3rd person, its time

Genji would be great in 3rd person, along with Rhin and his hammer, Bridget and her mace, and a few others.

Sadly i agree, the game is seriously lacking a lot, this would give a boost but with the lack of content as you said. Not long.

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Gotta take risks when you want to tell jokes

I see some potential issues,. When Genji blades he wraps himself in a brightly colored dragon to obfuscate his hitbox making him harder to hit during that crucial moment. In third person that dragon is now front and center on Genji’s screen and could have the opposite effect of masking his targets, requiring additional time to figure out his route.

Wouldn’t third person have an inherent advantage over first person? So you use it to gain the advantage (because winning is fun) in QP/arcade, then you go play comp and it’s different?

I dunno, it sounds janky to me.

Mandeville Paladins has proven this to be a false statement. There are plenty of 1st person players who out do 3rd person players. In games like Overwatch and Pladains people are moving to fast to do anything like corner peek and stuff.

As for Genji’s blade it already works enough since they have both 3rd person spectator mode and you can see the other person using it.

It wouldn’t be an advantage if everyone was in third person.

Not an advantage anyway, you try to use 3rd person to see around you and a Reaper pops up outta no where, either way your screwed half the time.

I dunno how I feel about 3rd person in overwatch. They tried it in CODMW2 and MW3 but it never really worked out.

Right, but I and many others don’t -want- to be in third person, especially if we’re also doing comps which require first person. So it would be very annoying to know we are at a disadvantage if we don’t switch.

Because its COD, you think Overwatch people would be butt hurt, try saying any of this to a COD player.

Thats understandable but if it ever became a thing I doubt it would be anything more than an extra arcade mode. They’d never add it to QP or COMP

Right, as i posted in my original post, it would be only for non comp. Much like how Paladins made it. Casual modes only.

Latest bump, gotta keep the dream alive.

I wouldn’t be opposed to them putting this in as an option in custom games but I don’t think it’s fitting for the matchmade playlists.

It’s better to keep the experience mostly in sync and it would cause confusion for newly introduced players who join competitive to find their playstyle hindered by the lack of this option.

I think I’m done situations (wrecking ball, Reinhardt) 3rd person has its place, but Overwatch really doesn’t have the gameplay that would support this.

It would be jarring, unintuitive and take up resources already spread too thin.

Some games can do it, I don’t think OW can.

Say that to Paladins, it literally plays like Overwatch and pulls it off Trando. Sorry but arguments like that have already been proven false.

Xeiom i agree, any mode other then rank, leave that as is. Plus if a 3rd person was added they could do a storyline co-op mode rather then just the death match and escort they have now.

i didn’t expect this tea in the forums but damn dude you’re on fire

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For a rolling ball, 3rd person is a necessity. You can’t have a 1st person view of an object that is rotating constantly.

Having a full on 3rd person mode would greatly help characters like that, Genji, Rhin, Bridget, Junk Rat, and more.
As i said before they have 3rd person already just refuse to open it up as an option.

“Tracer’s skips”

what kind of game are you playing