A Game is not suppost to bring you to tears

I have played this game since season 3 with 300+ games every season, total of 3167 games. Hit master multiple times. Im a pretty tiltproof and stable player, trying to win at all cost. And yesterday the game finally did it, i couldnt hold back my frustration anymore and cried. I dont understand why people play comp if they dont even attempt to try their best of just troll. I just want to enjoy my games and get good at the game, idc what im playing i dont really have a main anyway. What angers me the most is that blizz is not doing anything about it. 2 avoid slots are clearly not enough. I was close to hit the uninstall button, but i didnt do it since i know that i still love the core comp. Atm you need to be completly emotionless, drunk or stoned to endure this. And before you say get a thicker skin or something let me tell you this, everyone had their limits and their own way of showing when they are done. It took me 7 seasons to get to this point. Im going to let myself decay now since i dont get rewarded for trying to win no matter how hard i try, not worth it. I hate doing rants but i put my heart into this game and the community kicks it like a rusty can on the street.

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.

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You are not alone. I’m with you. This game can be frustrating most of the times.


Take it easy people always looks for the first one to react it makes it easier to put the blame on you. I can’t even get out of Plat but I’m still trucking along.

Just trust in your own skill and trust in yourself that your playing this game to the best of your ability’s.

You need to turn your frustration into hate and use it to fuel your engine. When you go into a game just expect everyone else to be an useless ***** you have to carry …. makes it so much easyer.

Thank you for the advive but im not a dps player, i do have some good dps heroes but most of them are just mediocre. Not a huge fan of the role either.

I am also pretty tilt proof… tonight some guy was whining and got to me… then that got to the whole team…

Last nights last game? Someone DC’ed in the first 10 sec’s, followed by 2 others than me. I am guessing we all lost 50sr and got a 10 min ban. Was weird how everyone was just booted. must have been not blizzards fault…

Today, played like 6 games? I don’t remember.

Had a super toxic duo in 1 you know the kind that both insta lock DPS get picked before every fight and blame you?, had someone DC and just as they got back the 2 min timer expired and 3 others left, had a few good games and the game I mentioned above.

I don’t know what happened in the last 24hours but damn it got under my skin.

Normally I am the guy motivating… but not tonight, tonight was poop…

You may not agree with me, but if you are that much frustrated you should stop playing.
You can play a game for mainly 2 reasons:

  • Fun
  • Sports

If you are doing it for FUN, you should look for another game.

Yet, you told us that you play COMP, and that SHOULD be a game mode more like a sport, where you play for win it.

Toxicity is a real issue but you don’t need to get that much stressed playing. No one is forcing you to play. I used to stress a lot on COMP, now when i’m not enjoying it i stop for a while and come back later.

“It’s just a game, why do you have to be mad?” - Zarya


Try dark souls maybe

I’m pretty sure certain games are supposed to bring you to tears

I can get angry and frustrated, but crying because of a videogame (unless it is because of a good old sad campaign mgs type) is not healthy or normal


You should be limited on avoid slots based on what rank you are in (strictly because of the amount of players differs wildly between ranks). Gold, plat, and diamond should get 10-15, while bronze and gm should get maybe 5. 2 is simply not enough. People who are toxic SHOULD be avoided by everyone. I don’t care if I have to wait an extra couple of minutes to queue up, so long as I’m not playing with ********.

Well as a completely emotionless person that plays this game mostly drunk and stoned, I’d suggest taking a step back and reassessing where you find value in this game, my man.

There’s a lot of good games out there. Online games have a unique element due to the social and human interaction etc, but you could legit spend years just dedicated to single players games of extremely high quality in whatever elements you like in games etc, etc, etc.

There is no need to willingly put yourself through a gaming experience, or any experience really, that legitimately offers you no enjoyment or return.

Clearly you care about this game, otherwise you wouldn’t have made this post. You want to like it, you want to enjoy it. I suggest stepping back, and maybe even just reapproaching the game in a way. Look into the art, the lore, whatever. Do some PVE type events or whatever, then go back towards comp.

You need balance and diversity in your perspective. If you get tunnel visioned and overinvest in something providing no returns, out of some principled vision of the future, or holding out for that one lucky hand, or thinking “hey we’ll get past this, it’ll get back. This won’t be a compounding problem. We don’t need to break up…” As compelling as it all seems, as much as you can convince yourself it’s worth it, a lot of the time it isn’t and you’re only harming yourself and everyone involved.

You get tilted by some specific person, some specific game, you carry that into the next. You project that on to your team mates, you look for ANY error in the w way they play, and you ignore and excuse the errors you make. That’s not healthy, that’s not a way to improve that game, and I can’t see any of it being fun.

Again, as a completely emotionless person that plays this game mostly drunk and stoned, I’d suggest taking a step back and reassessing where you find value in this game, my man.

And ofc… You always going to experience toxicity in gaming. Balance it out with good interactions. Discord good for getting to know people and stuff. Play random events or QP, comp places too much pressure. Find fun.

Or not even play comp, i feel way more stressed on that mode because i soloq, so i prefer to do my 10 placements and wait for the next season. In qp if the team is trolling or getting steamrolled you can just leave.

I don’t play comp at all but after reading these posts, offer a lot of my respects to many in this thread in sharing some tough stories.

I guess some people get stressed and overwhelmed because we’re all passionate about the game sometimes but it can also mean you take pride in what you do. Take a break and don’t let it get to you, tomorrow is a brand new day. :slightly_smiling_face:

Okay I’m going to be real with you. I was seriously about to quit Overwatch when Briggy was released. Why? Nothing against her personally, I love Briggy, but the stun meta was so damn frustrating and a lot of healers hadn’t figured out just how much healing economy you have to dump into Reinhardt for the deathball to work.

I solo queued most of the time, and the random chaoticness of the match maker made me really hate playing Rein, because I felt like I was at the mercy of getting lucky having a team that understood how to keep Rein alive (i.e. Zarya bubbles / healing / Armor)

Ask my buddy/coach Fragehardt, I was very close to quitting the game entirely, but then I remembered something from my Leadership Academy back in my college days. CREATE THE SOLUTION.

So I did, I got on these forums and made this thread:

And now, I play regularly with a team of plat players (some gold) and we have an absolute BLAST!!! I haven’t had this much fun playing Overwatch ever!

What is great about these new friends, is they make me want to play. They push me to be better, and encourage my light hearted respectful leadership as a tank main. I’m absolutely grateful they entered into my gaming life. They seriously make my time playing A MILLION times better.

I wish I had the words to express how grateful I am to have them as gaming buddies.

Best advice I give is find some cool people to play with. Overwatch becomes instantly more fun and rewarding playing with a team of friends.


Throwing is the only way to enjoy this game kappa

Thx for the advice but all my friends quit the game or comp month ago and tbh im getting tired of keeps searching for new ones just to see them quit the game again. Also grouping near master is just a**, takes forever to find a game and you really get any balanced ones. I only stick around because i like the game itself and the challenge it brings. Most people i met just dont have the will to endure this s*** that long.

I am so sorry you feel this way, OP. Perhaps the best thing you can do for yourself is take a break for a few weeks, or even a month, and then see if you feel better about playing.

I cant really enjoy the other gamemodes besides pve for achievement hunting, got them all already sadly (just missing on in retribution). They bring no challenge and bore me because of that.

Fair enough. Totally understandable.

Is there maybe other games you can find enjoyment in? Dark Souls remaster yo! xD

I find playing QP with friends of all kinds of SRs pretty cathartic, it’s fun and you have an opportunity to try things out/fool around/help each other. Maybe you need some people to play the game with in a carefree manner.