7 v 7 could save the day

Have fun shooting 3 barriers while a pocketed bastion shreds you, or have fun fighting 5 Moira’s who won’t die

DPS are fine. Tanks are strong because of 5v5. If you suck with DPS, then its a skill issue. The DPS players have much more things to do than in 6v6 and are very important, because they have also to do some things the second tank would do.

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Yes that is way more fun than seeing the same 1-2-2 every single match. I don’t like doing the same thing over and over again.

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Agreed, but the strife to be better is good. “balanced” would also be boring.

You also should not put gamemode in that cant be balanced at all. If 3 tanks are good then 1-2 tanks are weak. If 1 support is enough then 2+ are to strong.

This is not a base for any kind of balance. Get over it.

If open queue would be the main mode you would also have the same enemies to face. Stop with this nonsense arguments.

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well that line of thinking is precisely what triggered an exodus to begin with. by devs thinking that the solution was to drop a tank. no genius, (dev team) unnerf damage so that shooting barriers is a non issue.

Except overwatch pretends to be a competitive eSport so balance is important. If you want your no limits game mode it is right there in arcade go play that, but qp and competitive should have some form of balance or a large part of the playerbase will move on to other games.

So because Blizzard pretends that Overwatch is a competitive eSport, we all have to pretend and play it as a competitive eSport, and balance the entire game around just that?

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Well then they will wait until it “dies” and OWL dies with it so they can try more crazy stuff that may revive it (it would be dead after all).

These guys operate like the stock market, while there are risks and certainty of money loss (owl sponsors and team managers backing out because they dont want to pay 2 extra players) they just wont do it.

Also they are arrogant, they were very confident in 5v5 and even touted it as the sequel “main” feature (yeah a sequel that removes stuff). There is almost no chance of going back to 6v6 even more to try 7v7.

What overwatch needs is less damage not more it is currently a oneshot fest with whoever is hitting there one shots the quickest winning 90% of the time.

well you did just say

5V5 hasn’t been proven a failure and neither has 6V6.

The only failure is the Rate Balance Patches release at and some of the changes the Development Team makes.

And that fact hasn’t changed.

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No just the majority of players have to play it with competitive balance, outliers like you always have arcade for fun. You are right about one thing though, there needs to be a way to form groups in game which we had but lost (for some reason) when we moved to ow2

The playerbase and OWL are not linked.

OWL will continue as long as people are willing to watch it and it remains profitable. Everyone could stop playing Overwatch 2 today and the OWL would continue for as long as it makes money and people watch it.

Current DPS are fine in 5v5.

DPS in 7v7 and 3 DPS per team would needed to be nerfed.

So what?

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So I can “go and play my mode”, but I still have to be forced with…

  • 5v5
  • Meta balanced around 1-2-2
  • “Competitive” map pools
  • eSports game design
  • Skill based matchmaking (even in QP)
  • Fragmented player base (long queue times)

Even though I’m not a Competitive player and I only play for casual fun. It sounds to me like your mode is ruining the fun of my mode, and I think that’s exactly why many players have left the game, myself included.

well that’s how shooters work. whoever is hitting their shots the quickest.
your line of thinking is precisely why some desire babysitters (support saviors). less damage you say? well, not according to the dwindling player base. who wakes up, queue’s up, and say’s time to play some nerfed OW?
every nerf has resulted in the departure of thousands. simple math.

overwatch is no longer in cybersport list in twitch Twitch

so why 5v5, let make fun for players?

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Then it looks like overwatch isn’t the game for you…

As it stands now Overwatch will always be balanced around OWL and high ranked play arcade will be an afterthought I don’t like it but that’s how it must be the balance is garbage but going to no limits would be so much worse.

Uhh… well it would a new one in e-sport history.

A game that people dont play but only care to watch it.

ok then, should the player base dwindle into oblivion,
i await your remark for why OWL dissolved into oblivion.
One doesn’t exist without the other. Simple math.
That’s like there being a HALO league present day
without its original player base. Not happening.