A bare minimum to get more Mercy players

That has absolutely nothing to do with my reply.

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Only if you think thereā€™s no connection between Matchmaking Speeds and Matchmaking Quality.

The way I see it, things is exactly the same problem as a lack of OW1 Tanks, but the only difference is that devs are compensating with bad Matchmaking Quality, instead of bad Matchmaking Speed.

Except there isnā€™t 1 role with excessively short queue times.

Dps and supports have the same queue time with only tanks being the major outlier. The problem is with the tanks.

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Why are you only talking about Matchmaking Speeds, and not including Matchmaking Quality?

Especially when I just said, they are choosing Bad Matchmaking Quality, instead of Bad Matchmaking Speeds.

Iā€™ll settle for just this. Althoughā€¦

I wouldnt mind this either. Iā€™ve only pulled off the jump rez like, one or twice in real games, and I dont think ever at the actual max height you can rez from. Iā€™ve seen plenty of times where that type of rez would be best, but its just never worth attempting with such a low success rate. I think only the OW1 backwards GA was harder, imo. I could never get that one intentionally.

If quality was only being impacted due to support queues what weā€™d see in game is the tanks and dps having the same ranks with supports being grabbed from other ranks to allow games to start more quickly.

We donā€™t see that at all. We see variation across all roles which points to an overall player shortage and not just supports.

Buffing supports wonā€™t help the issue.

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You honestly think that, huh?

When they literally said thatā€™s exactly what they were doing in their blog post.

Overwatch 2 developer blog: Matchmaker and competitive deep dive, part 1 - News - Overwatch

Have you even read that post?

Or do you think itā€™s a negligible coincidence that the Executive Producer of the game is saying that Lopsided Matchmaking, and general Matchmakimg are some of the highest priority issues they are looking at right now.

That isnā€™t what they said at all. They even used tanks as the example:

We canā€™t always avoid these types of matches, but we can make them feel better. These matches can often feel imbalanced if they create situations where thereā€™s a large disparity of skill within a single role between the two teams. For example, we might match a highly rated tank against a comparably lower rated tank, so even if the overall match is balanced, the competition between tanks feels very one-sided.

There is a problem, it applies to all roles and that is not what youā€™d see if the limiting factor for queues was supports. Itā€™s an overall player number issue.

Have you?

Thatā€™s adorable that you think itā€™s that simple.

Feel free to cite from the blog you linked to explain why itā€™s wrong.

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We donā€™t need more Mercy players. We need more players of other supports, sure, but the Mercy player market is oversaturated enough as it is.

If they are looking to pull in or most Support players, why deliberately not use the most popular Support heroes?

Over buffing supports wont make the game better, especially not with Mercys heal

MM can be an issue, but you have the wrong idea. We have plenty of mercy players. This does noting to actually make her more fun too

Nobody wants more pocket healing

In OW1, would a raw increase in playercount, in mostly DPS players, make itā€™s queue times any shorter?

Donā€™t sidestep.

You brought in the blog post as a ā€œgotcha!ā€ It used tanks as the example for the role being pulled from other ranks. Why should we take your assertation that support is the role being dragged in from other ranks seriously?

Again, use the blog post you tried to use as gospel.

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Iā€™m just using an analogy that you might understand.

But I guess it hurts your brain to think that thereā€™s a direct tradeoff between Matchmaker Speed and Matchmaker Quality.

To use another OW1 analogy, would you agree that Quickplay had faster Matchmaking Speeds, but worse Matchmaking Quality than Comp?

Is it really that difficult to understand how related those two are?

Desperately trying to backtrack on linking an article that refutes your entire point.

Do we trust the devs articles and comments or do we not, Grey?

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Why not make the other supports fun to play too? Why specifically a hero that is already arguably the most popular support, maybe even the most popular hero in general?

Ok, I can explain why that happens :slight_smile:
(coding hat on!)

Mercyā€™s beam determines itā€™s health per second when it attaches. It is a DIFFERENT beam outside of Valk.

You COULD leave it attached but the way it is coded it wouldnā€™t heal more in valk until you detached and reattached it.

Yes this means that POST valk, you can leave the beam attached to someone, and it will do MORE healing until you disconnect it. :slight_smile:

old mercy trick :slight_smile:

That is why they never fixed it.

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Tbh, youā€™re right, they didnā€™t make it as clear as they could in that blog post.

But why do you think they would be saying this in Season 1?

Assuming there is a direct tradeoff between Matchmaking Speed and Matchmaking Quality.

And Matching Speeds are much faster now, but Matchmaking Quality is much worse now.

And we have less Support players than we did in Season 1, when Kiriko was new.

With the move to 5v5, weā€™re seeing longer queue times than weā€™d like for both tank and damage players, and while thereā€™s no silver bullet for this issue, the team has a LOT of ideas that we want to experiment with in the upcoming seasons.

Many of these ideas are focused on the support role and how we can make it more fun and more rewarding to play. Weā€™re discussing targeted support hero reworks, game system updates, and even some role-wide changes to improve support quality of life.