A Samito video that many will get behind

Nobody will fault you for disagreeing with the man.
But indeed, there’s no need to steep that low.


That’s very close to what my issue with what he said was, though.

I do not agree that heroes like Moira should consistently be better than heroes like Ana. I think every hero, high-skill or not, should have their uses, though. His wording implies that these heroes shouldn’t, in any circumstance, be better. If that’s the case, he’s counterproductive to his own point that the meta should be shaken up frequently. How would that be possible if the higher the skill and the more challenging a hero is, the more they deserve to be better than the rest?

He goes very in-depth about why high-skill should be more rewarding, but I don’t think he specifies anything that is convincing me that he TRULY believes there should be a place for these heroes. To me, that felt like a disclaimer so he won’t get attacked lol.

Like I said, I agree with most of what he said. But I’d rather there be a world where there are some circumstances where these heroes can be the optimal pick, though they shouldn’t always be. His wording leads me to believe that, “this hero is the most challenging therefore they should pretty much always be the best” which I can’t agree with.


He’s arguing exactly this should happen.
Though admittedly, doesn’t go into detail.

I don’t really believe that’s his argument unless he wants to further elaborate. I said it in my post above (though it’s lengthy so I don’t fault you if you didn’t read it all), but the “these heroes should have a place” felt more like a disclaimer to avoid getting flamed. It didn’t feel genuine.

About his points, I agree with:

  • Orisa is way too strong and needs to be nerfed/tune down some aspect of her kit (probably Fortify)
  • We need balance patches more often
  • There are way too many things in this game that have 0 counterplay (and require little to no skill)
  • Many heroes who were favorites in the past (such as Genji) have been powercrept and aren’t viable now
  • Ana is one of the most well-designed heroes in the game


  • Priority queue (I mean, I share the same sentiment that the system should reward flex players, but establishing a priority queue would have some implications I didn’t think about in depth so I don’t want to say I agree with it yet)


  • Reaper’s Shadow Step is a problem. I agree that the character is a bit overturned right now, but this ability in particular isn’t a problem IMO.
  • Hardest characters are the only ones which should be meta. If this happened, the meta would rarely change. Meta DPS would always be Widow, Genji and McCree, which would be boring. We need meta diversity.

All in all, I think it is a reasonable video and at this point people are doing everything they can to find points to disagree with the guy

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Its an old video, already commented on it. Same comment applies.
Here is a TLDR for those who still havent seen it. I Just checked the video trying to no facepalm once in a while and be objective :

  • Fortify is a problem (no Kappa) “makes her the better brawler tank”, WHAT?. Wants to nerf it to 20% reduction … after Armor nerfs to a 400 hp hero. Yeah this is straight up non sense.
  • Fortify shouldnt allow her to get out of grav or CC. Yeah dude, god forbid a tank can actually escape grav or not be a bouncing ball to all CC. Another non sense.
  • Priority queue: Yep. That makes sense, reward people that flex through roles. Requires check ups like I posted on my thread:
    Shorter DPS queues: Here is how
  • Consistent Balance patches: Yep. Blizzard should stop beating around the bush. He is wrong about what he points out but the concept makes sense.

Personal views about changes (oh boy):

  • Reaper TP: Claims invis is a bad change. Well, the skill was the WORST in game dude and still anyone with headphones can check it so yeah nah.
  • Orb bounces: Rants about random deaths … then again its not that random.
  • Mei doesnt require skill to stop dive. Yeah dude … because she cant. She literally cant. If Dive comes back she will absolutely not stop it. She will survive the jump though but thats it.
  • New heroes lower the requirements of the game. Well mobility has to be kept in check buddy. You cant let people just do whatever and not be able to stop them with anything.
  • Proper players are punished by the system. Well this is driven by poor player education, lack of scoreboards, meta abuse … thats on Blizzard. Avoid slots basically.

That was it. Thanks for the “TED talk” Samito.


First 5 minutes, thinks Fortify is the reason Orisa is broken. Turned it off after that. This is also the guy that complains about current Brigitte, and Mercy egirl jump.


I guess I’ll watch later.

From my perspective, fixing Overwatch is easy.

Do most balance changes by first putting it on PTR for a short while, then push all the balance changes to Quickplay that can be done by Variables Changes. Wait a week on that, and push to Comp. Then later push whatever code changes there were remaining on PTR whenever it’s convenient.

Make a VGS system (Like TRIBES), or another communications wheel with tons of options (like in Payday 2)

Balance snipers. 2.1x headshot multiplier for Widow. 25 damage on barriers for StormArrow.

Make it so if you get an AFKer/Leaver in the first 30sec in Competitive, that it just grabs another player, and restarts the match.
Instead of kicking 11 players back into queue.

Increase Tank usage by winning a game on Tank gets you a “DPS Queue Boost Ticket”, that isn’t exactly measured in time, but makes for very quick queues in Gold/Plat, but is less effective in smaller population groups. But it might cut the DPS queue time in half in Diamond.

Oh yeah, and fix footsteps noises. Roadhog and Reaper are often nearly silent. Which actually throws off the balance a bit.

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You mean break snipers. You should have watched the video, it detailed the issue with high skill cap heroes being unplayable.

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Do explain why you think he is wrong. You know, without resorting to personal attacks and actually counter the argument itself.

I didn’t make one personal attack. I just said I turned it off. Nothing I said was a personal attack at all.

And halt is the problem with Orisa.

I always thought she was created as a Rein alternative. Even during peak of dive Rein was still the most popular tank outside of the highest ranks (mainly because nobody outside those ranks knew how to play Winston properly).

Isn’t this the same guy who smurfed in lower ranks as Moira and claimed she was OP?

This guy can sod off. Trying to preach about fixing the game when he was part of the problem lmao


Don’t bring Samito into the forum. Dude, I’m still shocked at the old samito thread about his mental breakdown-

They’ll instantly disagree.

Well, it isn’t a personal attack per se. It was more in line with discrediting him based on his past stances and opinionated impressions of his person.

Explain why. Single statements do not suffice. Why do you think Fortify isn’t a problem by how the way Samito described it in the video, but halt is (which Samito also touched on in the video).

I think all these threads created about this guy have only for purpose to advertise him.
That shouldn’t be allowed…


I just can’t take a dude that rages and screams like a spoiled preschooler seriously.

Right or wrong, dude is : entitled, emotional, egocentrical, subjective, disrespectful… Not well spoken in short.
So even if he’s right, I’ll tend to doubt every single word that comes out of his mouth.
If he wants people to listen to him he’s gonna have to change his attitude and word choice.
Rhetoric’s are a thing, and a skill. You can preach for world peace and still sound like you wanna murder everyone and don’t care about anyone while doing it…

Also I don’t agree with 80% of what he’s saying here and it doesn’t make sense to me
“If you’re playing dive into Mei, you just lose…”
Oh really Samito, so that whole year and a half when dive was meta, pro’s just had to pick Mei?
Yeah I know that’s not what he meant probably, but that’s just how trash his communication is.

Because they would argue it better and word it better. Talk like Samito and enjoy being misunderstood (which is questionable ofc) if not disliked.


A few things I noted (note, I am paraphrasing Samito’s statements…not directly quoting).

Uh…what? Orisa has literally had Fortify since she was created. I think he means that the cooldown improvements were given as an attempt to help her stand up to GOATS, in which case…fine. Maybe revert its cooldown back to where it was, and then see where she is in the meta. Orisa seemed to be strong right before and right after GOATS was created, so she’ll probably be alright with just a revert.

True, but the devs have stated that they’ve moved away from “situational” characters because those characters don’t work. They originally planned for characters like Symmetra, Orisa, Torbjorn, etc., to good in specific situations–but they’ve moved away from that because those characters either wind up being way too weak or way too strong, and the game itself actively disincentivizes switching due to Ult charge and the presence of one-tricks.

…No. Graviton is an Ult that leaves a team trapped and immobile for several seconds. Halt is not comparable to that.

The two are not comparable. The Doomfist v Soldier issue is something that can be addressed by directly tweaking the way those heroes interact. The Orb issue is true for literally any projectile. If Junkrat shoots grenades across the map, you can’t do anything. If Hanzo shoots arrows across the map, you can’t do anything. If Symmetra shoots right-clicks across the map, you can’t do anything. The only argument I think you could possibly make is “But Moira’s orb goes through shields.” Okay, and if it didn’t, then she’d just do the same thing Ashe does with her Dynamite: either wait for the shield to turn/go down or throw it ABOVE the shield.

The only Dive hero who has no real counter play against Mei is Hammond. Winston can bubble himself and both he and D.Va can shift out if it gets dangerous. (Because, if you know the enemy team has hard CC, you don’t leap in. That’s one of the first things I learned about Dive in a VOD.) As a Hammond main, I’m 200% onboard with reducing how horrible that matchup is for Hammond. But I don’t think Winston and D.Va have it as hard as you claim.

Here’s the exact reason i think the “mechanically demanding” argument is BS. Even if we discount Brigitte, NeptUno (one of the best Support players in OWL) feels that Mercy is harder than people give her credit for. Even Seagull once stated that it’s hard to play Mercy at a high level. I once watched Beeftipsy attempt a Bronze to GM Mercy stream and he got hardstuck in Gold while screaming “Why is this so hard, dude!?”

Even both of those characters aside, how is Orisa in any way LESS mechanically-intensive than Reinhardt? The only thing Samito says to back this up is that the “Reinhardt v Reinhardt interaction is amazing” but that’s stupidly subjective and in itself enforces meta stagnancy. Why can’t the Orisa vs Sigma interaction be amazing, or Orisa vs Winston, or Orisa vs Hammond? If the argument is “Orisa is boring”, then that’s–yet again–subjective.

That’s pretty much everything I took immediate issue with. There are other things I don’t necessarily agree about, but I don’t want to write a 10,000 word essay.


The following doesn’t encompass 80% of what he said. More like 2%

Mei didn’t have multi freeze back then. He specifically mentioned multi freeze.

I don’t think his communication was trash here. It’s just that people are listening to him with burning pitchforks ready in their hands.

No. I specifically said: word for word. That means take everything that Samito said, in the same exact body, tone, and presentation, literally plagiarize every letter he uttered, and then read it in ML7’s voice.

People would completely worship ML7, but automatically bash Samito, even when they say the exact same thing.

I mean, reading the above comments, half of the posters automatically pulled the “Lol Samito” card without properly addressing his arguments individually. I honestly appreciate the ones who actually addressed his points only instead of resorting to such childish tactics of arguing.


The new patch may force double shield to be a thing. One shield in the new patch appears to be too weak.

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