70% of Tank Players Are Priority People And Its Ruining Games

Only 500 or so games ruined by each player… what could go wrong?

I’ll be honest.
It’s become way easier to win ever since DPS & Support players play Tanks due to Flex Queue because most of them actually know how to get aggressive from playing other roles & not stand still just waiting for the enemy team to roll them over with a barrage of damage that out-damages all the healing the game.

The game finally became a bit more playable with not being forced to move back as the tanks allow the enemy team trample over them.


Flex queue players don’t know how to play tank at all.

That’s what I’m saying. They don’t even know the constant mistake that tank players do, too. And instead, they play tanks to their own playstyle of when they play DPS or Support which doesn’t require standing still most of the time compared to when tanks have to stand still for the team as a shield.

But main tank players have gotten so accustomed to needing to stand still, to the point that they don’t know when to push up & end up letting the enemy team walk into them every time.

I have 10-14 min queues at all times :frowning:

Unless my MMR stabalize and the game wants to give me an actual fair match than its like 8 min.

and tanks kinda suck
but that has nothing to do with this

This might seem cocky or something but how do people flex queue for passes and don’t know what to do on that role, once you’ve played a bit and watched alot of OW content you kinda understand alot about the game am I wrong? As a dps main since flex queu came out I’ve grinded my tank and support from low-mid gold to mid-high plat so I don’t get it

so i flex, for passes. i used to be an off tank main, and i play orisa well.

it feels, SO BAD, to tank with the other tank and both supports being 2 dps players and a level 10 mercy. they dont know what they are doing, and they dont want to learn.

To be fair tanking in world of warcraft is 10 times more stressful. If you dont pull agro in boss fights or what not you are going to lose your non tank players when they get 1 shotted. The visual clutter in that game from what I remember was pretty insane.

its more natural in a mmo setting. i mean people love to be tanky as long as they can do insane damage too and own things also. thats the dilemna tho should tanks do as much damage as dps and have flashy potgs. if so whats the point of a dps?

Meanwhile forums be demanding the last fun tank gets more nerfs.


Lol what, as someone whose mostly played tank for awhile in my experience support players are the worst when it comes to actually pushing in, if I had a dollar for every support playing so far back they can’t even effectively use there abilities, and basically being useless but still surviving and blaming everyone else despite having the most powerful cooldowns I’d just buy enough stock in blizzard to influence the balance decisions myself.

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TBH as someone who plays ball, he needs his ult nerfed but that’s just me IG.

All I know is…

Ball this season has been my fast track to masters in the tank role.

Started after placements at about 3050, currently 3415 with an 80% winrate. (13-3 record, 2 of those losses being DC’s so I could be masters by now)

He def needs adjustments.

OMG! We should forbid anyone from ever learning new heroes.

That would solve everything! /s

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Learning new heroes? No.

Learning new heroes in COMPETITIVE? Yes. That is an issue.

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Everyone conveniently forgets that if he messes up the timing on his ult it’s massive amounts of free ult charge for the enemy teams healers.

Just because diamond or lower ranks aren’t smart enough to exploit this weakness doesn’t make the ult OP.

That’s not why it’s OP.

The problem is that I can use ult, and in 30-40 seconds get ANOTHER ultimate.

Meaning that I can get another ult 10-20 seconds, after my first ult finally disappears from the fight.

That’s the issue.

The problem will fix itself as time goes on. Feel free to skip out until it does, no one is forcing you to play these games.

And skipping out doesn’t even just mean leaving OW, you could spend time in the arcade or custom game lobbies.

That sounds like your team sucks and feeds too much. If balls getting that much ult charge and never being punished that’s on you.

I do sympathise because alot of low ranks players still have this stupid mentality of just heal spamming through fights instead of actually coordinating, but that’s a player behavior problem that balls good at punishing and has nothing to do with the hero itself.

This is what the playerbase wanted. Jeff and developers cave to your mentality and now it has become a problem. Geez who didn’t see this happening?