70% of Tank Players Are Priority People And Its Ruining Games

The thing is, good tanks are not magically born. Everyone starts out bad but becomes good overtime.

While I understand they are not very good. Yet if they at least trying their best, that is not something to fault them. If they are throwing on the other hand then just report them.


Tanks who are good now weren’t thrust into high diamond - GM games when they started out were they?

That’s the issue. The people getting grandfathered into higher ranks, because of the flex queue. So they ruin the game for anyone who’s relatively high.


That does not make a lot of sense since you will need to climb to that rank as a tank.

Yes, and they can learn in silver where they belong.

Then why are they not in silver?

Because their other roles aren’t…

So they start out at a higher rank.

Blizzard even ADMITTED this issue in their posts about priority pass on the forums but literally just said

“It’s okay their SR will just adjust”

Ye, adjust while throwing MULTIPLE games in the process.


Because the internal mmr adjust your ranks relative to your best rank. When I started, I was diamond in all 3 roles as a dps one trick. It took multiple seasons to get my healing to gold and my tank largely remained similar because I actually put lots of effort in. But I did not deserve the free rank back then.


That sounds like an issue with the matchmaker. I always thought the system should do a small reset.

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They basically botched a reset and now the community is against mmr resets. But yeah, a “soft” reset before fundamentally changing the way ranks work would have been great. It is a little late now, so the point is relatively moot. But I personally wish that people who rarely play certain roles had more aggressive drops and gains. It takes WAY too long to adjust.


It’s different to just dps as hog/ball against making space as hog/ball.

what did you expect? tank had instant queue for ages. and even with flex queue tank still have queue less than 2mins

this wont change anytime soon

I wouldn’t mind playing tank if they were just more fun to play, there are so many CC abilities from supports or dps that playing tanks is a nightmare. Wanna play hog? Careful with that annoying ana constantly sleeping you or tossing you a grenade to stop you from healing. Want to play zarya? Good luck facing snipers because you will be extremely easy to melt. Want to play winston? Get stunned by anything and everything and get ready to get focused by reaper, enemy hog or anything with a high amount of burst damage. Want to okay dva? Lol why even bother. Want to play ball? Thats about the only tank able to do whatever it wants and able to bypass the other annoyances.

Want to play rein? Get ready to get stunned to oblivion, want to play orisa? You are throwing because her damage output is so weak and blizzard only wants her to be a shield bot. Sigma? He’s right next to ball in terms of being viable because he at least has his own defenses against the bull. Tanks are not fun and it makes no sense that supports or dps have any forms of CC at this point, CC feels like it should’ve been given to tanks.


Surely all the dps and support players will be at the tank rank they belong eventualy.

Yeah, so we have to just wait as they ruin a bunch of games :slight_smile: Fun.

Dont think that % is accurate at all, more like a classic “my team mates are bad” deflected to the Priority Pass.

Just like when RQ was implemented, everytime a Support (god forbid) did some DPS, they called them “DPS mains throwing”.


Priority pass literally has people playing off role queues that they aren’t good at, meanwhile ALSO being grandfathered into higher ranks BECAUSE they dont play said roles which blizzard even ADMITTED.

I’d say they encourage people to play tanks selfishly. Because honestly DPS is the weakest role in the game minus a couple hitcan.
While it’s super easy to get Value on Hog, Zarya, Rein playing agro. You might feed a few fights but eventually your 600 hp, ability to one shot every non tank hero in the game combined with damage mitigation and insane ult will win the fight.

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Sounds to me like the solution to priority passes is the remove role queue. smh

On god?

It’s not the priority pass system’s fault. It’s just that the matchmaking is just dog. I literally just played a game with a 2,5k peak tank against a 4,5k peak tank. The only reason I stayed in that match was because my friend also ended up in the same game on my team and didn’t wanna abandon them. We basically sat in spawn the whole game :slight_smile: Oh and our team had one duo group and they had a +4 stack