A grandmaster players thoughts on the game (V2 - 5/21/19)

No they are not, they overly favorite DPS again. DPS needs nerfs through their whole roster.

Only if they universally toned down damage and healing to bring down TTKs by a little. Otherwise, no.

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No, DPS are getting out of hand fast. Tanks are so unfun to play cause most of the time your not even allowed Todo anything, reaper or Mei. Looking at you two.

What do you mean by ā€œher job against Tracerā€? Forcing a recall is value. Forcing her off your healer is value. Or stunning her and having team following up on a kill is value.

Sure, Brig is less viable in 222 than GOATS, but there are many heroes which are more viable in some comps and not others. Right now, Genji is pretty bad, but weā€™re not buffing him to make him better at killing tanks.

Yeah add even more terror to DPS. Tanks should get buffed not nerfed

Jeff Kaplan has flat out stated that she will require significant attention if they ever implement a forced 222, because her stats are terrible in them.

At this point, thatā€™s a fact.

And GOATs is being purposefully dismantled by the devs. So her only comp canā€™t be one thatā€™s on itā€™s way out of ever being viable.

Tracer does not have to respect her space. And Brigitteā€™s peel is supposed to be the reason to bring her over a different off-healer.

So basically you want to make already annoying heroes even worse?

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That isnā€™t a reason to have a stun on a low cooldown, even without Shieldbash at all Brigitte can still deny any Dive with Whipshot and no Dive tank can realistically kill her thru her survivbility by itself.

Scanned through quickly. Liked the changes to pharah, sombra and sym

if 222 is enforced then more steps should be taken to buff heroes that canā€™t really perform outside of goats at any higher level of competitive play. (Brig, rein, zarya, and Lucio somewhat) also a universal change so chain cc isnā€™t a thing. Like a cd between stuns before they can actually take effect.