A challenge for Mercy mains

All I have to offer in terms of different ideas.

I believe I have a couple of ideas in those megathreads of oblivion too.
I still prefer mass-rez to return, with simple tweaks. Like:

  • Can’t rez people that are not in direct LOS
  • Can’t rez people while GA is in use or on cooldown
  • Mass-rez no longer grants invincibility frames to Mercy, but does heal her up to full.
  • Invincibility frames removed entirely after rez. Instead allies receive 200 temp shields.

Mass resurrect on its own packed a big punch even when mercy was killable before her allies could move. When this change occurred hide’n’res became the most popular strategy. While nerfing it/tweaking it would’ve fixed the problem blizzard just went for a rework nobody wanted.

Minefield, Molten Nut (core), D’Va nuke, Deadeye, DeathBlossom, Barrage, Grav Combos, Earthshatter comboes, Snipers. All these and more should either get an easy setup for multikill after res is pulled off OR can just kill the mercy before/while she resurrects.
That way it will EITHER leave the team 5v6 without their main healer, making them easy kill (ult charges at the very least) OR wipe the enemy team once more, taking away more of their precious time for capturing a point/pushing a payload.

It’s unfortunate the megathreads happened. But I do think the devs want to make sure that Mercy is fun and worthwhile.

And just because they aren’t communicating with forum users, they got hundreds of thousands of Mercy players to make happy.

Leverage that knowledge and use the devs desire to help the Mercy playerbase as whole.

Here some of my ideas :smile:

You don’t provide an in depth explanation, you’re just saying stuff which have been said over and over with much meaning.
As for the counters you mentioned, only 2 of them are new. Since mass rez was countered so much by already existing ults/combos, why did they remove it?

Instead of figuring out why devs don’t like it, maybe figure out what the devs might like instead?

There has been a ton of feedback since the beginning of time, they better get to reading instead of going back to an alpha ult which didn’t make the cut.

Although my personal opinion is to straight up copy the Medic.

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Just Mercy mains? What if you don’t play Mercy but have a genuinely good idea. You’d be missing out.

Anyway, I’ll leave my minor changes here if anyone is interested:

  1. Make damage boost and heals one beam. Means more utility.
  2. Change Valk from chain beams to aura. Allows Mercy to shoot and support at the same time during Valk (battle Mercy fun time).
  3. With damage boost no longer taking up an ability slot, add a new ability. Cleanse has been mentioned many times, but I also had an idea for some kind of overheal. Up for debate.

Way I see it, aside from MultiRez posts, Mercy is one of the least discussed heroes on the forums :slight_smile:

If the artists didn’t want something to be grey, but you show them 500 shades of grey, and they still don’t like it.

Maybe it’s time to show them something in blue or green?

They don’t seem to want to get rid of rez and/or valk so we’re out of options.

Devs didn’t want to increase Roadhog’s damage, or reduce his Ult charge feeding.
But new Roadhog is going to be fine.

We don’t know which staff members are currently calling the shots on Mercy so it’s hard to dig up what they’d like.

Plus, the various public comments they’ve made aren’t terribly conclusive.

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That’s why it’s really important to try a bunch of design approaches, and usually avoid what you think they don’t like.

It’s not an exact science, but I seem to be decent at guessing.

I suspect it’s more a case of you and them thinking the same way at times rather than a case of them reading your feedback (Depending on what you think of the staff that is either a great thing or a terrible thing:P).

As prolific as you are the view counts of most staff are still low enough the odds of them seeing your posts and doing it on the number of occasions that they have matched up is quite low.

Currently making a Google doc full of Mercy reworks, buffs, nerfs, ability and ultimate ideas, etc. Not sure when I’ll release it though, but it’s got a wide range of ideas.

Return to OG valk Return to OG valk with 2(or 3) rezzes in ult plus chain heal, but each rez is 0.5 sec cast and take away E-rez ability
Return to OG valk(2) Return to OG valk with 2 rezzes in ult, NO chain heal or E-rez and only one beam that does 80hps for her target(allows a mercy the need to juggle players)
Return to OG valk(3) OG valk with 2 rezzes, no E-rez and a single strong beam (70hps) that splits to smaller beams(40/50hps)

Mass Rez rework(FYI not my favorited option but we’re brainstorming here) Mass rez back(with mercy’s base of 50hps) but LoS needed and a cast time of 1-1.5 sec(stops a mercy from just diving in dangerously, as the rez will make her vulnerable for a bit)

Ideas for NO REZ
(all these with base healing of 50-60hps-maybe 55hps to meet halfway)
New Valk Same flying capabilities, one strong beam in ult (80hps) that ALSO damage boosts the same target simultaneously. E-ability could be a quick heal button (like half brig’s E-ability

New Valk(2) Single strong beam(70hps) with split beams(with longer range) that do 50hps that damage boost(maybe only 20%) as well

New Valk(3) Single beam with 70/80hps but creates chains to other allies that only reduces their damage taken(That way she still has to juggle but adds more impactful cushioning, as well the only support ult that technically adds damage reduction is brigs simply because its armor so more unique).

*In all these valk changes, adding a “pseudo rez” that PREVENTS death, not reverses, it would be cool


Angel’s Prayer The Mercy places am angelical blessing upon any heroes with X radius of her that boosts healing received by 20%(or reduces damage received by 20-30%) and IF they die within her ulting time (10-15 secs) they auto-restore to 50-75% health [In this, her Base healing is 60hps, no chains.]

The last sacrifice The mercy sacrifices 70% of her health and receives 30% less healing; in turn, all heroes in X radius of her receive 30% increased healing, slight speed buff, and 20% less damage received. In this, Mercy loses her Health regen ability for 10 sec after her ult(I.E, she must be healed up by another healer)

No E-rez, instead, ability that amps up her beam to 70hps for a short time(5-7 secs), Rez only in Ult, with 1 sec cast, 6 sec CD

Building Beam Much like symmetra’s, her beam will increase strength over more time done healing, starting at 50hps to 70hps over a time of X secs(maybe 5?)

HEALTH dependent beam Mercy’s beam will ramp up X% depending upon health lost by teammate. For instance, a full health ally will only receive about 40 hps, but an ally at 10% health can receive up to 70hps.

If mercy is to not have rez, she should still maintain the “Heroes never die” trope by SECURELY preventing death.

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Might as well throw the ideas that I liked the most in as well then, I suppose. :man_shrugging:

This would be my personal, ideal version of Mercy. But I’m at a point where I would take basically anything that makes her feel more rewarding and not as unintuitive as current Rez and Valk.

Yeah, but it’s also possible either other staff or Pro players might have seen something they liked and forwarded it on up the chain of command.

Or like you said, maybe we’re all just speaking into a void, but I guess stuff well.

That said, assuming devs do listen in some ways, I’m surprised prominent Mercy posters haven’t embraced the idea of “We don’t care how it gets done, just make Mercy fun and worthwhile, and we will do everything we can to help.”


What is titaniums thread?