A bare minimum to get more Mercy players

Buff all the Supports.

Yeahā€¦ I think mercys just fine as she is. Maybe nerf dmg boost to h*ll and then QOL changes can be talked about.


And I think people who donā€™t want ActivisionBlizzard Corporate to get enough Support players to fix Matchmaking, and avoid losing Millions of current/potential players.

Are on the wrong side of Blizzardā€™s profit motive.

They arenā€™t going to intentionally lose millions of dollars to keep players like you. You know that right?


Donā€™t really need to buff them all. Hyper mobile supports are fine. Slower ones need more help. Blizzard needs to figure out what to do with Brig, Bap, Zen and Ana.

Oh and changing this awful one shot meta would be great too :wink:

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If the quantity of Support players isnā€™t enough for good matchmaking, then itā€™s not fine.

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at the same time, make damage boost 25%. yes itā€™s her only form of damage, but 30% can be too strong in a lot of situations if i look at other players POV. itā€™s a small trade, 5% less boost for 9% more healing. this way she can keep her pocket up more and at the same time that means they can stay alive long enough so they could actually output more boosted damage then her currently because theyā€™d be dead.

iā€™ve been advocating for this for a long time. also make the swap speed 0.25s, 0.1 is too fast

LMAO no.

this is a really really REALLY bad idea

again, sheā€™s only being played because of sojourn. until sojourn gets one of these nerfs

  • Damage reduced from 130 to 100
  • Headshot on alt fire railgun is removed

then sheā€™ll remain a high high pick because sojourn can still click heads with damage boost. thatā€™s why i think the headshot should be removed, and damage boost should be 25% but she has 60 hps instead, would benefit both sides. this way mercy would still remain somewhat impactful and sojourn doesnā€™t dominate.

also mercy was D tier in season 1, you wonder why sheā€™s suddenly picked in season 2? because of sojourn.

Better horizontal mobility on his Moon Shoes would be a start

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Itā€™s not simply a matter of buffing though. The current balance is awful for support. The horrible matchmaking is clear enough that thereā€™s been a mass exodus of support players this season. Iā€™ve said it over and over why that is. I donā€™t want to make the same post everyday.

Im pretty sure blizzard is marketing to a post-Fortnite demographic. I seriously doubt that attracting mercy players is in their goals for OW2 whatever they might be.


I figure they are going to buff the survival rates in Supports by roughly 20%, either through sustain, healthpool, mobility or lethality. Probably a mix of that.

And then lower the survival rates on Tanks and/or DPS to compensate.

if the health pool is by 20% i will cry bevause 200 + 20% is 240 and thatā€™s so horrifyingly uneven.


Not a single person other than the Mercy and the player being pocketed likes the current pocket bot Mercy. Itā€™s cancerous to play against/with, if allowed to stay meta will ultimately make huge numbers of players quit and unsurprisingly that player group is far larger so them leaving hurts the game more than Mercy not being marginally more ā€œpopular.ā€ Encouraging this is so short sighted.


And where do you think Blizzard is going to be making itā€™s profits going forward? When you look at where all the money is coming from:

  • Battle Pass Sales to Ladder players
  • Cash Shop Sales to Ladder players
  • PVE Mode Sales to Ladder players


  • OWL is almost dead, with zero sponsors, and the team suing because of how unprofitable it is.
  • The $180 Million dollar YouTube exclusivity deal is dead, and YouTube isnā€™t going to be gullible enough to fall for that again.
  • China is no longer an audience for OWL, which removes a lot of money and something like 90% of itā€™s viewership.

Well yeah, itā€™s very much so short sighted.

I figure they should do something like this next week, and they get to work on bigger changes later.

Why? Everyone who enjoys Mercy is playing her already. Why would they not be? Sheā€™s S tier.

Buffing her wonā€™t make more people queue support itā€™ll just make the game even more insufferable.


Tbh, I think healthpool is probably the least likely out of

  • Sustain buffs
  • Healthpool buffs
  • Mobility buffs
  • Lethality buffs

Except for maybe Brig, she could totally get healthpool buffs.

Any idea for reducing the number of Mercy players? Need Lucio to be hard meta like ASAP. Heā€™s been out of the meta for a few weeks and it sucks.

Buff all the Supports.

If they all go up, then that mostly doesnā€™t affect tierlist rankings.

And to the extent it does, thatā€™s what fine tuning is for.

How about no. Lets not buff an entire role when the only role currently out of line in terms of queue times is tanks.

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So you think OW1 Matchmaking problems had nothing to do with a lack of Tank players?