50 hp/s is plenty I have proof

Mercy is an incredibly strong main healer convince me otherwise.

It took me roughly 23 seconds to heal dva from critical to full hp and most of that was out of combat.

I also just realised I t-bagged the genji. Completely unintentional I promise!


Nobody’s disagreeing with you.


50 HPS is more than enough when you account for her complete lack of limitations in every other area of healing.


It is very powerful. In only 18 seconds or so I healed my tank to full hp. Unmatched raw healing power is Mercy’s forte.


The sarcasm is strong in this one


I don’t careeeeee

I want a better pistol


But we already have the widowtrasher 9000 model already?

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No! The widowtrasher is old.

I want the HogStomper 480 >:c


pocket isn’t a class in the game, it’s just something healers can do.
Mercy is a main healer, no wonder people find her ult underwhelming. It’s a main healer ult, not an off healer ult.


We can only dream :3


Let’s very quickly compare Mercy’s healing to the other 2 main healers:

Compared to Ana:

  1. Mercy has limited range (30 meters) and is forced to be in the thick of battle to heal, Ana has no limit to her range to either her shots or even nade.
  2. Mercy has a hard capped healing output, Ana’s output scales with accuracy and is very easy to hit every shot on larger targets (like tanks, who tend to take the most damage anyways).
  3. Mercy’s healing beam can only heal, Ana’s shots can both heal and provide hitscan damage with no damage falloff.
  4. Mercy’s healing beam can only heal, Ana’s nades can damage, stop enemy healing, heal, and boost healing all at the same time.
  5. Mercy can heal through shields, Ana’s healing is stopped by shields.
  6. Mercy can provide no burst healing, Ana can provide burst healing (through both nade and nano).

Compared to Moira:

  1. Mercy can heal a single target at a time (unless ulting), all of Moira’s healing can heal more than one target at once.
  2. Mercy’s healing is capped at 50 HPS (60 in ult), Moira’s healing output is significantly higher than that (especially when orb is stacked with spray or ult).
  3. Mercy can heal through shields, Moira’s spray is stopped by shields (but both her orb and ult ignore shields).
  4. Mercy’s healing has no resource, Moira’s healing has a resource (or CD) that is very rarely exhausted with very modest management skills.


Mercy’s healing has A LOT of disadvantages compared to her main healer peers. Your statement is demonstrably false.

Furthermore, each main healer has on average roughly the same total healing output each round.

However, Mercy deals about 4000% less damage than Ana and Moira and secures about 500% less kills than Ana and Moira.

Rez and damage boost numbers do not make up for this disparity.

The data indicates that not only does Mercy’s healing have disadvantages, but she’s also less impactful than other main healers in determining the outcome of team fights.


This is how zenyatta players feel when the other healer is too busy DPS’ing.


obviously it’s bad if you only cherry pick the ways it’s worse.
I can play that game too.

Ana is very bad in dps heavy comp, she has to put herself extremely out of position to heal flankers effectively. Mercy has guardian angel to essentially solve all range problems. Oh, and she has a mobility.
If ana is caught out of position she’s dead pretty much instantly.
That and ana has downtimes in cooldowns and reload and, surprise surprise, she can’t do damage and heals at the same time. She’s either shooting her allies or her enemies, she can’t do both. The only time she does both is when she throws nade in the thick of the fight, but nade isn’t her main healing output, so…
And you have no idea just how much healing she loses when she misses just one shot.

MoiraAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH she hits a brick wall in usefulness at around diamond for a reason. Moira has no utility to speak of as a tradeoff for the highest heals.
Also, it’s normal that she gest a lot of kills, all of those are assists because her orb and tickle damage tend to hit every single enemy. And damage boost kills are not recorded as eliminations.

Mercy’s healing is literally the most consistent in the game. It can’t be blocked (aside from nade), it can’t miss, it pretty much has no downtime and mercy is one of the most mobile heroes in the game.
So yeah, her healing needs to be lower than other main healers.

And she never had big kills or damage. Stop measuring the value of healers by counting both damage and heals. Damage is pretty much a non factor (as damage done can turn into enemy ult charge, so you can’t measure how much of that damage was good damage or how much was feeding enemy healers.

It’s almost as if trade-offs exist for a reason.


Mercy is not practically limited by range in that she can use guardian angel to fly nearly instantly toward teammates from very far away. The fact that her beams are separated are actually an advantage over Ana’s darts, not a disadvantage as you suggested. Ana can be prevented from healing her team if an enemy gets in the way, Mercy cannot.

Mercy isn’t limited by resources, inconsistency, mobility, accuracy, barriers, line of sight (to an extent), having to look at her target, having to be near her target, or self healing, at least a few of which affect all of the other supports. Potential healing output is her primary limitation, which is easily counteracted by her strengths. That’s mostly why she was a must-pick for so long. She needed the healing nerf. My statement is demonstrably true.


Hey look! I fully healed a tank completely outside of combat!


Hey look someone missed the point


I mean it’s fine to measure damage done. However you have to also counter that by acknowledging the value of Mercy res, her self heal, her great mobility, damage boosting snipers.

People want to cherry pick Mercy’s weaknesses and pretend she has no strengths. Even in raw healing value she outdoes Ana in heals per match at every rank in the game. She may not have burst healing, but that consistency and chain heals during Valk adds up very quickly.

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I healed 19k in a qp game and we still lost because I couldn’t outheal anything when it really mattered. Who cares if Mercy is healing more overall, it means nothing.


And just because you lost a game doesn’t prove your point. What does burst healing matter on Ana or Moira if you run out of resources or have to reload when it really matters?


That they have the potential to do better and Mercy doesn’t

60 hp/s was the best fit for Mercy and there is no reason for it to be 50 hp/s anymore.