A Game is not suppost to bring you to tears

I havent enjoyed comp since season 5, my love for the game is whats keeping me here. Sadly comp is the only challenging gamemode in this game, the others just bore me.

Dropped 300 sr yesterday climbed 200 at the beginning of today and quickly fell another 250 right away. (ā€œQuicklyā€ as in like 6 1/2 hours of playing) might not seem fair sometimes but it really is just a game OP just take a break.

Pretty much only played ow for a year now since just nothing else interesting came out. Im looking forward for dragonquest 11 and maybe darksouls though.

Sadly hard to find someone with such a comp spirit noawadays

Really feel for you. Iā€™ve only been playing this game for about 8 months and after some comp games Iā€™ve felt just like you.
The level of frustration is so high caused by trolls, leavers and toxic players.
All I want is to play with and against people that take the game seriously.
The level of anxiety and general feeling bad about myself after a game of comp is unreal sometimes .

Couldnā€™t agree more with you here, RichC. Iā€™m a bit more of a Quick Play and Arcade player, but the same mentality applies. Even in those I used to take it way too seriously and be INCREDIBLY frustrated, and I think I was playing with friends that encouraged that. Now Iā€™ve found a couple of friends to play with that, while lacking the serious skill of my other friends, are able to shrug things off and just overall make me laugh. And in return I can try and educate them in small tips and tricks I know to help them improve their play.

Honestly, the best kinds of plays in Overwatch, or any game, are the ones you make by accident while laughing about something else entirely. Weā€™ve swept through whole teams as six-stack supports in Quick Play and just been bawling our eyes out with laughter the whole time and itā€™s the best feeling Iā€™ve had in the game since I first started playing.

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The higher SR I get, the more I just donā€™t join voice. Weā€™ve all played hundreds, if not thousands of games of OW, the same crap happens most games, if people canā€™t figure out how to play or HEAR that someone is poking around behind you at plat or above, then they should practice harder lol. It shouldā€™t take 3 people shouting, ā€œDOOMFIST BEHINDā€ to figure out that Doomfist is behind, especially the tonne of noises he makes.

Anyway, I digress, I just leave voice, so much easier, so much more relaxing. Barely affects anything that Iā€™ve noticed, in fact I found climbing easier. Games were more enjoyable and it honed my game sense a whole lot more than relying on some twitchy 16 yr old pre-neckbeard yelling memes into my ears. If someone has a problem with it, itā€™s their own damn problem and you can just focus on honing your skills.

That said, maybe take a break, too. I took a week or two off a while back, when Brigitte was released (big surprise), played Skyrim, made a dude that hits people with hammers. Same stuff, less salt. Actually, the older I get, the more appealing single player games become, hahah, less idiots to ruin it for you.

Regarding grouping: I absolutely enjoy grouping with friends but Iā€™ve found that most of my friends are like, high plat/low diamond and I consider myself high diamond/low master. That has made climbing in comp with my friends quite difficult. Especially since I think the matchmaker gets all screwy when you group.

I nearly cried, but I choked my tears back and said to myself ā€œFight me.ā€

And here is where you are wrong, Players are not doing much about it, to get leavers or throwers banned you need to report people, a lot of people donā€™t report people. Simple as that.

There is rarely a game where i dont report someone, also getting the report card almost everyday. Seems the punishments arenz hard enough then.

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ā€œYou are not supposed to be brought to tears by a gameā€ is more accurate. just donā€™t play he game if you donā€™t like it. this is not dismissing actual problems with game balance just stating facts.

Things is i love the game, i dont really mind the balance rn besides hanzo. What brought me to tears was the general behaviour of other players, but this has been building up over the course of a year now.

The issue has always been the playerbase. Blizzard canā€™t change people. Blizzard can make rewards more compelling for winning and getting win streaks, and they can also have stricter punishments that occur sooner with repeat offenders that leave games.

If you leave 3 games in two days, you need to be banned from a competitive lobby for 10 days or something. If those things happened because of a disconnection, donā€™t play a competitive game until your internet is reliable again.

I donā€™t jump in a competitive lobby when thereā€™s a thunderstorm brewing; itā€™s the same general concept.

Guild/Clan system would help here. Having more of a community in game.

I donā€™t think anyone is wrong here who are telling you to take a break for a bit if the game is that upsetting, but I also donā€™t think anyone here should be making you feel guilty for being super frustrated with a game. When life is stressful and exhausting, and you use games as means to relax and escape reality for a bit, but even those can sometimes be disappointing and stressful, it can be very disheartening.

Regardless, you still do need to step back for a bit. Thatā€™s what I do when I detect Iā€™m getting frustrated with a game. Itā€™s not worth the wasted energy.

It will only bring you to tears in Comp. If you donā€™t want to deal with them, just join us over at Quickplay. Criticize the mode all you want, but we get about as much toxicity per season as you get doing your comp placement. If you donā€™t like our laid back attitude and want ā€œproperā€ games, well, your experience is a pretty good example of what happens if people take the game too seriously.

Hi, fellow Overwatch player here

Dark Souls

Ok bye

Honestly, thats one of the reasons why I avoid comp altogether. Throwers, hackers, leavers, and toxicity in a mode where its required for you to work as a proper team? Forget it. And before anyone says, ā€œJust invite some friends to make a group, lol.ā€, not everyone has that luxury. Not everyone is going to have 5 friends they can just call to join up in OW, just to make sure nobody will sabotage your game. And even if they did, life will happen, and youā€™re not going to get enough people for a full group because they could have a job, or need to take care of personal business.

Yepp, Just as I have said. :wink:

You need to take a break from comp. It will do you good.