A bare minimum to get more Mercy players

  • 60hps healing
  • No beam breakage during Valk cast
  • Separate sensitivity options menu setting for Staff and Blaster mode (similar to scope/unscoped on Widow).
  • Drop the blaster swap speed from 0.35sec to 0.1sec

Did I miss any other more minor changes?

Maybe make it so vertical height doesn’t matter when doing a Rez, only horizontal “ring outs”. So the GA, Rez, GAJump combo doesn’t need to be so janky.


Why would we need more Mercy players?


cut res cooldown by 50%

We really don’t need anymore Mercy players, tbh. I myself am a Mercy main with over 800 hours on her and I’m now finding myself venturing out on playing other supports because they just offer more than Mercy currently does due to each heroes skill vs reward aspect of their kits. Due to Mercy’s low skill floor (not to be mistaken that she takes 0 skill as she has a high skill ceiling), her skill vs reward just isn’t up to par with the likes of Ana & Kiriko for example.


Because the further we get away from a 1-2-2 ratio of players, the worse Matchmaking Quality and/or Speed gets.

Which means the perfect ideal for Matchmaking is:

  • 20% Tank, 40% DPS, 40% Support

And we’re probably closer to:

  • 35% Tank, 50% DPS, 15% Support

And there’s a lot of gap between 15% and 40%.

The devs really don’t financially need people who don’t want them to fix Matchmaking. 100% of them could quit and it would barely matter.


I wasn’t aware that Mercy = The Support role. Despite how many Mercy OT’s seem to think it is.


The fact that this still isnt a thing after 5 years is absolutely absurd


I expect them to buff the entire Support role by roughly 20% value/survival/dueling/etc in the next 1-3 months.

Mercy and Ana just happen to be the most popular, and the most potential to bulk up the raw number of Support players.


You mean… nevermind.

We’re getting a new “Mercy” soon though guys so I hope we’re all ready for more point n click adventures!

Really though, I’m excited for more Mercy-like heroes. Not sure if they meant gameplay wise or utility wise…I’d like to see different utility.

That’s in Season 4, and we haven’t even finished Session 2.

Devs aren’t going to just hemorrhage bleeding out players that entire time. Or at least they shouldn’t if they like making money.

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I know…I’m sad. I’m excited for them though. Maybe I’ll start playing again when they release.

So we are going to straight up give 60hps to the DPS acessory hero, that doesn´t have any sort of downtime and has damage boost?

As long mercy best playstyle is “pocket to win” most people will avoid her

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Well, given how Kiriko didn’t permanently increase Support player counts, after the hype died off, it should be kinda obvious that “New Support Hero” is only a very temporary fix to Support player counts.

You are fooling yourself if you think that there is lack of mercy players.


yes lets buff the most played hero at every single rank in the game that recently got a MASSIVE buff to her movement thus making her survivability and skill ceiling skyrocket

its like youre asking for her to be nerfed in some way that just makes her less fun


We’re talking “Buff the entire Support role by roughly 20%”.

Which doesn’t really effect the tierlist ranking between Supports, because they are all going up.


Buffing a bad support playstyle is not going to fix anything, 60hps just make mercy pocket playstyle better. She needs a soft rework

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Strange concept that you get the most Support players from the most popular Support heroes.

Also in Plat through Silver is what’s the most Support players can be gained. Because, they are the largest player group.

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Mercy is already the most popular support. Need people playing other supports heroes like Zen or Bap. These are the ones dps should enjoy. Zen should have 225hp. Not sure about Bap.

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Well yeah, but this is literally “bare minimum” stuff. Like put most of this in the game next week through a Hotfix.