$44.00USD For 3 Skins!?

A lot of words and post for one concept

Late stage capitalism


People are here to voice their dislike of the prices in an effort to let blizzard know in hopes they change. At least it has some impact on the POSSIBILITY of prices changing so you can see it as a reasonable purchase. Ignoring it does nothing instead.


so… …
2,200 Overwatch coins (premium) = 29.95 AUD
5,700= 74.95AUD
5,700 - 4,400 = 1,300
Enough to purchase a Battlepass or the NEXT new skin/outfit.
From collecting them weekly 60 coins over time, I’m sure those whom have not spent theirs, they will have enough to get the Season 4 & 5 (2,000 coins (premium)). 1,300 + X = y.

with OW1 skins, they are either 1,000 OW Credits (not premium) Basic Legendary or the event skins that are 1,500

I think the premium skins needs to be set at 1,500 not 1,900.

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I mean, people donate money to people that are already millionaires on twitch to get attention. If people wanna get attention by having a certain skin - there you go. Each to their own. This world is weird :slight_smile:


It really isn’t. The ripoffs here are insane, asking dlc prices for cosmetics that would have been earnable for nothing but your time only a year ago.


Actually, market forces will speak so much louder than these forums.

BlizzActivistionMicrosoft will raise prices until people won’t pay. They will only reduce if enough people, like me, ignore it. That is how publicly traded companies work - on a profit motive.

But … if you think 100 upvotes on the forums will really sway the opinions of a C-suite exec, please feel free to shout into the void. It honestly might make you feel better!


Ignoring it won’t help. The best thing to do would to complain so that the only thing thing OW2 is known for is terrible monetization so that players in the first place don’t get any interest of joining it. That’s the only way for Blizzard to improve their game sadly. If everyone just stop playing the game as an protest it would have been the best because then the people who spend money on these skins have no players to play with and will jump to another game.

There’s people like me that are fortunate enough to afford skins but not everyone’s a millionaire and I don’t want to sink that low and buy any OW2 skins. The money that some people spend on these games would much better bennefit ones that really deserve it. There’s a ton of fantastic single player games that are only 1 or 2 years old and on sale for $30-40 that could have gotten this money.


Yea… this is the last ditch cash-out before the game finally keels over. The playerbase is shrinking rapidly, the OWL is dying and the playerbase reached peak dissatisfaction with the current changes.

Acti-Blizz gambled away any goodwill it had years ago with their unfettered greed.


… before companies started bending their customers over like never before. Do-more with-less business.

FoMO culture has lowered the standard on everything; meanwhile record profits at the office.


Ignoring it is the ONLY thing that will help. If people ignore, prices fall. If they buy, prices stay high.

Remember, Andy told us forum people DO NOT MATTER:


“Don’t you guys have credit cards? Aren’t you guys millionaires?” -probably Blizzard


It also comes with 2000 coins. Shame it doesn’t come with the bee charm though :man_shrugging:

As for this OPM collab I wish they had a bundle that didn’t include fluff like player backgrounds in them. No one even looks at them and they are just worthless pading in the battlepass.

I mean that we need to complain all over social medias and on Youtube so that people don’t get interest in OW2 in the first place. I didn’t mean on this forum. I mean that ignoring and not spending any money on skins like we do maybe aren’t enough but it’s a really good start. Maybe there’s already enough people spending money on these skins for the game to be supported and we who don’t spend any money only are important to satisfy these players by having low queue times.


I thought that was already clear when they introduced heroes in the BP

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her hair style is as close to the witch…

A: I’ve not seen One-Punch Man (manga & anime)
B: there is multiple hair styles humans have but that aint what peeps are talking about?..

Anywhooooo… Different colour variant is something a lot of games do…

I think with Fortnite… They purposely through in additional colour variation TIED to the avatar skin/outfit.
unfortunately, blizzard only have that option tied to the “mythic skins”.


No skin should ever cost more than $5, and that’s me being generous. Anyone who buys the OPM skins, and any skin in this game for that matter, are to blame for Blizzard’s greed. By purchasing these skins, at these absurd, anti-consumer prices you tell Blizzard that it’s perfectly fine to price their cosmetic items as if you’re buying a whole new game, or story content.

It’s your fault if you buy these skins. I’m not advocating hate towards the people who do, but I won’t rush to their defense either.


What’s crazy is that its actually $82.00USD but they put it for 46% off. The discounts they put on these bundles are mediocre and it just shows how much they actually think it’s worth.

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That’s how much they want people to think it’s worth. I don’t know who Blizzard are trying to fool lol.


sorry to ask… can you please fix up the wording here.