A bare minimum to get more Mercy players

I think we may have more supports now. Than we did when OW2 dropped.

That may not have been a high bar to jump, since the queue were pretty bad, but, I think the changes they have made means either more supports, or existing support players are queueing for more games.

What makes you think that? Given how harsh itā€™s been on them, with not much besides nerfs after Kiriko came out.

Just a shift in ratio of queue times Iā€™m seeing.

But it is just a single point of data.

I saw quite a shift when Ana changes happened.

The only way I could see that happening is if weā€™re losing DPS/Tank players at a faster rate than weā€™re losing Support players.

That is also a possibility.

We are getting a pretty scary amount of new players though, most games Iā€™m in have a at least one newbie now.

Season 1 was dive heavy. Season 2 is not.

Iā€™d actually argue that we more than likely have had a monumental drop in overall player numbers across all roles due to how unfun the meta is for everybody not willing to play Sojourn/Hog/Orisa/Kiriko.

Which is why weā€™re now seeing all roles being dragged in from other ranks, dps queues matching support queues, etc.

You really underestimate just how awful the game is to play for every dps but Sojourn and every tank but Hog/Orisa.


Or maybe it really is just Ana, and something like removing the cleanse on Suzu would just pull in more Ana players.

It could be the influx of new players, that they havenā€™t settled on a role yet?

You would expect they would be playing roughly the same ratio as heroes are by role though.

Or it could be people just grinding battle passes picking ā€œallā€ every single match.

We need more Lucio players.


Either way, something is up with the lack of Support players.

Hereā€™s hoping the devs make it more clear that Support issues = Matchmaking issues in the next blog post.

Yeah. It is interesting.

Actually I will if I had to guess just say ā€œallā€ gives you faster queues for your extra XP weekend if you are grinding battle passes :wink:

I think the season 3 starting patch will beā€¦ interesting.

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If they really want to balance out queues, they should at least occasionally provide something other than battlepass xp for completing a game in all roles/support.

There should be a randomized bucket of rewards, like xp or a small chunk of OW coins. Even 1 coin would be better than 100xp after youā€™ve finished the battlepass. Not everyone cares about title cards.

60HPS is what she needs to be able to go back to being a viable healer for tanks, ie pocket the tank instead of the dps. Not sure why people think that the best way to stop her pocketing dps is to keep her healing useless for pocketing tanks lol

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Man, and why is it so difficult for people to wrap their heads around the idea that Queue Times and Matchmaker Quality are direct tradeoffs of each other.

Itā€™s like this every time the subject comes up:

Or maybe more like this


Itā€™s literally just people get butthurt when Mercy is meta tier.

Same deal with Hog.

Itā€™s not really a design issue, so much as a ā€œGet this out of my meta REEEEEEEEā€ issue.

Moira is probably in the same boat too.


none of these changes make mercy anymore fun to play. she is a specator. thats her entire kit

Well yeah, Mercy needs a lot of changes, this more like a quick ā€œYeah, weā€™ll hotfix this in next weekā€ type of thing.

I learned something new. Thanks.

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mercy should never be meta. she is a boring, skilless hero. if i win a game i want it to make me feel like i actually earnt it, not that i just held m2 on my sojourn the entire game.

Which is fair enough.

I figure buff all the Supports, and get more raw numbers of Support players mostly in middle ELOs.

Where as tierlist ranking for Support heroes is a separate issue.

I donā€™t care which Supports are meta tier.