A huge thank you to the devs

Apparently, people must complain regardless because the game isn’t “their way” anymore so the game is horrible and must burn.


Do you have any idea how misinformative this is?


That’s a bad thing. Triple and quad tank comps is a niche the same way pirate ship is.


I see what you did there, mate. You know, trying to provocate the Mercy community is just toxic, but we’ll just act like that wasn’t your intention.
I’m happy you are having fun at the game again after such a long time of Mercy being op. You probaby shouldn’t call out the dev team in posts tho - it’s against the forum’s code of conduct.


Classic, “avoid the problem” card. Like, I’m glad you’re not on the development team. :sweat_smile:

Edit: OMG, I’m so sorry Nandalee sweetie. For some reason it’s replying to you. :open_mouth:


Nearly everyone in GM has 50% or over winrate, only exceptions being Roadhog, Pharah, and Bastion who has a depressing 38% winrate (Oof). If one support is flat out dominating the others that’s the opposite of balance, either one has to be taken down a bit or the others propped up.


I think nothing will ever be “balanced” because of Meta and the existence of how certain Metas are made with certain heroes in order to win.


I don’t understand what you are saying here. If all the supports have positive win rates at PC GM, how is this bad?

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Why do you feel someone expressing their opinion on the game from their perception of play is trying to “provocate” the Mercy community? FFS not everything is an attack to you.

Somebody is making the “Mercy community” look bad here…and I’ll give you a hint, it isn’t OP.


Because Ana has double the next supports pickrate and there’s a MASSIVE gap between her and the other 2 main healers, which is legitimately the largest it’s ever been?


They go by who is most played, even though all heroes get their shot and are played, they mostly look at the ones most picked because of a thing called “META” since people are unoriginal on winning without it, so for some reason, people can’t seem to understand that this happens every season since season 1.

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Pretty sure Mercy at her original rework had a higher gap.

And once again, a high pickrate doesn’t mean there is a problem. It indicates specific metas or strategies are prevalent at that level. If we saw a similar spread across all levels and platforms, we could say something needs to change.


Well his statements are just wrong sure we have finally more supports being played but Mercy is still in a bad spot. You could also argue Moira needs help because she only fulfills a niche.
Zen, Lucio and Ana seem good so far which is nice but Brigitte still gets hate for existing. Plus without good competition Ana will now just rule the sup meta which will lead to an outcry for Ana nerfs. And if the devs do it their way again instead of helping Moira and Mercy out of their niche/bad spot they will just nerf Ana which would suck in my opinion.


Mercy sat around 15% pickrate while Ana was about 3~5% throughout the Mercy nerfs. Meanwhile we currently have Moira at 1.25% and Mercy at 0.99%, and by your logic there was nothing wrong with initial rework Mercy since apparently pickrates don’t indicate a problem.


As I said before, pick rates in one area doesn’t indicate a problem. If this becomes more widespread, then it needs to be looked at.

One rotting tree does not mean you need to cut down the forest.


Just the same place she was before the rework and Ana nerfs so full circle here.

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Someone’s overreacting. Like, come on, he’s posting a “thank you” thread at a time when every second thread you see is a Mercy complaining about the devs ignoring them.
Maybe calm down a little, jees. I even expressed my happiness for him.

Ana nerfs, here we come. I’m rubbing my hands to be so happy when I see ‘Ana has been nerfed’


It sure did for Mercy. Even when she was 10% pickrate people were complaining even though that was pretty normal even when she was considered UP in comparison to Ana in S3. Even in gold Ana increasingly becomes better than the others as you climb, there is NO excuse for being a must pick.

And if you’re gonna use a metaphor at least make sense of it.


A huge part of why Ana outperforms Mercy and Moira by so much at high ranks is anti nade. Because the both of them get the most value from clutching out heals when a fight breaks loose, and Ana just denies it on the tanks. And allows her own tanks to completely crush the opposition.

If the effect of anti nade gets cut in half (which it should’ve been ages ago when Ana was on top of the meta last time), then Mercy and Moira can at least still do something to attempt to keep their front line alive and Trans wouldn’t get completely negated. Lower ranked Ana players get much less value out of anti nades usually, but it would certainly help to rein in those at the top.

I think at plat (which is roughly the average for semi serious players), the support meta is pretty healthy and balanced.