They could make only two changes and make the ult, and her entire kit, 100% better.
- One-frame deployment
- 1000 charge (down from 1500), which I only just realized would be absolutely amazing.
1000 charge means that good Symmetras (since they do 12,000 average damage in a match, on the low end for DPS, but high end for everything else) will have 12 ultimates during a competitive match. Let that sink in for a second - twelve of these things? That’s three whole minutes of the point being bisected in an incredibly powerful and oppressive way.
All of a sudden, her primary doesn’t seem that bad anymore since you can reload in peoples’ faces, in safety.
One-frame deployment means that you can use it to counter Pharah ults and Roadhog hooks, as the old barrier enabled. It’s a defensive/tank/support ult with purpose, on a hero that under the previous categorizations, would be a defense hero.
This as a change would probably fix a lot of the inconsistencies with her current kit, as well.