7 v 7 could save the day

Everyone seems to forget a certain technicality when it comes to adjusting player numbers, be it returning to 6v6 or 7v7…

OWL… the sponsors and team managers would go crazy if they had to hire one more team player, even more for two. So no, i dont think they will ever adjust the player numbers again because of that.

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7v7 is never going to happen.

There’s no guarantee it would work and even if it did it would blow up queue times since now there will be even less people in the queues as each game needs an additional 4 players.


A Battlefield mode? Like Conquest? Where you take control of a greater number of map points to drain your opponent of a set number of tickets before they drain yours first? We’d need much, much larger maps and more than 10v10 to for like 5 or 7 control points spaced reasonably enough apart. Maybe 15v15 or 18v18, with teams sub-divided up into 5 or 6-man squads! :smile:

I actually kind of like this idea. And I bet it would be 100% better than the battle royale suggestions I’ve seen mentioned in past threads.

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Yea, since we still kind of in testing area of 5v5, i believe that much.


2 tank (of ow1) - 3 dd - 2 healer


for those who watch, so watching a 5 v 5 snooze fest, is more entertaining than mayhem 7 v 7? unlikely. secondly OWL doesn’t exist without a satisfied player base. no game does. keep that in mind.

Ah yes let’s return to the bad old days with 3-4 tanks (especially with how strong they are now) or nobody playing support. Or even better let’s remove hero limits entirely so we can have 5 torbjorns on defence.


7 v 7

Fiction Writer - you’re on the other forum! Come back in real world one day :wink:

But you have to think as corporate drone… they only see things in money numbers.

How much money would going to 7v7 costs to our Owl teams and sponsors? That is how they plan things.

If OWL was dissolved like HotS league was… then yes i can see them having more freedom and leeway to try more bold stuff like 7v7.

But with Overwatch league still existing, they will never do it. It is a dollar sign issue and that is something sacred to them.

7v7 would only work as a whatever fun experimental mode.

As a replacement for 5v5 or 6v6? No way.

FICTION, us exceptionals should be able to adapt to whatever comes our way…:rofl:

huh? if player base dwindles even further, there is no OWL.
it’ll cease to exist. hence the title: 7 v 7 could save the day.

This is the ideal way to play the game. What point were you trying to make?

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The 5v5 is perfectly fine. The current problem is just the matchmaker mainly. They need to adjust it.

7v7 would be a total disaster. You know that we would need 3 DPS in this set up and that ALL DPS would need a heavy nerf to everything (health, cooldown, damage, ults)?


Now I know your trolling

adapt? i have same stats as i had during legacy 6 v 6 configuration.
no deviation in exceptionalism. proven failure, as in, excessive lack of
fun factor. so much so, that players compensate by going 3 tanks in unranked.

What is fun about playing game after game after game with it being a mirror match of
On both teams every single game? How is that more fun than picking whatever role and hero you want and just doing what you want?

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That you are delusional. “Open queue” and “no limits” can’t be balanced. That’s why they were removed or are in arcade. Open queue was always a terrible idea and I dont want to go back to 4+ DPS in my games like back then. You have your mode. Play it if you want.

And you think there would be no meta in open queue? How cute…^^


fiction. 3 tank brawl fest is the correct course of action.
dps already nerfed endlessly. if anything, the entire game’s roster is underpowered.

The game has never been and never will be “balanced”. Making changes just for the sake of pretending we are balancing the game is the real delusion. The problem is that it splits the playerbase and makes for longer queue times. If you want to control every other person on your team and dictate how they play the game, there should be a group finder in the game just for you to do that. You shouldn’t have to force your playstyle on everyone else.

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