50 hp/s is plenty I have proof

Stupid teammates aren’t exclusive to QP. Sooner or later every single support player finds their teammate in undesirable or straight suicidal spot. And it falls on them to get their teammate out of that spot, before bad things happen.

It may be not even result of a mistake: your teammate stumbled upon group of enemies trying to flank, by accident.

I only mentioned QP to underline the fact that most players in QP aren’t playing full try-hard mode…and since the OP seems to want to talk about QP, and not comp.

If you can’t save teammates in situation, when enemies aren’t in “total annihilation” mode, do you even have a chance in competitive?

I don’t know, ask the OP.

We already know that, I agree mercy is very good 2 seconds to heal tracer?

But I NEEEEED 60 hps for when my qp team goes 5 dps (/s). Also, in Mystery Heroes, the most popular “casual” mode, you can make a huge impact on your team as solo healer Mercy if you’re good enough and know how to properly juggle and top off people in the lulls (or let tanks go get mega health pack like big boy and girls). I’ve had entire teams coordinate my assassination because I was contributing too much.

18 seconds and the D.va took decent amounts of damage.

The terms “main” and “off” don’t mean nearly as much with supports as they do with tanks. Mercy is perfectly fine in comp.

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Got a link?

I ask only because I have not read anywhere of him making such a statement, and I watch for such things closely

Without an ultimate capable of defending grav or other high damage ultimates, than a team is considerably weaker. Thats why at least Zen or Lucio are in every meta.

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I really like the elevator music. Made the whole thing a lot better.

I know 50 HPS seems weak but it didn’t take “23” seconds and Dva was taking damage from Genji for a long time.

Mercy’s healing isn’t exactly the best burst wise but who else could’ve followed her through that corner so fast and helped her without interruption?

Maybe Moira but she’d be out of ressource for the next fight or at least at 25% maximum.

Mercy has no drawbacks from healing for so long… and you charged your ultimate in this little 1v1.

Doesn’t seem so bad to me.

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I don’t know this to be the case, and I am part of “everyone”

In regards to the delivery of healing? Not even close.

Yes, and Res is still super powerful, top tier.

She is able to, she doesnt need to be the clear best choice.

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Personally, I find I am able to successfully rez most characters in most situations, with or without teammates blocking or shielding for me

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23 seconds lol that is almost as much as mercy’s rez cooldown.

is this the sims 1 music?

It takes shy of 12 seconds to heal an entire mech at 50hps, D.va was taking damage so obviously it was going to take longer to top her off.

Mercy’s beam is the easiest to land since it’s literally lock on, has no resource(so no interruptions at all) and goes through barriers and maintains connection for about a second after you break LoS, which let’s you dip in and out of cover and still heal nonstop. It’s the most reliable method of healing in the game, of course it’s not also going to pump out the most healing and be balanced.

And this doesn’t even factor in Mercy’s GA that lets her follow any hero in this game, even the outliers like Pharah who Moira could only dream of pocketing and of whom Ana is unreliable at healing, at best, due to LoS breaks. Can we at least try to represent her pros and cons honestly?

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Zenyatta also has very reliable healing, but no one picks him for that, for some reason.

If you can’t keep DPS alive in 1v1 against other DPS, that’s not one-hit kill, your healing is insufficient and all other “advantages” go to waste. It’s like water pistol: light, won’t be detected by metal detectors, has ammo available everywhere…except it doesn’t hurt, like real pistol.

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Get a doot just for the art at the end. Unnecessary yet perfect.

So you healed her up to roughly 1,150 hp? Impressive!

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