4 new heroes in Marvel Rivals for Season 1

so yeah, this wouldnt be a normal patch cycle then (no way theyre releasing new seasons every 3-4 weeks)…if they did do something like this it would more likely be a “they were pretty much ready to go at launch but we held them off for a big first season” type of deal

which is fine…but not something to expect regularly more than likely

Fun fact: If you have less fps in Rivals, then your weapons deal less damage and your rapid mobility abilities are less effective. Truly not polished overall.

Saying this as someone who likes MR. I hope they sort it out.

Yeah, i think S0 was just out of the patch cycle to make the playerbase who stays get used to how the content will be handled every season. Splitgate 1 did a similar thing.

I think this season haven’t had any lore either. Doom was just in the name of the season? They should’ve left this theme untouched until Avengers: Doomsday comes out.

You think OW2 has no performance issues? The only reason it runs relatively well is because the engine was already old when OW2 launched.

i was under the impression that its a different engine. why they always talk about optimization whenever they bring up 6v6 (where that would obviously not be an issue in OW1)

Because they added even more vfx clutter with OW2 and even larger vfx textures to kill the cpu even faster.
It also added texture streaming which is completely useless with the pve being dead.

I wonder if more heroes would be the right direction for Overwatch or not.

I would LOVE for them to try it at least once. Release the entire MEKA Squad at once for example. That would be awesome!

To be fair, it is a bit easier with Marvel because they already have so many places to pull from. They don’t even have to look into obscure characters for some time if they release 3 or 4 a season. Meanwhile Overwatch has to come up with everything from scratch. So I don’t begrudge a slower pace. But I would like to occasionally see more than one hero at a time.


Overwatch does have it’s own performance issues, as does literally every PC games ever developed, but it has always ran quite well even on lower end machine because it’s built on it’s own proprietary engine. The same can’t be said for MR which has to rely on the (in)stability of Unreal Engine.

Even on my relatively powerful rig I have to use upscaling just to reach a somewhat stable 144FPS, and I’m guaranteed several UE crashes every session with no fix in sight.

Many will mistake a Cow for a Piano, only because its huge, has 4legs, with black and white spots, and makes tons of noises

If you like Marvel Rivals, play MR

Honestly the jump from OW1 to OW2 was ridiculous, they really left uS to die for 2 whole years without any content only to release barely 3 heroes in OW2 when we should had atleast 6, i legit dont know wtf where they doing the whole time.

And if anyone says PVE id like to keep my sentiment about PVE pretty clear: PVE killed OW (along other factors) but why tf do yall want a PVE mode for a MULTIPLAYER HERO SHOOTER???

i mean it was PVE :man_shrugging:

as for why? guessing people really like what they did with archives

I mean is there any other direction? More heroes and new maps is the only real content this game ever gets nowdays, the PVE missions like Archives was a fun little minigame that should remain a seasonal thing, it was boring and repetitive after 1 game (the fact that some people ask for a PVE gamemode to this day still baffles me)

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Just because MR runs like crap, it doesn’t mean OW2 is well optimized. OW1 was for the most part but not the move to OW2.

I have never said anything about liking MR

From the player perspective, that would be trully awesome

But from the Game point of view; like, what is best for the game

I wonder if more heroes would be the right direction for Overwatch or not

just look at League of Legends

They even advertise less heroes than what they trully have

They have 169 champions. That is a ratio of about 1 hero release, every month

The result… half the roster is unplayable; because they have no more than 10 Meta characters at all times, and at least 1/3 from those 170, is a clone

It will happen to Overwatch. One day. But you don’t want to rush into that moment

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Update: They just confirmed Fantastic Four. Trailer on the 6th


Imagine the game we couldve had if the dev team didnt waste time and resources into a PVE gamemode (that was eventually cancelled mind you)

I don’t think that was the problem

Jeff’s roadmap was very clear

OW1 as an introduction, OW2 with PvE and Talent Trees, and it would end with OW3 as an MMO

… it is, quite ambitious if you ask me. I mean, if there’s a comany that can pull that, is clearly Blizzard

But two things happened on the way.

  • Company sold 90million copies in record time; so they got lazy. Like, why rush it when you are sitting on a gold mine.

  • And this in particular is the one that unleashed mayhem within Team4 and the development of OW2: 2019… was already late. Because Fortnite proved that the future of online PvP games, was Free To Play. And with the whole industry on a trend, there is not a single chance in this universe, that a game as big, and expensive as Overwatch, can charge 60dls for a title, when there are F2P alternatives. All half ideas wrapped up over a weekend, yes. But you can’t go against money. And players will put up with all sorts of trash, for as long as they feel they are not wasting money on bad products

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You say you want a new clash map?

sure…though i could also say imagine the game if all that stuff hadnt been cancelled as well

The 4 characters are confirmed now.

Rivals makes every character look badass.

Compare that to something like Concord character design… what were they thinking

id be impressed if they didnt look badass…theyre marvel characters :sweat_smile: