5v5 = boring, bring 6v6 back

They didn’t decide it was better …they decided it was a better way to scam money out of you. Don’t be confused about how we got to this.

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new tank rebalancing to be fat dps means all modes other than role q are unplayable since teams can pick more than 1 tank and ruin the match.

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Had a game last night where the tank just kept running in mindlessly and dying while the rest of the team desperately tried to keep them alive. They flamed the healers and said we were throwing before leaving. But hey at least 5v5 has more individual THROW potential…


How does changing team sizes increase revenue? Next you’re gonna tell me that nerfing Genji (one of the most popular heroes) is only done for profit. I understand being sceptical but come on, you’re just going into delusional territory right now.

Half of the balance issues with OW1 can be traced to 6v6 and you want 5v5 back?

Absolutely Not. :no_good_man:t5:

That is pretty accurate.

Games are filled with horrible tank players that refuse to use just one of their braincells.

Last game I played had a raging tank like that. Dudes rushing into the open and he’s raging on the mic “WHERE ARE THE HEALS?! WHERE ARE THE HEALS?!” I was like man this guy is mental lol.

SO sorry that you don’t understand feeding specific groups to draw players. So, speaking of delusional. LOL Pot, meet kettle.

Such as?

Are you about to somehow attribute double barrier to 6v6? Odd if so… double barrier is a team comp. 6v6 is an entire mode of gameplay. 6v6 does not equal double barrier.

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As of 1 month since I posted this thread →

~72% for 6v6 to be back
~28% enjoy 5v5 and don’t need 6v6


you’re a hitscan player , got it.

Actually I’m a hitscan and see the inherent flaws of 5v5. I main Ashe.


Im a support player but whatever you want to tell yourself.

I hope the Overwatch team notices this thread.


You don’t even need double shield in 6v6, current tank has almost no shield, or just separate main and off tank.


That is indeed true.


Bump!!! please blizzard bring 6v6 back!

Can we bring 6v6 or OW1 back again?



I can play a few games and then I just log off because it is simply boring. And I could play OW1 for hours a day.

A lot of the 5v5 tank’s power come from not having to split heals between two tanks. I actually think old 6v6 with some damage nerfs, with modern sustain would be healthy.

If it’s possible to get 6V6 in the arcade… then do it that way

Then based off of that we can tone down on 5V5 vs. 6V6