2/2/2 Cons:
Tanks are boring.
Supports are kinda boring.
DPS is over played.
No wants to shoot shields all day.
Tanks would get buffed back to normal to atleast (2018). When they was strong and fun back then.
Support would have more protection.
DPS queue times go way down.
More DPS to shoot shields.
Tanks would be playable in FFA.
I really think this is what they’ll do in OW2. Remember when Jeff made some statement about making more vanilla ice cream (or something like that)? He may have been talking about adding another DPS slot to teams. And OW2 is an engine overhaul so they could allow the new engine to run 7v7
Obviously tanks would need to be buffed back up. I literally said that. It’s not that hard. Literally just give them their health from pre armour overhaul era. And buff their shields a ton.
Damage need to be nerfed? Lol! Damage need to nerfed right now. In 2-2-2 era. For a 200 average health game. You get rekt. That’s why DPS is so popular. The support and tanks shoot marshmallows or don’t have no range.
I feel like heros like tracers and flankers would be okay in 7v7. Flankers would have to wait to flank until the fight get chaotic. Also one tracer bomb would have a higher chance of getting more kills in 7v7.
Don’t act like genji and reaper ult don’t get shut down anyway in 6v6.
Don’t act like doomfist don’t get stun 4 times in a row and instant die anyway in 6v6.
Who else flanks?
Don’t act like McCrees ult don’t get shut down anyway in 6v6 anyway.
Hitscan try hards are annoying anyway.
Say you are playing against a good widow maker.
A Winston, tracer, widow maker, Ashe and Ana can counter her. Cut that. The whole team can shoot at her together. Widow makers would have to flank more. Which is not bad for the game.
I thought the high ranks hate widow maker? If you not good enough for widow? Then get rekt. Atleast 5 out 7 people can shoot at widow. Nobody like getting rekt by Hanzo arrow logs. And try hard widows.
“Group up or die” should be overwatch 2 slogan.
Yes. If they are smart. All the dumb eingine limitations. Like how player models can’t be loaded into the game, while active. Which also prevents gun models being swapable. This would be something they setup as well.
Maps were designed around 6v6, game modes were designed around 6V6, engine was designed around 6V6, even some heroes were designed around 6V6. So it would need a departure from 0 to make 7V7 a thing, maybe it’ll come with OW2?
Really, while I’m not so sure I’d go so far as to say it would fix “everything” as balance would still be an issue, it’s the only route that feels like a truly viable “solution” at this point.
Blizzard has made it pretty damn clear they have no intention of making any real effort to catch Support and Tank heroes up to DPS. 1/3/2 and 2/3/1 would force extreme homogenization on whichever role ended up solo and would mean losing a massive amount of inter-hero interactions and comps.
Barring Blizzard magically learning how to balance and being willing (and able) to push Supports and Tanks out fast, the only way to really fix queues is a compensation change and 2/3/2 is the only one that would result in massive losses.