A Kind Word to the Devs :)

There’s always negativity on the forums, and no one ever seems to come here to not complain about something. Everyone blames the devs for characters they don’t like and because they aren’t catering to their every need.

Let’s have a change of pace :smiley:

Thank you, you amazing game developers, for:

  • Adding amazing new characters this year with hugely difference play styles
  • Beautifully designed and fun maps. Petra is my favorite!
  • Constant updates. No one ever seems to understand that programming and digital design takes hard work.
  • An event for a good cause. Nearly $13 million dollars!
  • New and fun hero reworks!
  • Retribution, arguably the best event you all have ever made.
  • Awesome new collectibles! Even if they’re out of my price range… :frowning:
  • Admitting mistakes. That’s so underappreciated in the forums.
  • Great skins. The blizzard themed ones are some of the best!
  • Improving the color blind options drastically!
  • NEW CHARACTER INTERACTIONS!!! Such a small edition, but it adds so much color to the game. A lot of the recent ones are actually really funny! (Junkrat thinking the Queen likes him lmao)
  • Putting so much effort into fixing Reinhardt bugs!

And last and not least…

  • Taking the game in the direction YOU want it to go and not bowing down to the community. Your creativity and hard work is so underappreciated. Thanks for the great game!

(P.S. Let’s keep this positive… seriously.)


I understand your feelings and I appreciate them <3

But the thing about Mercy players like myself complaining is that we do it out of love of the game. Not hatred.

To me the perception that somehow us complaining and wanting things to change for the better is somehow negative… it’s disappointing to see. It’s the exact opposite of reality. I had hoped people understood or recognized this for what it truly is, but I am mistaken :frowning:

The people who complain and are upset here are the ones that want to stay and continue to play this game. We wouldn’t complain if we just wanted to play some other game, but no-- we want to play Overwatch and so we fight to see improvements.

I understand the Mercy threads may be somewhat disappointing to read but they don’t come from a place of destruction, they come from a place of wanting things to improve.

I find it QUITE disheartening actually that the development team seems to view the opinions and thoughts of Mercy mains as some sort of destructive hateful viewpoint. It’s quite the opposite really.

Like for ME I want to play Mercy and want to enjoy this game again. It brought me so much happiness in the past, seriously <3 no sarcasm. I mean it.

But currently I don’t think anyone can really dispute that the current Mercy we have is vastly different from how she was at release. And as someone who wants to continue to love and enjoy this game, with all the changes she’s had it’s become ever-increasingly difficult to enjoy it.

So that’s why you see me post HUGE threads with TONS of effort put in.

My effort I put into threads like these that dwarf almost all other threads comes from a place of LOVE and wanting to enjoy this game more. NOT hatred or destruction or sabotage.

I want things to be better, I want to love this game again. That’s why you see me put in this much effort. <3

Like being honest I have more than enough money to go out and buy any game I want. Including microtransactions (literally spent ~$500 on a particular single game MTX a few days ago.). I have a lot of money IRL and I can buy any game I want at literally any time I want and dump money into micro-transactions if I even need to or want to.

I’m not stuck here, I’m here by choice. Out of LOVE of Overwatch.

Yet… in spite of this all I post here because I WANT to enjoy Overwatch. It’s not hatred, it’s actually a love of this game.


We definitely need more topics like this. Many people reading the forums think the game is in a bad state because the people who are happy with the game actually spend their time playing it.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Don’t forget that negativity is feedback too. Maybe it’s not super informative or helpful, but even toxic nonsense tells one, ‘this player is not happy’. That’s useful.

Being appreciative is good and all, but never forget as a developer that you’re only as good as your games’ worst aspects. A beautiful, free, bug-free, procedurally generated, low resource cost, innovative game can instantly be brought to its knees with something like really bad balance.


I think their post is alright. Everyone has a right to voice their opinions about the game. That’s what the forums are for after all

Positive or negative all feeback is usefull… :sunglasses:

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Refusing to give any feedback besides “Gimme something like mass rez or remove it entirely”, is pretty negative.

It also makes people feel you guys aren’t serious about making Mercy fun, because almost anything Fun besides a big rez ability is rarely ever discussed.

Instead of trying to understand the devs perspective, and pitch fun ideas that fit within their design approach.

It’s just petitioning, and nagging. And sometimes being outright hostile.

That’s not a great way to get the developers to agree with you.


Positivity… please.


Unnecessary and not very positive, considering it downplays people criticising to try and help the game.


Don’t forget a good excuse to buy pop-tarts! And hopefully soon Lucio-Oh’s :yum:

Humminawha? Okayyyyy, where does this thread have anything to do with Mercy mains? It’s about finding appreciation for the good things the devs have done, it’s not about you, why are you trying to make it all about you.


Good post OP!


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I appreciate the art team behind skins and maps

They always never fail to amaze me whenever they create new legendary skins. I love them all :sob:


There is a reason why negative reviews are more useful. Because they can point actual flaws to improve, while positive reviews are rainbows and sunshine without actual content.


right, so when people say “wow, these endless gripe posts are really un-fun and they’re stinking up rhe forums,” people should take the feedback and log off, got it, thank you


I don’t know, I feel like some skins as of recent have felt a little lack-luster.
Skins make me feel excited and like I am showing something off that I earned, even if so many others have them as well. I like them to be that slight bit unrealistic and extra and just colourful and full of fun.

I feel like in the last event and the current one, the only skins I liked were Waveracer D.va and Slasher 76. Even Hammond’s Lantern one is alright to me because it is quirky.

The sport skins, in my opinion were pretty disappointing and I’ll never use them.
But not everyone is going to like everything, that is always the way it is. So if anyone else likes them, I am glad for you but they just aren’t my taste. They don’t make me feel bright and like a big show off.

I was hoping to see some more positivity further down, only to see a wall of text in the first comment about Mercy, again.

This is getting seriously exhausting.


Somehow some people don’t understand why it becomes old…

Anyway, thank you OP ! Good post :wink:


Oh look. Absolutely nothing was said about Mercy and HEY, it’s another Mercy thread now! Take your complaining somewhere else. Come on, don’t make everything about her. This thread was about being positive.


Maturity comes by age, I assume. Those who live in the true side of the real world know that we cannot have everything we want like our mothers made sure when we were kids.

Regardless, as OP states also, I am glad this game exists and the work they did on it. It’s a small part of our lives, in a sense.