4th Try: Why does Zen stop healing Moira when she Fades?

i stand corrected, good to know actually. I do play her she doesnt need health packs often but that could be handy


Intentional. Much like Mei’s Cryo-freeze; Fade puts Moira into a space where she cannot interact with players, enemy or otherwise, that means she can’t benefit from or be harmed from anything.

Though there are a lot of weird inconsistencies like these.

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Just a heads up, Harmony orb turns invisible on a cloaked Sombra. A really aware team can get a quick general location since you see the orb fly out to her, but once it attaches to Sombra it disappears and won’t reveal her.

Zens, PLEASE orb your Sombra! You have literally the best healing tool for a friendly Sombra, and Harmony gives her SO much more uptime in a fight. Harmony on Sombra and landing Discord on anyone in the backline is a free pick if Sombra is remotely in position to jump the target.

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Moira is a strong independent woman who don’t need healing from no man. Simple as that.

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We need more people like you that point out obvious QoL updates so someday the devs hear us!
Please drop more of your ideas, this one included, at:

Really tried my best, hopefully one day they’ll add some of this ideas.

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Fade makes Moira and any form of interaction with her disappear during Fade. It is intended, so it seems.

Another character in the same boat is Mei. When she ice blocks, nothing whatsoever can interact with her, just like Moira. Harmony will also go away on her, but only after a few seconds, as if she left LoS, I’m pretty sure. It might be instantaneously. Not 100% positive.

The reason this doesn’t happen on Reaper is because he is still there, so to speak. Sombra disappears and reappears instantly, so she makes sense as well.

The only one who contradicts this is Tracer, I guess. But Tracer also instantly reappears, as you can still heal and interact with her during Recall. The only time you can’t is right as she is about to reappear. But she follows the same logic as Moira’s Fade and both should be treated the same when it comes to interactions. Tracer shouldn’t have any interaction at all during Recall, like she does currently.

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