3rd person, its time

YOU claim its not. But it’s closer related then when people try to compare Overwatch to TF2

TF2 is closer to OW than Paladins as a lot of key components are inspired by TF2 and their mechanics on a base level don’t differ that much (HP pools, weapons, hitboxes…)

first thing, pay respect to the hard work that there is behind a videogame. second thing, only because paladins is on a fantasy world and has got loadouts and cards and things like this, third person is not a problem, becuase paladins players can use it only on quick play and not in ranked, so there is no problem with it in ow

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You really think they are more closer related huh jonseredi?

Not in quickplay.Just in arcade.

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That would be acceptable as well. It would really shine when the co-op events were added though.

Never liked 1st person shooters before and switched to 3rd person wherever it was possible.

I guess if Hammond, Brig and Rein spend almost half of the time in 3rd person then why others can’t be granted such an ability?

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exactly, this is another good reason to add this, we can call it, a new mode, becuase people want it only in arcade, in this case, blizzard could make out of it, a new mode.

The only problem is adding new modes can increase que times

TIL representing reality is being “politically correct”


To the OP:

I don’t know, man. First, this seems like a lot of work just to have “third person” added to the game. It’s not like OW shipped with that in mind, like GTA 5 and Fallout 4 did, you know? This is something brand new they would have to devote time and money to. And, veteran players are always saying how they hate the trickle of content being offered now. Imagine how little there would be with them needing to put people to work on “third person” perspectives.

Second, I don’t say this to be mean, but if you like TPS, why are you here? I mean, outside of a couple character things, OW has always been a FPS. If you just want Third person, there’s plenty of games like Assassin’s Creed and such that offer it. If you’re looking for a TPS, then Paladins is Free to Play, go fire it up and have a blast.

Don’t get me wrong here, I love third person games. Honestly, OW is the few First person games I can stomach. And, I wouldn’t be opposed to a Third Person perspective for the game, but not if it takes time and money away from other stuff.

In short, I’m all for Third Person if it os in addition to new content not instead of. Does that make sense?

JonStriker i get what your saying but come on, what time? What money? These guys barely update or add anything. Where’s the money even going?
As for why i’m here a friend got me to start playing and i do enjoy the theme and a few characters. But with spectator, Rhin, the hamster, and more. I stand by that there is literally no reason to not add it. They have 3rd person already built in but refuse to make it an option. And i will not stop bringing this post back each week, or more if it keeps getting replies.

I don’t think it’ll add much to the player base if implemented in game, if at all.

The spectator 3rd person over the shoulder mode is a bit rough around the edges. But with a bit of work, yeah, 3rd person should be possible in game.

This would have to be a new mode, though. Similar to how PUBG has separate TPP and FPP modes.

I don’t really care for trying out TPP OW QP–seems too distracting to aim–but, if they add it as an additional Arcade/QP mode I wouldn’t be against it either.

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All i know is Paladins got a good boost from it so it does help some.
As for the other stuff i agree actually. They could finally add a story driven co-op mode, another option people would love.
Or even make it an arcade mode all its own like people suggested. Point is they can draw in a whole new type of fanbase with it, meaning more money.

If you love paladins so much why don’t you marry it~

Okay fine let me pretend to contribute


Took longer then i thought for a troll to pop in, well i know who i’m ignoring.

Was never sure why people have to announce they’re ignoring someone

Literally goes against the concept of ignoring

I only want 3rd person for genji honestly

I’m just speaking to my own opinion. You could be right, maybe TPP would revitalise the game a bit. Heck, TPP + FTP would probably drive the player count through the roof for a little bit (though FTP would have to be implemented carefully, for ex. as CSGO just did, to avoid driving veterans away).

My random guess would be maybe a 20% initial spike from people coming back to try out TPP the first couple weeks then a decay back to within a couple percent of normal after a couple months.

To let people know that they are being rude, and should probably consider changing their forum posting behaviour. :stuck_out_tongue: