I have to thank the devs for finally making a balanced support meta. No more must pick mercy, no more troll pick supports and making the highest skill requiring healers the strongest individually.
Want Pharah, Widow, or just slow defense comps = mercy is good
Want tank heavy comps =Moira is good
Want an all around good healer with high skill ceiling=Ana is good
Want to rush as a unit, peel or boop ppl=Lucio is good
Want to melt tanks and accidentally heal sometimes=Zen is good
Want to counter dive or just be annoying= Brig is good
Supports felt like a duty just a while ago, but now I have actually started preferring to play support.
edit: Wow, seems like people like really like to exaggerate the state of mercy. I really hope the devs aren’t taking the “mercy is unplayable and is a troll pick” seriously.
But now instead of ana being trash tier shes a must pick and now mercys the trash tier pick again.
why cant we just have all supports viable so that way the hero’s that work best with said support also can shine.
Inconsistent healing hurts quite a lot of hero’s
Moira seems weak right now and Mercy… well she is going down the trollpick road once again. Nice to see Ana and Lucio again though.
goats is one of the best comps atm and moira is a part of that. Her pickrate is 20.4%. That is the second highest of all supports.
i love to see different supports in every match
Anas winrate is 50 and pickrate 27%.
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Play another healer then, Mercy is not the center of the overwatch supports
Playing other healers wont solve the issues Mercy has thanks to this horrible rework and its aftermath.
Its also why we need more of them ( I would like to get the tanks and supports to 10 each. )
that way theres at least 5 main tank/supports and 5 off tank/supports.
lots of variety and balance there to be had and well we’d likely see another new dps somewhere along the line and if not I would expect a focus on balancing the dps we already have instead.
We are but just like ana mains we still want our favorite hero to be viable and fun.
You literally get yelled at if you pick Mercy, and everyone will demand Ana. People will throw games if you pick Mercy because you’re “Trolling”
So much for “balanced”. It just swapped positions - Mercy is now the Trollpick and Ana the support overlord. What does it remind me of? Oh right… the time right before the rework where they decided to fix it by giving Mercy an Invulnerability on Q.
This is the healthiest support meta we have had. Mercy is still very viable, but not in all comps.
You have to admit, where Mercy excels is far too niche. No support should be selected solely because they are running Pharah or Snipers. That is not balance. The rest of your examples are general concepts and that one is just Pharah/Widow. You add slow defense compositions in there; however, I am not really entirely sure what you are alluding to. President Bastion?
balance should mean that every hero is playable and got avg win rate of 50 but this is not the case so no I’m not thankful
overbuff states otherwise. if you look at the support stats, it is pretty remarkable
No. Balance does not, and should not mean an equal winrate. Even if everybody was on a level playing field as far as effectiveness is concerned, there’s still different sizes of fan-bases. For example, if winston had relatively few fans, and someone weak to him like Genji had a lot of fans, you would expect Winston to have a higher winrate since the times where he is ran most often is against a genji, whom he works very well against.
And every hero is playable. Just not in equal amounts of compositions and locations.
The supports are all relatively balanced against each other right now. Each has comps and maps that they excel at. For a generic 2-2-2, you really can’t go wrong with any pair. Well Zen/Brig might be a bit weak.
Mercy is not trash. She just isn’t the optimal pick in every comp like she was previously. She still puts out the 2nd best healing amount in the game, and rez is still very valuable.
Ana is not a must pick. She works well with several currently popular comps and strategies, but isn’t optimal in every situation.
If we’re balancing around the highest level play as we should since they show each hero’s true potential, this sure doesn’t look “balanced.”
but highest levels don’t care about close to even. They’ll play the best even if it’s .1% different. Or easier to solo queue with and combo.
All of them are seeing use and all of them have positive win rates at PC GM. That’s great.
If you look at the overall picture, things are pretty good. The win rates bounce around 50% and all are being used at all levels on all platforms. Looks pretty decent to me.
Sad to see that someone can’t express gratitude with people dumping over it because Mercy.
I get their frustration. But I’m also happier with the wider support pool that is viable now. 
Can’t win 'em.