50 hp/s is plenty I have proof

That doesn’t really have much to do with the terms “off-support” and “main-support”

Off-supports are generally more utility oriented, while main-supports have higher healing. It’s not that simple tho and even main supports are judged by how good their utility is. There have also been metas where they only ran off-supports. With Lucio and Zen, powerful ults are really only the cherry on the top. They already provide excellent utility while also bringing in a considerable amount of damage.

At this point in the game, if the off support doesn’t have a defensive ultimate Zen/Lucio, they can’t be ran, as no main healer has a defensive ultimate.

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At least you have some impact on a teamfight with burst healing. That rein contestet 9 seconds longer and got a kill, that dva was able to swallow a dragon before she demeched.

Mercy is just there like “hmmm i can hold down LMB which keeps Rein alive for maybe 3 seconds top or i could damage boost him but then he probably dies… what do what do, none of the options i have are good”

And if you completely drain moira off combat, by the time the next teamfight starts, shes already halfway full, ana has already reloaded and her abilites arent on cooldown anymore. You shouldnt use every healing ability outside of combat anyways.

thats like “we capped the point and won the teamfight. Now is the best time to pop trans to heal the team back up”

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That burst healing fills the gap, giving you time to reload/recharge and continue healing. But for that to work, burst healing needs to be AoE/multitarget. It’s how inconsistent healers become consistent, too.

Which gives me another idea: what if resurrect temporary boosted your healing up to 90-100 hps for 4 seconds? You get to play catch up anyway.

50 h/s would be fine if everyone else didn’t heal like a billion per second while ( ( ( g e n e r a l l y ) ) ) providing just as much utility.

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Maybe not that one specific aspect of getting a heal quickly to someone. But he can be anywhere and his mobility is not tieed to an ally. If someone is say on a ledge and Mercy can’t GA to them, Lucio can just wallride right up to them. It also means he can stall better than her.

Lucio can also share his mobility with others.

Lucio has the overall best mobility of all the healers in the game.

Sure. But to say she had the flat out best utility when there are many abilties that are also crazy high value and more consistent and readily available seems a bit much.

She really isn’t, which is why all the other counter comps to GOATs stopped working. She’s objectively terrible compared to the other main healers.

I like that idea ^^ I mean, it gives her the ability to do “burst” healing in terms of boosted heals and many people complain about rezz being in the game anyways…

It would take away a part of her kit that she had since launch tho :c

Just let your tank die and res them. 2 seconds to heal them back to full instead of 23.

Wasn’t the rework supposed to stop this?

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Sort of.

At first they wanted Mercy to use resurrect more often, not just as last resort action. Turned out too powerful. Then they made Mercy focus on resurrects during ultimate(cast time and slowdown otherwise). At this point, it’s already like old ult, with only 2 resurrects at max. Still not satisfied. In the end, best course of action was avoiding resurrect entirely and focus on healing/boosting team. Healing nerf, to make players use resurrect more often(again).

Yes Unmatched, but when your in a team battle that’s where the problem lies. :slight_smile:

I meant healing boost as “reward” for Mercy to get away with resurrect. Idea is that you resurrect teammate and then use those 4 seconds for other teammates.
Can be combined with Valkyrie, too.

As of right now, resurrect doesn’t even contribute to ult charge. It desperately needs some kind of bridge, that would connect resurrect with rest of the kit.

That specific aspect, is the one that actually matters. As it is, she’s still the only healer for Phara, she is very good at boosting DPS, far better than anyone else we have, and if (when?) the meta leans more into mobility and DPS, it will be Mercy that is the feature Support.

Res is still the most important one. 5v6 is a losing position, Mercy changes the math.

Thats not why counter comps stopped working. 3-3 is the issue here.

It isn’t the only one that matters. There are plenty of instances where Lucio’s approach to mobility is more important. And his ability to share that mobility is essential for making certain heroes truly functional.

Mercy gets you killed more in the first place. Those other abilties can prevent the death in the first place.

It is a major factor. 3x3 was only situationally meta back then. And on console where Mercy still holds her top spot, there is no 3x3 issue. The same was true of PC until she stopped functioning as well there.

Double sniper in particular relied on her ability to keep up the tanks and not only her damage boost of the snipers.

In regards to healing, it is what matters. Being able to quickly move around the map helps Lucio heal, but it also has turned WAY TOO MANY Lucio’s into idiot Reddit Lucios. GA is the best Healing Delivery method.

That is not true. The issue is not Mercy, the issue is the synergy of other hero’s and deathball.

Any comp that can leverage being spread out, Mercy will be used in.

Bad Lucio play does not detract points from the power of his mobility.

Lucio has a lot more versatility in his mobility.

It is true. The comps that can leverage being spread out were all made weaker because the tanks aren’t being kept up nearly as well.

The meta on PC when Mercy was strong was not GOATs. The meta on console where Mercy is still strong is not GOATs.

The counter comps being weak is absolutely a factor in GOATs dominance and Mercy being crap at healing tanks is one of the reasons those comps are weak.


You’ve mentioned something like this a few times, why is Mercy still strong on Console, not PC?

I mean why is Mercy on both teams right now in this OWL match? Hint: Because of the Widows and the fact Mercy has Boost + Mobility.

There are not that many healers, that can work with spread out comps. Most healers got abilities, that work best with groups, leaving Mercy, Zenyatta, and (possibly) Baptiste as only healers for such composition. Zenyatta isn’t good for healing tanks, neither is Mercy at the moment, which leaves one healer.

op is so full of skinkinslat i can smell it from here

mercy one-trick :white_check_mark:
complains main is underpowered :white_check_mark:
while b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶u̶n̶i̶n̶f̶o̶r̶m̶e̶d̶ blatantly lying about clearly visible facts :white_check_mark:
not to mention he saved dva to be de-meched at least twice in the promotional video :white_check_mark:
being snide about it :white_check_mark:

troll thread, move along

Mercy is still strong on console because Ana is one of the harder hit heroes by the control scheme of console and neither ladder is that good at Zen Goats because of it’s higher need for coordination.

So she’s better able to enable the snipers and Pharah.

Double sniper would likely still be the meta if Mercy was still strong on PC.