5v5 = boring, bring 6v6 back

6v6 was better and easily fixed if they removed shields from Sig/Orisa (no tank should shoot and shield at the same time) and got rid of a lot of cc.

5v5 is a one dimensional pile of trash.


I will stand with this and bump the thread, time to bring back 6v6 / OW1 again!

Blizzard, bring back this c`mon… Can we just play OW1 / 6V6 again?

I am really sad about Overwatch 1, no matter how much I’ve missed OW1…


Bring back OW1 as well, I miss Hanamura and Anubis.


Yes 5v5 sucks and it is killing the game


This is such a dumb take on bringing 6v6 back. You know they could fix that right? OW1 just doesnt mean “double shield” durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Random matches seemed to be more balanced in 6 v 6. The games just seem so lopsided since launch of OW2. Sorry to see it happen because it is a good IP overall but the gameplay is terrible. I mean eSports are dying and you should never develop game around eSports. Let the game organically become an eSport.

You can run your own 6v6 custom modes. I put a few of the codes down in this thread.

It was so much fun and I hope more people try it and see how great 6v6 can be. I had forgotten and I’m sure a lot of people have. Others never had a chance to play Overwatch 1 at all and now they can see the difference too.


The player base tanking and the death of Overwatch league says different.


Bring Jeff Kaplan back
Bring old devs OW former back
Bring Overwatch 1/Classic back

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Balance for 5v5.
Bring back 6v6 as an official game mode.

Let players choose how to play the game they WANT to play.


Hahah you think Blizzard would let that happen?

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Of course not. What are they, stupid? haha
It’ll just expose how bad of a decision 5v5 was. So they’ll never give players the satisfaction.


unrelated, overwatch league was dead from the beginning

LOL, it would hurt less if it wasn’t true :frowning: .

Yes but without 6v6 balancing its pointless.

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The custom modes are balanced by the creators. Check out their discords. But it’s actually fun.

Strong agree. Make 5v5 an arcade mode, let 6v6 be the norm again.
Solo tank is too stressful. Give them their buddy back like Jeff intended.


Wasn’t 5v5 Jeff’s idea to begin with? Aaron merely executed it.

Jeff Kaplan said that he gave everyone a partner in case someone was having an off day.
That way it wasn’t as bad if someone was doing … bad.

Nowadays if there’s a tank diff, it’s noticeable. And terrible.


TFW you go to immediately like a post you agree with, only to discover that you already liked it… an entire year ago. :man_facepalming:

Have another OP, even if it won’t officially add to your counter!
