$44.00USD For 3 Skins!?

$14.66 a skin, isn’t that less than the going rate?

Both. You can buy a separate character bundle, or get the whole 3 character pack bundle which is the cost of ~2 character bundle.

I personally would have like it if each skin was 1,500 coins, or all 3 for 4,000 coins. The price isn’t too far off of what I expected to pay as a fan of the series, but I wish they didn’t do tornado and genos dirty.

I got the bundle, because while I don’t play doom and genji in PvP, I do enjoy playing them a lot in vs AI or PvE.

If anything, I’m just thankful the dev did not buff Doomfist to broken level just for this collab event.

That’s because you’re not 13 like a bunch of the kids on this forum.


Remember there are clowns who got all 3 and will wonder why the game is god awful now. Oh, yea screw everyone who buys into this, y’all singlehandedly killing this game all on your own. :joy:


Since the release of OW2, the cosmetics have been laughably overpriced. They’re incredibly greedy and not afraid to show it. They won’t reduce their prices cuz the people in charge literally do not care. Easy money for them, but never from me.


I mean no disrespect or try to hurt your feelings but then you are as guillable as people who pay $200 for a 0.25 cent chinese sweatshop shirt, just because a celebrity printed his logo on it for half a dollar.

These skins are infinetly re-sellable, in any other industry they’d try to profit 2-5$ with each sold items. Lets say only 1% of players buy these skins. Thats 250.000 players, that’s 10 million dollars for 3 skins that were probably like 100k to make tops. That would mean that out of the $40, $0.5 covers the production cost and $39.5 is pure profit.

This is insane. If it wouldn’t be digital goods that they are selling they’d be subject of money-laundering because thats not a realistic profit margin.


Imagine how much it costs for people who aren’t using USD. Blizzard converts it at a rate that’s as close to their USD price as possible. 60 AUD for me. That’s a whole game lmao. Insane.

They’re going for the full whale strategy mobile games go for.


the problem is you are taking the way something should work and trying to force that onto how it does work.

pretty much any digital good should be very cheap since they dont need too ship a physical item. so with games, the digital edition should be cheaper then the physical copy but generally speaking thats not how it works.

weather or not they are making a massive profit is irrelevant, what matters is the reality: the war is lost.

all skins in all games cost too much, overwatches being 19$ is no different. ppl hate on them more because they dont like them as much but other ppl like them more.

technically 44$ for 3 ow skins + a few bonus items is actually a good deal when you compare it to the actual price of buying those things separate.

because even if we agree 20$ per skin is too much, the reality is that its 20$ and its going to stay 20$. trying to convince people on the forums to change their minds will do nothing because the forums are like 1% of the entire population if even that. the vast majority of the money spent comes from random players that you have no way to talk to directly.

accept the loss and either buy the skin or dont. but there is no war too fight, no argument to have. skins cost this much regardless of how anyone feels.

that’s because it’s cheaper than buying Tornado and Saitama’s skin together for 2,100 + 2,500 = 4,600 > 4,400.

Wow, a whole 200 coins cheaper. What a deal.

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Remember Mercy’s Pink skin? People buy multiple of it to resell the accounts for x10 the cost.

We don’t know if this will be the same.

I think its more about voicing our disapproval to blizzard, rather than convincing other players. If we say nothing, no feedback, there’ll never be any changes. Granted there are no changes yet, but that doesn’t mean you should be comfortable with something unfair. You wouldn’t just accept it in real life, why would you in something you enjoy for leisure.


Someones getting fired

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this is basically my point.

our voice doesnt matter, the only vote that matters is the wallet and with people going out and buying skins regardless OUR vote is meaningless.

this is called accepting reality. people complain about this kinda stuff all the time in every game but you never actually see any of it change in the major titles.

these games are still selling 10-20$ skins and thats never going to change until a majority of players stop buying them.

which will only happen if the game dies.

I’m proud to say I have not dropped a single penny on OW2 due to the disgusting monetization practises


Me sat there thinking that Spider-Man Remastered for $30 on sale is a pretty good deal. Or perhaps Batman Arkham Collection for $5 were you get 3 of the best DC superhero games (Arkham Asylum, Arkham City and Arkham Knight), all the DLC and tons of skins and more.


I just went to her hero page and bought the victory pose cause it’s pretty sweet with her mythic skin.

Thank you, I’m tired of these overpriced cosmetics in todays online games.


It is optional to buy. Are you mad that you can’t afford it? Then do not buy it.

I won’t buy it because the value per dollar is not in it for me. However, instead of being incensed and irate, I just ignore and move on.


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Its funny- In and of itself i dont “mind” the look of the kiriko/tornado skin. Her default costume lends itself AMAZINGLY well to the look of Terrible Tornado.

Recoloring it black and slapping some green hair on her would be fine, IMO… for an epic skin

Its the slapping of a legendary tag on it that bothers me. Unless as ive said elsewhere: theres some visual/audio effects in game that arent obvious from the menu, in which case id be more lenient about possibly. Otherwise? Nah. Too much for what should be an epic skin.

(I do like the saitama / genos skins a lot though. Mumen rider is decent. Sure its just a recolor of the bughero, but mumen rider is a play on the kamen rider genre, as is bug hero: And even if its just a recolor, its free. so no complaints there)

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