fix Paris and Horizon, changed hero pools, added Echo and Middle Eastern servers, new streaming event, etc. all amidst the global pandemic is just…we really appreciate you guys!
Wow, this, totally this. As a shot-caller I really would like this.
Is this perhaps going to be a VGS system or a Payday 2 style quickchat?
Or maybe that circular VGS Paladins used recently.
Communication Wheel Change Idea - #2 by GreyFalcon-11737
Also for something like a Ping system, Combine the “Group Up Here” visual, with a carrot arrow triangle arrow that circles around the circle graphic.
You already have a similar graphic style for the overhead map for OWL to indicate what direction players are facing.
Just need to put that above teammates heads and swap the image for something meaningful.
Also if the visual goes behind a player, just make it similar to how
TorbTurret/ZenDiscord icon scoots along the bottom of the screen.
And the voice actors, who this relies on a lot
I would also like a “No” or “Negative” or “No Thanks” as well.
“No” voice lines have been found in the files already, but they’re not in-game. Even Hammond has them so it can’t be too old of an idea
It has something for everything so you can accurately get your message across, I think it’s much more efficient, it does however have button order combos to initiate a specific phrase which I don’t think would work for OW
So by “Cool update” do you mean break the game and make it even more unbearable to play with more flying chars?
Need a tactical comms wheel and a chat comms wheel.
Tactical should be - push, retreat, enemy left, enemy right, enemy above. There should also be a button that we can press that can call a target under the reticle - Attack the Moira!
Could you also please address the lack of options for Symmetra to display her gold gun on the victory screen or in highlight intros? Sym players have been asking, for what… four years now?
Could you also please address why we haven’t received any more OWL Grey Skins since 2018? You have 32 made but only released 10 two years ago. Could you please add them to the in-game store or tell us why not? Been askin since 2019. (An idea would also be to put them into a new kind of lootbox we could spend tokens on: OWL lootboxes )
Please, Jeff! And thanks in advance!
(When you asked for a Retreat/Fall back communication feature back in July 2019)
McCree voice: See, I told you the system works.
(reclines, sips bourbon)
I hope reinhardts version of this take inspiration from
also similar to dramatic Hammond can we have a doomfist funeral meme highlight intro lol?
In the meantime can we please get the Occlusion Audio Bug fix sent out onto PTR (Feb 6th) implemented into Live game please?
I agree. A retreat voice line would be good. Simply “group up with me” is not strong enough for some players. They are fighting 3 v 5’s with no heals.
Okay then
pops biotic field
The word you’re looking for Mr Kaplan…
…is necessary