A Hero to combat Double Shield

Don’t really know what’s meta, I heard it’s doub shield. In a topic I made today I asked for random hero ideas and I thought of an evolving hero with a charge system ult. Though I don’t think it will be a very good thing to evolve heroes so we’re just gonna say for now that it’s a hero with a piercing primary fire and an ability that lets teammates also do the same partially.

I think instead of power creeping the game more we should actually just nerf double shield.


Can you elaborate on this?

Basically the primary fire is a 2 parter, pierce gun and shield banger. Shield banger does extra damage vs shields and gives ult charge for damage shields, though only half of the normal. The pierce gun goes through enemies and also partially goes through shields. The ability will let your do partial dmg through shields. Also I think that a new hero would be more fun for it and power creep is another issue : /

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It was called symmetra
She was good against shields. So overpowered


yea but I heard blizzard absolutely killed her.

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What an insane idea, hopefully the developers think of it. I am not holding my breath because this is really a higher plane of understanding. But a man can hope.


It wasn’t blizzard
It was owl pro streamers

Probably salty genji mains or something like that



First change HOG

Make HOG chain-hook can bypass anybarrier in game but that could be stoped of sigma/dva “Defense matrix thing”

This change will make Hog a perfect counter for barrier tanks. He will force the tanks to put the barrier with extremely careful.

Vs REIN. The chain-hook will not bypass his barrier but that will deal 60 damage instead of 30. To yes punish on a way rein. Vs Winston, Sigma, orisa. Hog will bypass the barrier totally hooking you.

Second change Hammond

If hammond hits you rolling “through a barrier” & “hits you with pile driver” while your barrier is UP. You will take more damage.

This will punish the shield tanks countering them as well

Third change Dva

Same as above if Dva hits you with her boosters
through a barrier the character will receive more damage. As well Dva missiles will bypass your barriers dealing -50% less damage but still damaging you.

This will make Dva a solid dive-tank. Oh your sigma put the barrier? Ram you with your boosters paired with your missiles and he will be very punished

Zarya & Sym beams

Both beams will bypass shields dealing -50% less damage but still bypassing them. So they can counter even more shield tanks


Diving in through a barrier wil increase his damage even more if you use dive + mele combo.

This changes will force to do not use more than ONE shield tank. Otherwise u will be vulnerable

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Blizzard is the one with the power and it was their choice to listen to those people. The blame for bad balance decisions rests solely on them.

The community infighting and blaming each other instead of calling for the heads of the balance team is just giving Blizzard what they want.

Those Hog and Hammy changes are just brutal, I do not want them to be THAT broken. We are good as it is. They seriously just need to nerf barriers and buff the tanks kit instead.


Allow Whipshot and Hook to go through shields. Let Sombra hack them

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Don’t really think it’ll fix the problem.

SHUT UP!! learn that buff the counter to fix the probleM ONLY CREATE POWER CREEP!!!

Meanwhile, double-shield sees dominant play only on certain maps and only in certain stratums of play…

I don’t honestly feel like double shield has excessive power so much as competing comps see excessively limited applicability, mostly in terms of breadth and depth of engagement opportunities provided.

That’s not to say, though, that there isn’t stuff that can likely be done with power balancing, without relying on “but it gets this bonus effect if it goes through or hits barriers!!!” gimmicks.

Perhaps we could have Sigma’s balls bounce off shields, dealing only their impact damage unless they also end their range near enough to nearly max out the AoE damage or such. Such would narrow his applicable ranges against a Rushdown comp and thereby making him more dependent on Lucio and further reducing his team’s shieldbreak and focus targeting power.

Or, you could have Sigma’s barrier be vulnerable (at, say, 50% or 30% effect) to boops, since it’s not anchored to the ground nor attached to a 2-ton German crusader. It doesn’t reduce his firepower, but it does give his competitors a fair bit more openings.

Perhaps we could increase D.Va’s effective range for shieldbreak, increasing it from 10-20 meters’ falloff for a minimum of 50% damage to, say, 10-30 with a minimum of 50% damage. With that spread, it’d still be nearly as useless at range as it was before against anything but shields and tanks.

Even better than that, though, are changes which reshape how the different tanks can replace or contest the typical components of Double Shield, rather than straight-up (over)buffing their power.

For instance, you could buff Micro Missiles’ range, versatility, and her synergy with Orisa and Zarya by balancing them around actually replacing Fusion Cannons during their duration, striking faster and harder for a far greater portion of AoE damage.

Heck, you could give Rein a human shield zone of protection upon Pin, based on (a highly tightened version of) his enemy’s hitbox.

Or you could allow Winston to carry his bubble with him after deployment, at least while in midair, reducing the chip damage he can before landing that, due to the total ranged damage a typical double-shield comp is capable of, so often prevents him from being able to viably initiate in the first place.

None of those are in any way a pure “power” retuning, but they open up pathways to contest Double Shield and its typical overall compositions.

OnePointSix that you? Also if not that’s not very nice >:(

Actually, i use Bastion if i just want a straight up shield counter without having to fuss about with Sombra.

You don’t go for kills, all you do is keep breaking the shields, forcing the tanks to retreat and giving your team room to push forward.

You’re not really in that much danger or need to be babysat by the entire team since you’ll be far in the back just popping shields as the come up. Without their shields, the shield tanks are slow, easy targets. Especially Orisa who’s got a critbox that’s impossible to miss.

Or if there’s a choke, tell your team to shoot the shield.

We actually have the opposite problem. Last year when Double Shield was “meta”, we actually had among the most diverse tank roster.

(Taken near the end of last year before the shield nerfs)

Rein and Orisa, two shield tanks were the most powerful, but they weren’t used together. Instead they were used as the solo shield tanks and the offtanks were being paired with them. Hence, you didn’t have mirror matches despite the “meta” being double shield.

If you want to see what a meta lock is like, you only have to look at what’s happening now.

(Taken about a week ago)

Reinhardt and Zarya have the entire playerbase from bronze to gm locked into just two tanks.

If you’re going to say something like “But Orisa’s used in high ranks!”


She’s the tank with the lowest win rate. You pick Orisa, you lose.

Orisa and Reinhardt are only used together now that their shields are weak. The more you nerf shields, the more shield tanks are going to get picked.

If you want more variations, you have to allow the anchor tanks to be strong enough to shield the team by themselves so the other tank doesn’t have to go shield tank as well.


Ok, I have an idea. Have a hero that charges their weapon up off barriers, but when they’re hitting barriers, they actually regain ammo instead of losing it. That way they have consistent damage against the barriers. Then they can use this charged up damage to kill the people behind the barriers. Man, that seems like a genius idea.

If only they had a hero that could take any barrier down in a few seconds, and even kill the things hiding behind the barrier very quickly. Hmmm, but that’d have to be balanced right? Maybe when he’s using his big damage, he can be immobile. And then you can find out how to use this hero to do massive damage, while using your creativity to survive. Wow, that sounds like a good idea too.

His ultimate could be so that you could take down squishies really easily, but not the barriers, so that when you destroy the barriers, you can use your ultimate to kill the enemy with high burst rockets.

OP probably is looking for an answer like:

“Boring double shield meta? Let’s buff Genji again har har har!!!”

I wasn’t looking for that I just wanted to hear what ideas people had. All Genji mains aren’t egotistical trash like you think they are, I don’t want to be toxic since I don’t wanna see someone in a thread and think oh god. When you make a genji thread on how to nerf him because he’s crazy op and a hellspawn I won’t go there and go like, “genji too op? Let’s superbuff reaper next! har har har!!!”