A grandmaster players thoughts on the game (V2 - 5/21/19)

so im taking feedback from my last post and deciding to make another one, please comment why you disagree with any of these changes


the background and music on the menu screen can now be disabled in the options

Alexis comments: this should help people with a lower end computer load in faster if they choose too

you can now go into the shooting gallery while in queue

Alexis comments: this should help people warm up their aim while in queue

when in a competitive queue everyone has to press a ready button on their monitor when a game is found.

Alexis comments: this will help make sure everyone is ready and no one is afk at the start of the next match




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Wrecking ball:

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  • ironclad now takes effect while transforming

Alexis Comments: This change will help Bastion reposition himself when he needs to


  • minimum ultimate damage increased from 20 to 50

Alexis Comments: This change is looking at raising some of the power in his ultimate. As it currently stands, it is not very good.


  • Dragon strike cast time increased from 1.4 seconds to 1.7 seconds (hanzo himself not the arrow)
  • dragonstrike is now one hitbox meaning you no longer take less damage close to the edges
  • Critbox is no longer blocked by bow

Alexis Comments: These changes are aimed at making Dragonstrike easier to counter when being used by Hanzo but slightly stronger when it is already out


  • Remove pause after detonating tire

  • projectile size increased to 0.3 in the air, remains at 0.2 after it comes into contact with an object

  • primary fire impact damage lowered from 130 to 120

Alexis comments: nerfing primary fire forced him to play at close range when he is strongest at mid range, when junkrat goes into close range he is committing, which also means he will die alot more. increasing the primary fire size back to .3 will help him hit direct shots more. lowering to to .2 after coming in contact with an object will make it make avoidable in low ranks. since hes hitting directs more, we are lowering his impact damage back to 120


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  • Ultimate is able to be canceled by pressing the ultimate key again
  • Movement in air increased from 4.11 m/s to 4.50 m/s

Alexis Comments: Allowing her ultimate to be canceled means it will be less risky to use. Increasing her movement speed will make it harder for her to be shot at by some of her common counters like Soldier:76, Mccree ect.


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Soldier: 76:

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  • hack duration reduced from 6 seconds to 4 seconds, emp will remain at 6 seconds
  • base walking speed increased from 5.5 M/S to 6 M/S (same as tracer and genji)
  • stealth cooldown lowered from 7 seconds to 5 seconds
  • Spread decreased from 2.7 to 2.4

Alexis Comments: These changes are aimed at making Sombra less frustrating to play against while allowing her to be more stealthy and agile. Making her move faster means she will be able to get more things done at once. Lowering her spread will allow her to take duels easier. If this ends up making EMP charge too fast we will raise the charge.

Symmetra: (Dont play her sorry)

  • Teleporter health increased from 50 to 100, shields remain at 250
  • symmetra now have a golden glove

Alexis Comments: This change is aimed at making Symmetra’s teleporter more easily useable. the reason i did not put faster tp was so the backline wouldnt get assassinated


  • hammer swing faster in overload


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  • time takes to get to 100 change increased from 720 milliseconds to 1 second

Alexis comments: this will help widowmaker stop dominating the higher ranks



  • Nano healing reduced from 250 to 150
  • Time left for nano displayed on the nanoed targets HUD

Alexis Comments: This change is aimed at lower some of her nanos heal potential


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  • bash cooldown reduced from 7 seconds to 6 seconds
  • armor pack travel time reduced from 30 m/s to 20 m/s
  • armor pack range increased from 30 M to 50 M
  • bash damage increased from 5 to 30

Alexis comments: these changes are aimed at maker brig able to punish flankers easier and allow her to support her team from farther away with the armor pack changes

Note: these brig changes are a work in progress, if you want to give me feedback about any of these changes it should be this one


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  • Healing increased from 50 HPS to 55 HPS

Alexis Comments: This change is aimed at making it easier for mercy to heal tanks while not affecting anything else too much


  • Healing goes through shields
  • Healing range increased from 15 meters to 20 meters

Alexis Comments: These changes are intended to help Moria heal her team from distances and from behind shields


  • No changes

Brig should be buffed like that only if we get 2-2-2. Otherwise, Goats would be unstoppable in OWL (even more than now).


I would say Dva could be okay with a very tiny buff even though I don’t like her.


  • Defense Matrix starts to recharge after 0.5 seconds instead of 1 second.

This looks like a repost…

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I think the last post was 5/8

She changed


did you read the top?


Also do you mean faster than normal or just fast in general?

Because he already swings faster in Overload

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i mean faster then normal, for the memes… also im a she xD

You are meant to be on a break Alexis

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Those are some really good suggestion. Most of those changes are what those heroes main want
Buffing Junkrat projectiles, letting pharah cancelled her ult, giving Sombra more mobility, Sym tp buff, Moira healing buff etc.
The only problem here is Brig, while those changes would make her better in 2-2-2, she would still be a problem in GOAT.

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The problen with Brigitte is the low cooldown of her stun, if you increase Shield Bash damage to 25 points then you should increase its cooldown to 8 secods. In order to make Brigitte viable in 2/2/2 as a healer, I think all it takes is a 5 second Repair Pack and 20 meter radious Rally.

you have to remember that SB is brigs only mobility as well, once she uses it shes pretty easy to dive and kill

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Nerfing widow would help alleviate goats anyway though.

Most of these are good but I think you’re overcompensating sombra for the hack duration Nerf. I feel like sombra gets a bad reputation for being a teamwork reliant hero when most people I’ve seen play her in competitive can’t even be bothered to call out hacks or wait for the team to be ready to emp, and this is in masters where I see this. Buffing her weapon spread means shell get emp faster and at higher ranks emp is pretty much a win button so if you’re going to buff her stealth cooldown, damage, and speed you’re gonna have to do more than just shave 2 seconds off of hack otherwise you might be making her even more annoyong

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The hack changes completely ignore Sombra’s issues and why she’s used on team.

Her base kit is already weak. She didn’t need changes to it. Nor do you want her just coming out of stealth and winning those 1v1s, as that not only moves her away from her character’s core identity but makes her far worse to play against.

Stealth assassins in games where there are no things like stealth detection are always game breaking. Her gun isn’t like that only because of hack, it’s also like that because of stealth.

Sombra could use the speed buffs in exchange for something like an increase to cast time to EMP, put it in line with normal hack/shatter. It would make it more reasonable to interrupt with a stun without making it a guarantee. And shift some of the EMP power to her base kit without buffing hack. Her ult is the thing that needs to be weaker, not her base kit.

Hack’s status effect itself needs no changes. It needs to be as long as it is because of the various cds.

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well im looking at this from a grandmaster perspective where being hacked means your going to die alot of the time, i want to fix that but not make her terrible

Wait you mean even faster than what overload already increases it to?

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The stats don’t back that up. She doesn’t have impressive stats in GM or league.

That trend is also true in league until you get to her teamfight winrate with ult, where she’s well above the norm.

Sombra is an ult bot.

Her ult is a bit too strong, but it doesn’t make up for her weak base kit enough. She needs power shifted from her ult to her base kit.

It couldn’t hurt, but I don’t know how helpful it’ll be as most DCs are mid round.

I don’t know if this is necessary. With practice, you can work out when it’s going to end. It works the same way as a Genji deflecting, just different people need to keep track.

I fear you’ll undo Blizzard’s attempts to balance her. Brig has some strong burst heal, and low but highly consistent AoE heals. Her bash is still so strong, and reliable on a relatively short cooldown. And making her able to insta-combo down a Tracer again isn’t something I want to agree to.

All of this is just making Brig easier. You need to worry about cooldowns less, you don’t need any awareness or coordination to deal with Tracer. And you are even less concerned about positioning since you can Armor Pack from further away. Making a low skill-floor, low skill-ceiling hero even easier doesn’t seem like a good idea.

She doesn’t do her job against Tracer at all in 222. Tracer has never been that great against tank comps because all she can do is farm pulse bomb, which was nerfed.

Tracer needs hazards that aren’t worse on low mobility mid-long range dps.

Bash isn’t that strong anymore, unless you’re in 333. Because of how quickly that comp can stabilize people.